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Friday, July 29, 2005
And it starts...
I wish this wasn't happening, yet am glad it is... I don't want to go on a week long vacation... but it will be great time to get my head straight for school.
I'm sorry to all the people I'm leaving... I will miss our chats. I am also sorry that I am leaving, only after getting more involved in OB and with many more OB people. This really does bite... lol
But another plus is the weather. Instead of sitting inside all day while it's 110+*F outside, I get to go do whatever the hell I want at around 70. ^_^
I shall attempt to find a guest computer to use... and maybe update with... but I can't promise anything. I can't wait to return.. and catch up on everything...
Well, that's it for tonight... to everyone... BE SAFE! It'd kill me to see something bad happen to any of you...
*Oh, I meant to post this yesterday* It's been a pretty crappy week. The physical... the fire and such. I had also lost my Gran Turismo 4 data... which had eaten up way over 100+ hours of my time. I was at about 60 % complete...
Also, I've had a few family disputes and such... which has pissened the mood...
I shall be off for now. ^_^ I am going to finish Da Vinci Code... and hopefully Harry Potter: HBP too. And if I'm lucky... might see a few good movies. Shindlers List and a couple others.
Oh, also.. I saw Shaun of the Dead the other day... Thanks to elfpirates suggestion. It was FREAKING AWESOME!! lol. One of my new favorite movies. Yet another movie I want to add to my growing collection. ^_^
*This post ended up way longer than I wanted it...* |
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Time flys when you doing nothing
I've been attempting to post, and have written up a few, but lost them. I'm sorry I didn't post like I said... I have been suddenly going places. Such as now, I'm leaving for my grandparents...
I shall do my best to post sometime later, but I leave this friday on my trip... I shall be gone a week through then. I shall return on Friday the 5th.
PS. Jenea, if you do get on the computer, I shall be on AIM express later.. well.. hopefully. |
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Friday, July 22, 2005
Quick side note: Baron; a) It didn't envolve any rectal exams... only the dude feeling up my nuts... and b) I'd take you up on that offer from the ohter day, any day of the week.
Meh, I'm too tired to post pics, I'm sorry...
Today has been something else. My sister and I went out to lunch with my grandmother, which was great just to spend time with her. Well, we get a call mid meal that a fire had started. T.T
We get home, and get the whole story from my mom. Apparently, when my grandmother put her ciggi out in my mom's bucket of butts... or whatever you'd call a planting bucket filled with dirt and cig butts... and didn't hose it down. So, the burning embers ignited the rest of the butts.
The fire was small, yet huge. It had completely melted the bucket, and torched the rubber tree plant that was sitting right above it, a window planters box... and my sisters rose bush. My mother had walked out side AN HOUR after we left, and was hit with a small wave of heat. My dad, at that same moment was walking out the door for work. My dad, dressed in his slacks, dress shirt and tie started to hose down the fire ASAP. heh... wasn't pretty...
the front of the house, where the tree was, is a little scorched... that area is right infront of my bedroom window... lol.
Well, we arrived with my grandmother after my parent's had put out the fire... just in time for clean-up... lol. Today's been exciting. Well, I'm going to rest up... I'll post more tomorrow. |
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
Untitled.... #1
Feeling: Bored as hell... Jeneas gone... and I've been chatting with Retri, Helba, and Rising Sun.
Listening: Crappy soundtrack to crappy movie on TV.
Reading: Da Vinci Code
Playing MoH:EA
Well, since elfpirates off with her step-dad on a big rig, my convos are limited. Mainly to time zones... heh. I'm waiting up as late as possible, hoping to catch some Ausi... but I don't think I'll be able to.
Today has been uneventful. I had woken up early, and showered to go to a yearly check up. So, it was figured that while there... I would get my school sports physical at the same time. Nothing like getting felt up by a doctor to ruin your day... lol. That is not fun.
So, later, I came home, and played with my sister... just spending some quality time together. She seemed to have an attitude problem... and got all bitchy. I got aggitated and walked off... without escallating the current problem.
