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myOtaku.com: doctormister

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The kid in The Grudge isn't a catboy! T.T
Hello, hello.
I still haven't got to everyone's sites, even a week later! I suck :(
In my life I have some good things, and some...... bad things.
Such as...I am...failing grade 9 math,
So I might be busy for awhile trying to save myself. T.T
I'm not a bad student! But math is something I just can't handle.

Now for some good news! I'll be submitting four new manga pages tonight!!! :D
I think they turned out very well, drawing is finally getting easier for me. WOO!

Buuut after that, it's math math math for me yeah.

I'm also sick again, and I can't really focus on anything...I almost fainted at soccer yesterday after the run, even though I'm a really good runner!
My body is screwing up on me, it's so frustrating!
And I also have insomnia. -_-

I almost forgot, I've changed my portfolio a bit, so now my older mangas are no longer there.
I'm not proud of that super-old art anymore, and I don't want anyone to see it!
(Lols also I portrayed Suki differently then....)
So all those pages were just mussing things up. Yeah!

I've been tagged, but there's not enough time for me to do the facts since my lunch is ending (at school).
I'll add that in tonight.

Sorry for the whining! *HUGS* And good day :)

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