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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Mood: Estatic
Song: Another Brick in the Wall; Pink Floyd
I have just finished rewriting my speech for my english class.... and I still feel somethings missing. Oh well, it's the best it's getting tonight.
I meant to post this a few nights ago... when Adam offically announced the "Breezy" Contest on Theotaku.com (I was amazingly one of the first to veiw it... because I could have been the first comment ^_^)... but I desided not to enter. My most charished anime possession, much be a picture a friend drew me, right before he he told me he was moving. It wasn't actually an anime picture, but a drawing of characters in a story I wrote, in an anime style. I absolutly loved the picture... but I think I gave it to him as a going away present. ^_^
Nothing much else happened today, except the fact that I talked to a few interesting people on AIM. ^_^
I talked to Kazuko, but it was mearly trifle giberish... We talked about his RPG game he's been working on, and some of the older members who have left OB.
I also have had a series of conversations throughout my AIM time with ArunueShekamari. I really enjoy talking with her... she always has something... interesting to say/talk about.
I'm still debating whether or not to talk to some people from OB on AIM. I just think it will be awkward to say "Hey I saw you on OB, wanna talk," until I am more active on the boards.
Nothing else to say except.... G'night all!!!!
Have a great day tomorrow, (or today) depending on where you live... but I know it's currently about 10:30 here, and I have a bed chanting my name.
PHILIP!!!!! PHILIP!!!!!!!!
^_^ |
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Well..... *_*
Mood: *_* Crazy
Song: Whatever I can hum..... >_<
Nothing much happened today. I chatted almost all day, with some very interesting people. And I also just narrowly finished my homework for my Language class.
I had to right a three minute speech about a Human Rights Violation... which was actually easy, do to the fact that I had been forced into every speech/public speaking contest through grade school.
My topic for the speech was the treatment of refugees throughout the world... a very depressing subject. Yet I find it funny, compared to the fact that most of the classes were doing stuff such as "The mistreatment of high school wrestlers by making them lose and gain weight extremely fast," and I seem to recall someone writing a whole speech on some coach who broke a kids arms when he didn't catch a ball in PE.
Now with that over... I'll post more later
I sat through the majority of sophmore speeches today... and, I was surprised at the quality of the speeches, compared to the actual topics.
My speech is to be delivered tomorrow... thus I have enough time to fix it, and.... I feel I need more... >_<
I had it ready enought to go today... but looking at the current quality... I need to really step it up a notch. :-D
I'm at lunch right now.... Crap... that's the bell.
I got to go, I'll post more later tonight.... (considered tomorrow).
Laters all |
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
Nothing much
Mood: Tired
Song: What ever I was singing over AIM
It's now about 11:00 or so here... and I'm tired.
I spent the whole day on AIM, talking with people I knew... and had a blast doing so. I even gave Baron Samedi a new quote for his Sig...^_^
Not much else to say but good night.
EDIT: I forgot to mention.... (and Panda would know what I'm about to talk about) That I am pissed at a certain indivudual whom I call a friend...
I had found out today that I was the but of a two day joke.... and the worst part is.... IT'S HAPPENED TWICE
A "friend" posed as a reader from the boards... and started to have a very nice conversation over AIM yesterday... but then started making some very.... inappropriate... comments.
He then jerked my chain all day, today, and finally I caught on...
This wouldn't be that bad... except that this, as I stated above had happened to me before.
The same friend... about a year ago, has a series of medical conditions... and lead me to believe he was sickly and soon to die... Just to get a cheep laugh out of it.
People like said friend, are people I have a tendensy to have a BIG problem with, but he always appologies. People like him, make me angry that I'm so trusting, and think of the best in people. But now.... I'm severly doughting anything good in him.
----- END RANT-----
Sorry for making you read all that... but this is a blog, no? |
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
Nothing much
Mood: Tired (darn you AIM!!)
Song: Dream on - Aerosmith
Nothing much happened today.... I was slammed with homework, and another speech. This one will be much easier than the speech I have to deliver as a "Best Man" at my fathers wedding.
I have to write a three minute speech on a Human Rights Violation... and I chose a least favorite, after surveying the class (they didn't want to do any of the topics anyways), and chose the Treatment of Refugees. I think it will be an interesting subject, and fun to write... sad.... depressing.... but fun none the less.
Other than that.... I've spent the rest of the day on AIM. It ate so much of my time up.... it's unbelieveable ^_^. If you want to arrange a chat or something, either PM me and lay down some times, or just catch me when I'm on.
*Starts to whobble* Woooooah..... I'm going to bed now.... Before I pass out.
*falls over* OUCH!!!
Night Everybody
PS. Night Dr. Nick ^_^ Quotes are fun. |
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
...Nothing much happening
Mood: Rushed
Song: Chumbawamba - Tubthumping *Desberkos midi version... I loves it*
Not much happening today that I can talk about..... Well, I guess I could say I have a massive amount of homework to finish. *darn my lazyness* I've been slacking the last few days... and am paying for it now.
