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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
today i wore a pair of pants that had holes in the knees to school. i wear them all the time, but our new math teacher (previously the detention teacher) got mad and made me call my mom. i could't reach my mom because the school phones suck so they had to put tape on my pants where the holes were. BROWN tape. i tried to get it off later and i ended up ripping my pants even more and there's sticky crap all over my pants that will never come off. i want to sue the school for all the money they have for messing up my favorite pair of jeans. or they could just buy me a new pair, lol.
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Friday, April 27, 2007
I had to take the drug test at my school again. they say it's random but my sister said that the assistant principal told her that someone has to be accused of beng on some drug to actually be forced to take to test. it really sucks because i just can't pee in th goddamn cup so i end up being the last one done, and they have to test my spit instead. that sponge thing tastes disgusting.
some kid on my bus threw something out the window today and it hit a car. lol. i think it cracked their windshield but i couldn't see it properly. i sense a lawsuit coming on. :P has anyone noticed how this week is taking so long to get over with? its so annoying. TGIF, though.
i really should be asleep right now. it's currently 1 AM but i just drank an energy drink (Amp). haha, oh well.
by the way: i uploaded a new picture, and i have some other pictures i might scan later. depends on my mood.
woah.. i just realized i've been on MyO for two years :D haha and it never gets old. i even learned how to do html on this site. how lame..
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Monday, April 23, 2007
if you are going to the Jrock Revolution concert, come here so i can punch you in the face and beg for you to take me with you. oh my gosh i love Girugamesh and D'espairs Ray!!!! my mom says i can't go to any more concerts after what happened at the dir en grey concert. my mom didnt know there was going to be mosh pits. that idiot. she got all pissed off when we told her we got seperated.
i need to hurry up and register for Anime Weekend Atlanta. The prices go up after May 2nd (or they just close registration completely, i forget). i probably will end up not cosplaying because we have no money these days. luckily, my sister is getting a job but she refuses to pay for anything but the hotel room for one night. my mom will pay for the other night. blegh.
i might post some art stuff later, but im so lazy. just watch out for it.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
new fanart. o__o;; check it out.
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Friday, March 23, 2007
LOL myotaku is trying to pwn deviantart. ahahaha luzr
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Monday, March 19, 2007
okay so.. i've been lagging on my posting seriously so i'll post the fanart stuffs i have on my computer at this moment. go check it out. also, i have the county band concert this saturday~ wish me luck.
everyone who went to the Momocom in atlanta needs to send me pictures or post them on their profiles or whatever. i wanna see them!!!! i didnt get to go hahahahaa. hopefully i will get to go to the Anime Weekend Atlanta though :3
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Thursday, February 8, 2007
So today...
..i got accused of spraypainting a bus purple xD; i got questioned by the police but after realizing i clearly had no idea of what they were talking about, they let me go hahaha.
all in all i had a pretty good day. :]
who else thinks it would be so fucking awesome if PSC did a tour in america??
<3alice nine:


feel the love \(^o^)/ bish ¢¾
eh. post later :]
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Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Hey :]
not much to say right now.. im bored as hell thats all
want a picture of me?
i guess i might post new fanart later.. and delete the old shit. maybe, though i am just full of empty promises these day..
post later. ¢¾
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Tuesday, February 6, 2007
I guess im back on MyO. =] its just that i have nothing better to do. it probably wont last long and i know that no ne cares anyway.. haha. I might post new fanart or something, not that my art skills have improved any from my lack of practice, lol.
anyway.. on saturday i went to the Dir en Grey concert in Atlanta and it was so uber fun!! :] some guy helped my sister pick me up and i got thrown over the rail, therefore i was standing about two feet away from kyo and i touched the stage hahahaha *fangirl spasm* ;] it was really the best night of my life.. so far. the only band that could change that would be Gazette. >:]
i think im getting sick; my throat is really sore :\. thats all for now i guess. post later...
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Wednesday, January 3, 2007
forget the idea of me getting a new layout o.o im too lazy. i might put a song later though
go to my myspace O:<
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