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myOtaku.com: doctormister

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Hi hi! :D

First off, thank you sooo much to anyone who wished me a happy birthday or commented last time! *huggles everyone* And thank you to uomemoney and Ichigo Ame for the birthday PMs! And Ichigo Ame drew me an amazingly cute picture, too!

Happy Birthday. Doctormister!!

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Squeee, I love it! XD

As for my birthday, I went to volunteer and got hired at the gym! Eek, my first job! And I went to a concert with my friend on Sunday. Yay! ^______^
I saw The New Pornographers and Tegan and Sara and the Dears and such. :D

Oh yes, and my friends have started coming back from cottage land, and others are finishing their volunteer hours, so I'm pretty happy to get them back!
Oh, and in the comments from before, cottageing actually isn't a word at all, so it's okay if you didn't understand....*blush* I am not a very clear person, when I talk, errrrr. I just make up words to suit what I mean! XD
But I meant they were at their cottages, which are more like summer homes, so not really camping. :)

Wow, anyway!
I also finished a fanart! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check it out, so far it has no votes! *cry*

Alien Girl

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I made it with CG, even though I only have the demo version.
I'll start submitting the first few requests this week, so please expect it! ^o^

I'll try to visit you all, I might have to go to another and more loyal computer.
But I really want to read your posts again, I feel really computer-lonely and out of the loop.

I'll talk to you later! Please look at my new art! Please, I depend on your praise to keep going, otherwise it's splat and emo-ness for a short while.(an emotional splat, heh)
Bye guys! =^..^=

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