The only other thing I can say is that I'm going out to dinner with my dad and his girlfriends family. We are celibrating his girlfriends, and her daughters birthdays tonight, even thought one of thems is like tomorrow I thing and the other's next week. I'll post more tomorrow... or later tonight if I'm lucky. |
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Monday, December 27, 2004
My grandfather thinks he's a funny man...
Mood: Tired
Song: The whole album by Green Day entitled Dookie ^-^
On to topic... Everyone knows it was Christmas (and many other religious holidays) over the last week/few days... and my grandfather thinks he's funny.
My family has a tradition of going over to our grandparents house on Christmas Eve and opening some presents over there. We also spend the whole day there. So Christmas Eve night came and we started to move towards the tree, and my little sister (8) started to hand out the presents, as was the custom.
When all is said and done, meaning all the presents were handed out and everyone opened the except for me (we took turns), My time came. I noticed I had three large boxes, and each weighed about 15 - 25 pounds. As I start to remove the wraping paper, I notice something. The boxes are alcohol boxes... and I'm 15...^-^
So... I start to open the boxes one by one, afraid that they were really boxes of boose, and was amazed to find...
I was estatic (sp?) that my grandfather trusted me enought to give me his card collections.(Side note: My grandfather is an avid collector, he collects coins, cards, anything valuable).
Merry Christmas to all!!! (very belated ^-^) |
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
I'm Back
Mood: Parinoid
Song: Welcome to the Show, Nickelback.
My friend Matt and I had a very fun and unpreductive day. We spent about 5 to 6 hours at the mall just goofing around. Around 2, 2:15 today, we walked into the theater at the mall and saw The Grudge. I feel that I would want to see the Japenesse film it was based off of. I think the credits said it was Ju-On: The Grudge. It sounds interesting.
Now let me say, I feel that parinoid people should never watch "scary" movies. That being said, I am a VERY parinoid person. Walking out of the theater I couldn't stop looking behind me. -_-
I found the grudge to be an okay movie. Besides a few "Cheap" scares (by cheap I mean the type of scare where it is like the camera jerks and you see the villian/monster/ghost. Like the sudden scares), my friend and I found it funny. I think it was okay to laugh in that movie, since the theater was nearly empty. There was a total of 4 people in that theater. My friend and I, and some couple. Half way through the movie, my friend and I busted out laughing at the same time.
I got to go and check my closet for any "suspicious" things. And a note to all readers, if a strange asian boy, holding a black cat somehow show up in your house, GET OUT!!!! ^-^
Night. |
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My grandmother is taking my little sister, my friend Matt, and me all to the mall. My little sister and grandma will be doing their own thing, which gives Matt and me some time to just goof aroung. 5 hours to be exact. ^_^
I'll update later when we're back. |
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
And the results are in...
Mood: dazed
song: My Bloody Valintine - Good Charolette
For the last week I have been going crazy. Constantly hearing your missing this, or that wasn't turned in, and in constant turmoil trying to bring up my grades.
Well, when finals finally started this week, I became even more worried. I knew that I did know the material, but just the fact that I am a parinoid person, I have been fearing for the worst.
Today, I can say I am very, VERY releaved. My school district has a program in which you can check on your grades/assignments/test/etc. and see how it is affecting your grades, and I have been searching this site numerous times today, because I knew that the finals grades were going to be posted.
You can probably imagine my shock when I saw the three b's I had were now high a's, and that I passed all my finals with very high a's. I WENT CRAZY!!!!!!!!
I FEEL... GOOD!!!!
And on that note, I'm going to bed. ^-^ |
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
Who's my secret santa...
Mood: Bored
Song: The Story of My Old Man; Good Charolette
For the last week, my 2nd hour english/history class has been doing a "Secret Santa" and it has been pretty cool. I do feel sort of bad though, for I have been giving subpar gifts. It isn't just my fault though, for we had to list things we're interested in/want, and my friend which I drew had named some expensive video games, nyquil, hersey's chocolate, and lots and LOTS of coke-a-cola. My first problem with these gifts, is that we cannot spend over about $10, and my second is that I am usually babysitting without pay so I can't afford the games, or I would happily buy them. Because of the babysitting, I am limited on time also, so I usually don't have the time to buy these things.
The best gift I think I gave, which included a list of ingredients and process to make it, was some homemade CD cleaner, which he mistook for a bottle of Fabrise *sp*. I tried to label the bottle with the correct name, but he still thought it was Fabrise.
Tomorrow, which is the final day, I'm pretty much giving him half of his list, which is a 2 liter of Coke, and about 4 herseys bars. I hope he enjoys.
I am a pitiful gift giver I think I might add. ^-^
Now... on to the title of this post... the gifts I have been recieving were actually pretty cool, and looked as if they took some time. When I had to fill out the form for my intrests, I put drawing/sketching, and todays gift was AWESOME!!!!!
Whoever is my secret Santa does put some time into their work, for today I recieved a really nice card, hand decorated, and... all in all, the only word I can come up with to describe it would have to be AMAZING!!! The card is beautiful, and the sketchbook with is was cool too. It was wonderfully decorated, and very needed.
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