I then took refuge here, on the computer... toying with some graphics stuff, and some posts at OB. Eventually I got to the point of chatting with Retri and such... which was a blast. ^_^ I had occuired a copy of PSP 9 and some awesome tutorials through it too. X-P. So, now I'm toying with it. I'm not much good yet, but I hope to improve sometime soon. *I used to sprite... lol, which was the most graphic experience I have at the moment... I'd like to improve on that. ^_^
I guess I'll try and stay up a bit... but I'm hoping to go sleep off the blandness of today. Rock on everyone!!!
I won't be posting pics today... I just can't seem to do it.... sorry. I promise tomorrow...
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Thank you for the habit
Feeling: Mixed
Reading: The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown - 250/453
Playing: GT4/MoH: European Assault
Listening: Minority - Green Day/Hurt - Johnny Cash
Commentary on the comments:
elf: I have to say though... there's sort of a balance in our convos... lol. I mean... nothing ever said out of place.... it's just so random... and so fun ^_^
I'm thinking about many ideas with some of those pics. I mean... so many possible outcomes.
Sun: 's all good. I'm just glad you like the pictures. ^_^ That's the main reason I'm posting them.
Saiyan: Well... you have to understand. I had some crappy ass post ready for the other day... to keep up daily posts... but I figured it wasn't worth the time...
Yet, also factor in, if I were to post daily... you would have totally missed that post, unless you felt like digging through my archives. XP
Not much is happening... I'm sort of just procrastinating like usual. I really need to get my ass in gear and clean my groteskly filthy house. I don't even want to go into detail... lol
I had found out yesterday that my mum had pre-ordered the new HP book a month ago... lmao, and I had no idea she even knew of it. So yesterday I was wisked off to a store, where I was sent off an she got the book. ^_^ I have to wait a while before I read it... because on the 29th we head up to a city in northern Arizona called Showlow. Really nice, 70*F weather. I have to finish Da Vinci Code before I start it, so I guess I'll start it then.
I guess I don't have much more to say.... so here's a few pics.
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img321.imageshack.us/img321/975/10006950oz.th.jpg)
another shot of the gourge. The clouds were slowly turning black... as they let loose a little sprinkle. ^_^
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img332.imageshack.us/img332/1072/10006961yo.th.jpg)
This was an attempt to see as far as possible... I think it worked, but the quality deminishes
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img342.imageshack.us/img342/3550/10006977cs.th.jpg)
Another shot just trying to capture the look of what we saw.
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img342.imageshack.us/img342/9928/10006986rq.th.jpg)
That's an angle I attempted, while leaning over the railing... and about falling over. ^_^
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/8620/10006995ra.th.jpg)
Another attempt at showing as far as we could see. Damn the clarity... I wish I had a better camera
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/3770/10007002sc.th.jpg)
I fell off the rail for this one... of course I fell backwards. My sis pulled me down.
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/1019/10007019nz.th.jpg)
I climbed back up for another shot.. further down the line.
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img288.imageshack.us/img288/2888/10007023ga.th.jpg)
One of the last canyon shots... ^_^
Well, that's all I'll leave you with for today.
EDIT: Well, as of recently... I've become extremely lonely irl. heh... I need to get out more... and get a life. ^_^ I guess it will wait the 3 weeks till school starts. Heh, it's causing a semi-depressed feeling.
Yet, something funny has arrisen out of it. I have suddenly noticed that if I were to wake up in the middle of the night/in the morning... that I'm cuddling with my pellow. heh... I really need someone special in my life... other than family/friend. T.T Damn my social ineptitude... |
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Monday, July 18, 2005
I've just spent a few hours scribbling out an iffy post. I'll wait till the time change here soon... like in 3 hours, and post it then. *It's currently 9 PM EST* ^_^
^_^ It contains more pics and such.
And I've hinted on a funny little thing that I've been doing recently. ^_^ Just wait, and you'll see. |
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
And as the joy climaxed... the fighting began.
Feeling: aggitated
Reading: The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown Page 152/454
Playing: Gran Turismo 4 - 49% complete
Song: Head like a hole - NIN/Lobotomy Bay - The Dolomites
Man, today was amazing, just so much fun... then suddenly as the awesomeness had reached a certian point... we went out to dinner. heh.
