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myOtaku.com: doctormister

Friday, April 20, 2007

Hey hey

This is most definitely awkward, but I'm going crazy cuz my period hasn't stopped for a month!

I can't take it anymore! T.T Somebosy help me! I was in ER for 9 hours, and there was nothing that could be explained....




I'm trying to get to all your sites, but I'm sure I'll miss some, lols but I shall try!

Haha. If Simpleplanluver is reading this, I'll try to finish your kitty pic by tonight! ^^

Oh! By the way, my fanfic! I'll post it right up here, but it can also be found on FFN...It's an Inuyasha fic, about Sesshoumaru and Naraku. Here it is!

Some notes:This story has shonen-ai implications, or something. Pairings so far are Nar/Sess, and Kagu/Sess. Eeks!

Okay. Just so not to confuse anyone, I should tell you this story takes place when Kohaku is travelling with Sesshoumaru and his group, which actually happens later in the manga series. At this point, Kagura would already have been dead but...But that is the way things are sometimes!


By: doctormister

Naraku loves Sess.

But Sess...


Naraku was waiting, sitting in the darkly lit room where he could often be found. But, this time there was a sense of anticipation surrounding him. He was waiting for Sesshoumaru to come. And all the while Kagura was watching from the shadows, and was heartbroken to know exactly what he was planning.

‘Naraku.’ He looked up, relieved at who had appeared before him.

‘So you decided to arrive after all.’ Naraku smiled coldly, but he was secretly very happy. Sesshoumaru was, after all, the most beautiful person he could remember having seen in his own reality.

For many moments they both didn’t speak.

‘. . .’

‘. . . . . . .’

‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .’

‘...Naraku...’ Sesshoumaru attempted to start again.

‘Oh. Yes. I have killed Kohaku.’ Naraku stood proudly while delivering that line which he had so torturously rehearsed.

Sesshoumaru remained perfectly still. Because of this Naraku felt a sudden surge of panic. ‘Is that all?’ Sesshoumaru demaded, a smirk appearing around the corners of his refined mouth.

‘What, what do you mean ‘Is that all’ ?!’ Naraku was bewildered. ‘I killed him, that same Kohaku that you travelled with!’

Sesshoumaru only shrugged. ‘It doesn’t mean much. He was such an annoying emo kid.’ And with those words, he turned to leave.

Naraku’s wonderful plan had failed.

As mokomoko-sama brushed by her then down the hallway and Naraku’s frustration could be heard through his closed quarters, Kagura couldn't help but smile.


Yeah. There it was! what do ya think? :O
That was just chapter 1, I'll try to update.

Byebyes for now, guys, hope you have a fantabulous weekend!

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