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Atlanta, GA
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Do something really fun at least once a month, get all As this year.
clarinetttt, conventions
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Friday, January 16, 2009
I haven't posted in over half a month...
I'm sorry.
I have Monday off from school~ I'm so happy. My friends and I are going to work on our cosplays for Momocon (hopefully, lol. procrastination is bad).
Speaking of procrastination, I have a poetry journal due at the beginning of february. We looked up poems during class, but I got sidetracked and read irrelevant poems the whole period.
Okay, that's it. Have some viral,

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Monday, December 29, 2008
Merry (late) Christmas xDD;
and happy early New Year because I probably won't post by then either, haha.
I haven't been able to go on the computer for a while because family was visiting, and my grandparents took over my room. It was fun though because my awesome cousins were visiting.
anyway, for Christmas I got:
-Wacom Graphire 6 x 8 pen tablet
-Tsubasa Chronicle soundtrack: Future Soundscape I (not the one I wanted, but it's awesome anyway)
-hair staightener (pink polka-dotted *w*)
-old gamecube games (Mortal Combat: deception, and Zelda: the Wind Waker. I already had the Zelda game, but it broke xD;)
-with money I got, I bought OHSHC dvd set 1, a pyramid studded fuzzy cheetah print belt, and a black pleated skirt with a white petticoat to go underneath it.
btw, I uploaded a picture that I drew with my new pen tablet~
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Monday, December 8, 2008
How 'bout that layout...
I actually did it. a very simple one though...
Wow, I'm actually posting two days in a row. Let's see how long this lasts xD
hmm... today my sister and her friends were working on making a gingerbread house. At first they tried cooking the bread and then cutting it, but it didn't work because it kept crumbling. now they're cutting the dough first.
baby steps, guys. baby steps xD
So I just found out today that the new(ish) Petshop of Horrors series is available at Borders :D better count my pennies, ahaha.
mh, due to writer's block, and aids of course, i'll post later i suppose~ ahahahaa
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Sunday, December 7, 2008
soon we will be saying goodbye to this amazing year....
my friends and I are going to Momocon in March :DDD if you live in or around GA, you should go too! ('tis an anime convention) I'll be cosplaying Count D from Petshop of Horrors on saturday, and maybe Watanuki from xxxHolic on sunday. I'm so excited!! my friends from alabama and tennessee are also going, sooooo party!
since you guys don't know what I've been up to this year, here's a little timeline, lol:
Jan - moved to georgia
Mar - Rockstar Taste of Chaos concert, Momocon '08
Jun - 7 story fall, 1994, and At Last Glance concert at six flags (and i went to six flags a lot this summer because i had a season pass)
Aug - spent two weeks with a friend from alabama (or maybe this was in july...)
Sep - Anime Weekend Atlanta XIV
Oct - had an amazing Halloween party xD
Nov - Dir en Grey concert, turned 15~
My new year's resolution this year was to do at least one super fun thing every month. I guess i didn't necessarily fulfill my goal, but hey, this year was super amazing! so next year, i will make the same resolution, and try even harder ;]
things i need to do now: work on cosplay, reserve hotel for AWA next year, change this old layout D:<
post later~
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Friday, December 5, 2008
I'm baaaaaack
and it almost seems like i'm the only one. xD everyone migrated to myspace. oh well, i don't mind<3
I'm living in Georgia now. i have since january... lol. Living here is so much more fun than alabama! all the things i want to do are here (concerts, anime conventions, etc.)
I've been stressing out because i'm trying out for state bandd and i'm totally going to fail. D: and i need to get my learner's permit by the end of the month...
eh whatever. say hi to me on myspace. PEACE.
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Monday, January 7, 2008
back again :D
pooooooooooop i have nothing to say. who cares, anyway?
well, i'm moving to Georgia. :D i'm really happy about that. and i'm going to the Taste of Chaos show at the Gwinnett center in Georgia. please go and meet me there <33333333333
and my hair sucks. i want to dye it black but my mom won't let me until later.
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Thursday, September 13, 2007
soo.. i haven't posted in forever. ha, i don't go on MyO much.
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2 is really fun, but i'm really sick of Kabuto. it's the fourth time i've had to beat him, and his health regenerates. pfft i think it's impossible. speaking of Naruto, the narrator guy on IMF called it "Naryuto". my sister and i had a field day. they also got Tatsurou of Mucc's name wrong. i wish they would do their homework~
like i do :D just kidding. i really should do my homework now. my teachers suck this year, especially my english/lit teacher. i swear she thinks she's teaching a college course. i also hate my math teacher. she made me do a two page essay for talking quietly to my friend, and we weren't the only ones talking.
homecoming is going to be fun this year. we get to design tshirts :D
dkmgkldmg that's all. ¢¾
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
in case you don't know me on myspace, i dyed half of my bangs pink :B
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i'm kinda hyper right now. blame it on the soda and trippy music.
i haven't been on in FOREVER. D: i'm not so much of an anime fan anymore anyway. speaking of which, i can't go to AWA, 'cause it's waaay to expensive. ndgkljnedsgjkm. oh well i have no reason for going.
bla blah blah school blah blah homework. nothing new this year. seriously. all the same friends and everything. we even sit at the same table at lunch. ugggh i need changeeee~ i wanna move.
this friday i'm hanging with friends :D we're gonna walk to the chinese restaurant after band practice, then we're gonna walk to the skating rink. it's kinda far away though; we might have to get rides. my mom said i'm not allowed to walk that far anyway. she's out of town with my dad so i have no parents for the next few days. partyyyy~
i got Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2. it's really fun, but i can't beat orochimaru >___> i probably could if i wanted to, but i want to beat him using the third level secret jutsu, but i can't get it to work. i miss clash of ninja, with the easy secret jutsus hahahaharfjgnhkjnrfkgj
defgjkehngjnr ANYWAYYYS.. i have nothing else to say. haha, figures.
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
i uploaded new art. check it out.
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