There's been absolutely nothing going on as of the last few days. I mean... lazy days, playing games... and chatting. Nothing but fun.
Well, today was sort of an exception. I was told to hurry and get dressed... and shuffled off to our living room. Then the doorbell rang. I was told we were going to spend the day with our grandparents, which was awesome news. ^_^
I do adore the time I get to spend with my grandparents, on either side of my family. We were going to my dad's parents. Great news... spending the whole day goofing around, shooting pool, playing piano... and lounging by their pool in the 116 *F weather. ^_^ Sound fun?
Well... when we were done for a while, I hijacked my grandpa's computer, and ended up having an extremely fun, and... secret filled chat with my dear friend elfpirate. I mean, for the 3 hours we talked, it was just fun. Some things mentioned, I can't dare repeat... for an arrow would be found flying cross country and strike me down where I sit. XD Just so many things I want to mention. heh... I always end up admitting a bunch of personal things *I'm usually a really reserved, secretive person....* but it's always fun to mention.
Some really strange occurances happened... heh... one even involving a webcam from an Austrialian pal. ^_~ That got weird fast.
I also got to speak with Ms. SaiyanPrincessX. That was fun to know she's doing better... and she was sort of pissed that she still didn't live in AZ. heh... sort she got sort of nastalgic.
After a while, I had to leave sadly leave the convos with them... for I had to supervise my sis while in the pool. ^_^ Fun just horsing around with her. Soon she'll be able to whoop my ass. lol
Well, we cleaned up.. and found out we were going out to a fish fry at some resturant located in a local airport. *I don't think I've mentioned my dislike of sea food here yet. I cannot stand many things about sea food, yet the only kinds I like are tuna *fresh grilled tuna is amazing*, and clams. I love me some clams. Dinner was great, *The fish was good* I just got a burger, and some soup. Still really good.
After words, well... I'm not going into that... it deals with some conversation topics along my school path, and I fucked up by making a comment about how I was extremely grateful that my parent's are showing me career options based on my strengths... and I screwed up by saying that my mom was sort of "forcing" the idea of a pharmacutical job. Heh... I won't finish this part of the story, for it isn't worth it. heh... just the fact that alot of things were said and I'm fairly pissed.
Some pics... not many, but I'll give you all a few.
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/1779/10006872ok.th.jpg)
A terrible moment to take the picture. I had a beautiful mountain/sea shot... and as I pressed the button the trees had appeared. T.T
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/5963/10006889di.th.jpg)
This marks a string of terrible motion blurs. T.T
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img319.imageshack.us/img319/3169/10006895ys.th.jpg)
This isn't a motion blur, nore are the next few. These are some pictures of the "Grand Canyon of the Pacific" otherwise known as Waimelea Canyon... I believe, *I'll check and edit this later*
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img319.imageshack.us/img319/2735/10006901ag.th.jpg)
Such an image... the sudden stop of the ridge, to the beautiful clouds. I swear, I do not have a bad picture of clouds... heh...
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img319.imageshack.us/img319/1611/10006913ia.th.jpg)
I am particularly happy with this picture I mean... it just has a look as if it is past the protective railing.. and just the background are gorgeous in my eyes.
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img304.imageshack.us/img304/7895/10006951ph.th.jpg)
Another canyon shot. This canyon was unbelieveable. I mean... just such beauty. heh... the views, the depth... you could see some wildlife at the bottom... if you could look down at the right angle... you could see it leading off into the ocean.
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img304.imageshack.us/img304/7913/10006929zs.th.jpg)
a simple canyon shot.
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img304.imageshack.us/img304/6200/10006938dg.th.jpg)
an attempt at showing the depth of the canyon.
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img308.imageshack.us/img308/2967/10006946dy.th.jpg)
Sorry, this is all I can muster for tonight... I'll have more in the next post *which will be tomorrow... I'm going to attempt to post daily again....
For now, I'm gonna go was away the rest of my pissy mood with a large glass of hot cocoa. ^_^ g'night all. |
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
What's with my timing?
