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myOtaku.com: doctormister

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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xXkenshinxtomoeXx (06/21/07)

ah! i luv ur site ^_^ so kawaii. loveless is awsome!
you should stop by my
site sumtime, okay?
i hope we can be friends!


P.S.- im adding u!Ü

Springfield (06/17/07)

-That's for commented on my page, yeah sure we can be friends. 8D

Shallow Heart (06/16/07)

Aww, I'm so sorry I didn't come sign your guestbook before T~T
Buut only my true, wonderful friends come and find me XD So consider your self wonderful in my eyes! *huggles*
Of course I will add you on my new site.
and I'm sorry i didn't come find you first ._. *sobs*

-Shallow ♥

Trey-Chan (06/06/07)

Hi! ^^
Yup, Mimi-Mako's one of my best friends =D
*gasp* I love your background! *0*
I'll add you to my friends list also ^-^

Kill Uchiha (06/05/07)

hey i like your site, ill add u in hopes that u do the same, cyaz

hope ya have a great summer,

~Kill Uchiha~

Kazusa (06/03/07)

Hey nice site. Thanks for being my 98th guestbook sign. Adding you as a friend. You could add me too. Also thank you again.
*~*Best Wishes*~*

iceycat (06/03/07)

hey there sorry I couldnt sign earlier, but I'm here to do that now. I love your site. Loveless is awsome!! My friend has one of the loveless dvds, that's how I saw it! those cats ears are adorable!! lol anyway I hope you dont mind me adding you as a friend!!

sasukesangel (05/31/07)

OMFG I love your site!!! Ahhh Loveless!! I love that anime!!! *squee*

I gets hyper when I see Loveless!!

That anime is the umm I dunno.. the schmex... lol

Yes that is the word that I am looking for soo yeah...

I am gonna add you if you don't mind that is...

Lol you can add me and sign when you are at a better computer!!! Lol yeah..

Well yeah..

I am gonna have to talk to you later... soo yeah..

Well Ja ne!!


Anime Anime Girl (05/31/07)

Hey, cute little backround.

OMG ANOTHER GENDER BENDING NAME!!! OMG I THOUGHT I WAS THE OHNLY ONE!!! well, still kinda am cuz yorus was intentional, but what they hey!!!!

I've never seen loveless, but I hear so much about that I might check it out...

I liked your Noggin emo quiz, I got emo-ness around the edges... so true

Friends it is

Anime Anime Girl... THE MALE with the bad computer

Hikari animeangel (05/30/07)

Konnichiwa! Woot! A Loveless fan!! I barely read it and fell in love with it!! I think it has a very good storyline. I only read two pages of it and fell in love with Ritsuka! Though some of the other guys are cute too. I'm adding ya as a friend! Laterz!

Hikari A.A
~Dare to Be Diffrent~

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