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Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Happy New Year to everyone on theOtaku!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if I'm hyper but I already drank 2 cans of pop, and I'm working on my 3rd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! me's loves's pops (hick)(just kidding). I did drink all that pop so I won't be asleep till 2:00 or 3:00pm. I'm going to stop before I really start scaring someone. Me will's cya lataz!!!!!!!!!!!!^_^

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Sunday, December 28, 2003
100 visits at my site!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooooooooo happy!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! Thankyou to everyone that came to visit!!! I'm going to have a party!!!!!!! (starts throwing confetty) Me will's cya lataz!!!!!!!^_^ WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS: I'm Hyper!!!!!!

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First I would like to thank everone who voted. Now the answer to the quiz is (drum roll) Goku!!!!!!!!!

Thanks agine to everyone who voted!!!! Me will's cya lataz!!!!!!!!!^_^
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Thursday, December 25, 2003
Happy Halidays to everyone. I will have the quiz answer and more fan art up tomarrow. (I hope) Me cya lataz!!!!!!!!^_^

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Sunday, December 21, 2003
I toke somemore quizes.
 FREEDOM... your soul wants to be unbound...
What is your soul looking for?? (images) brought to you by Quizilla
 So you have four legs, you can fly and that has been a dream of many mortals. Take a flight over that rainbow for me.
What Fantisy Ceature Would Best Represent You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, December 20, 2003
I have a new quiz! Who said,"Eating monster is bad! Bad!!!!!" If you think you know the answer plz tell me! But if you can't remember don't stress out! Me will's cya lataz!!!!!!!!!!^_^

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I had alot of fun today. Happy birthday Laura. She has been my best friend sense first grade. I went to her birthday party and had a blast playing lazer tag. I'm working on new fan art! It shold be up soon. Anyway I have alot to do so Me cya lataz!!!!!^_^
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Friday, December 19, 2003
YAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! No more School! No more school! Do a little dance. Do a little dance. I'm soooooo happy!!!!!!! Today was the last day of school!!!!^_^ About the Quiz: b/c nobody else is voting I will tell you the answer. The answer is *drum roll* Vegito!!!!!
Congrads to the only voters who also got it right: Chobit Chi, noshi17 and hiei master23!!!!!!^_^ Thankyou for voting! I will put up another quiz soon. Me cya lataz!!!!!^_^
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Sunday, December 14, 2003
What? one of the pics I added isn't up! Oh well, at least that one was the worst of the five.B/C only one person has voted so far I'm going to waite before I tell you Who said the quote (bellow). I'm still wating for more ideas as to why I'm often hyper and sleepy at the same time. Any way Me cya lataz!!!!^_^
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Saturday, December 13, 2003
I have a qick quiz for ya. Who said,"Hey what's the matter?I thought you wanted to eat me? I went right in your mouth. What more do you want?" I'm mad my pics still arn't up! If they arn't up by tomarow night SOMEONE WILL BE DEAD!!!!! Or at least in alot of pain. I got my bg up! Isn't Inu-Yasha so kwaii!^_^ I've got stuff to do so ME cya lataz!!!!!!!!!^_^
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