What is up with the timing? I start up this post, and start to upload pics... and I find out that my sister and I are being sent to my grandparents for the next day or so. We'll be seeing Batman Begins, and swimming... alot. I'll try and sneak on later, to talk on AIM. If I can't I'll talk to you all tomorrow.
*I am posting this to let you know, and I'll be uploading pics as fast as possible, with this edited. I mean, I'm posting this, and editing it after posting with as many pics before I have to get ready.*
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/1834/10006644ju.th.jpg)
This is one of my favorite shots. My family and I went and drove all but 8 miles of road that lead around the island. This was a beautiful beach we encountered.
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/3486/10006657xx.th.jpg)
Same beach, but further up.
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/8489/10006669ie.th.jpg)
Same shot, but the angle was tweaked.
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/285/10006694ez.th.jpg)
After we returned, I went on a walk around *cough*through*cough* A local thicket type place. ^_^ I don't know why I tool this picture, but I did.
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/5373/10006703wt.th.jpg)
Same Shot, but angled for more sky.
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/3008/10006714gm.th.jpg)
I know this isn't that good, but it's a natural motion blur that I cropped the crap out of.
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img93.imageshack.us/img93/5228/10006820jg.th.jpg)
Another motion blur. ^_^ I hate taking pics from a moving car... *Damn my dad... he wouldn't stop.*
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img93.imageshack.us/img93/4560/10006862vq.th.jpg)
^_^ Another.
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img93.imageshack.us/img93/5487/10006889qr.th.jpg)
And I'll stop it here, for we are comming up on Waimea Canyon. ^_^
Plus, I have to leave now. I'll talk to you all later. |
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Monday, July 4, 2005
No that it's over, I only wish it could happen again...
Mood: Exhausted
Song: Hurt - NIN
Well, I've been a busy boy. My cousin arrived Friday, and spent a few days over. We had been extemely busy most of the time.
When he arrived, he was afriad to do much... for he was supposedly gounded. I told him that I could give a shit and that he should enjoy himself. ^_^ So, the first thing he did was lunge at my PS2.
We spent most of the weekend playing through my collection. *He had a decent variety of choices... seeing as I have a 45 + game library*
Then on Saturday and Sunday, heh, we "borrowed" my grandparents pool for about 5-6 hours each day. My sis and mom had a blast watching us kill each other. lol.
When we returned each day, we hopped back on the game, or watched some movies.
He was sort of addicted to MK: DA for a while... and got to about 150 in the "Konquest" mode. I just couldn't wait there and watch, since I was only used for the style branching combos and the fatalites. That's when I hopped on here for a while... talked to elfpirate for a while, and such. ^_^ A blast in itself.
Well, he left today, and had to keep up the impression that he was "grounded" while over here... He was originally supposed to help us tile our living room.... but we never quite got around to it... ^_^
So, now I'm gonna go spend some quality time with my sister. We're going to watch some of the Season 5 Simpsons episodes. ^_^ Homer in Space and such. I shall be on later. Hopefully I can catch some of you on too.
AIM: DocsAIMname
MSN: DocsAIMname@gmail.com
EDIT: I owe all of you an great ammount of Hawaii pics when post tomorrow... I'm sorry for the lack of them this post, but I really need to spend some time with my sis. |
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Friday, July 1, 2005
Wow, where'd my brain go?
Song: Ramones - Blitzkrieg bop
Mood: Meh
I had some ideas of what to talk about today... but as of this evening, I had forgotten them all. T_T So like me.
Well, I was dragged off teh comp earlier to go to dinner with my grandparents. I was really excited, because I havent' seen them in a good time, and I always have fun in their presence. Well, all went well, and my cousin was there with them. ^_^
So, my mom offered for him to come over for a couple of days and just hang with us.... to get him away from his mom/bro. They're crazy.... by my insane standards. So, if I'm not on often this weekend, it's cause he's around. I might jump on for a bit here and there, but chances of any good convos are slim to none. I only wish I had something to talk about now. _-_;;
Any ideas; or wanna talk,
AIM: DocsAIMname
MSN: DocsAIMname@gmail.com
I am more than willing to talk to anyone at anytime! Bring on teh talky. |
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