Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Throughout the whole life threatening experience, I found the lack of power to be arousing.
Currently: Sleep Deprived *On my own accourd*
Song: Give it Up - Pepper
Well, alot has been happening recently. I'm gonna attempt to write about it here, so, if you dislike long posts/mental debates on life topics/sex, drugsn and rock 'n roll/lack of drugs in teh sex n' rock n' roll, you may want to skip to the pics in the bottom.
Gah, the last few days have been different. Uh, well let's start at about mid last week. My sis and I went to spend the weekend with my grandparents, and my grandma decided to take us to the "Arizona Science Center," and afterwords, we had lunch at Alice Cooper'stown.
The science center was gonna awesome, like always, and I was excited to see what new types of exhibits they were covering... It was sort of dulled down for teh kiddies. I mean, they used to have some amazing bio exhibits... and some decent flight/aerospace exhibits... but because of the young audience the place drew.... I guess they had to lower the standard to accomidate. *My state is famous for extremely low standards... Our standardiezed test that is needed to pass high school has an exceeds grade on the written test for a paper I could have written in 6th grade... They can't teach the kids more, for they're hopeless, so they lower the standards to pass them on hoping they'll learn in the real world*
We saw a movie that was screening about the power of nature's forces... Lava, tornado's, and earthquakes... was interesting to say the least.
Now, Alice Cooper'stown was awesome. I mean, just the environment was fun. Really great food, awesome *OLDIES* rock playing, and lots of.. uh... ahem... hot waitresses. My sis and I were playing "Name the song and artist" the whole time... she's pretty good.
EDITED OUT!!! *Someone's been snooping*
Also, I've been contemplating how feable the human life is... yet, how strong a person can be... I mean, how much we can persevere through.
Since my flights to/from Hawaii *I'm not a fan of flying* I've been thinkin of how the world would be without me... I mean, if something were to happen, and I passed on. How would the world turn out, how would it affect those closest to me. I mean, I know that everyone is important as a being, but I am guilty of some things... When you see on the news that someone has died, somewhere, somehow, few actually honor the ideal that another wonderful, potential filled light has been extinguished. I mean, I'm guilty of not feeling sorrow until now, for those closest to the victum/person who passed on of any cause, has lost someone truely special. *This point isn't comming out as I wanted it* Well, I mean, it's just desturbing how dehumanized we are becoming as a people.
Also, on an earlier point, I've been admiring one of humanities true strengths. Perseverance. I've been talking to many victums, of many crimes; abuse, rape, etc., and have been truely admiring those who have been able to persevere through such sorrow and tradgety. They are true statements of humanities true strength and potential, even though it is equally disconcerting that they had to go through so much to be so strong, yet I feel they deserve much more than that.
Sorry, this is just a rambling section of my thoughts that I have been meaning to address. Maybe I can post about this later, when I have had more time to word and extract truely what I feel and admire.
On that sorrowful note, I've decided to post pics of Hawaii. A few a day as John had said. So, here goes;
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This was an attempt to capture some of the scenery from the airport...
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Another attempt at scenery
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A third attempt All of those are from Honolulu International Airport.
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Yet another.
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Termanal at teh Honolulu International Airport. This was an attempt to sort of catch... a, like, eye view from my seat at the airport while we waited.
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Scene outside of the Kauai airport *I forgot it's name*
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Another pic, sort of a sky pic... Meh
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Another attempt at the above.
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While we were getting our rental car, the sky suddenly clouded over, and just let loose a sudden downpour.
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This is a tree outside the place we were staying.
Well, I think that's all that I'll post for today. *You may have noticed these pics suck* I'm just going through the pics... ordered as they are from the camera, and posting every one. ^_^ It will be a while before I'm done... also, better ones shall come, I promise. |
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