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Thursday, January 12, 2006
today i am at home because i am sick well i feel better now since i took a really hot two hour long bath right now im pretty bored and im eating ramen xD i love ramen it is pork flacored! well i got nothing else to say now so bye!
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
the amazingness of today
hiya guys! ^_^ sorry that i have not posted in a while school just takes up too much time in my life well i got my report card im not gonna show it to my mom and dad because they would kill me if i did x_x i got a D, a C, and the rest were As and Bs my dad gets mad at me whenever i get anything less than an A so i am definitely not showing my grades to him i hope you like what i have done to my site i know i do ^_^ o yeah and i will get some more fan art up soon so just be patient xD well nothing really special happened today i did get called weird by one of my sisters frends because i was knocking on the window in the lunchroom and waving at everyone although i didnt know any of them haha you wanna know something kewl? ya i know you do I AM THE BEST CLARINET PLAYER IN THE SIXTH GRADE BAND!!!! ha im so full of myself but someone did tell me that my band teacher said that i might be able to be in marching band next year! isnt that just awesome? YEAH I KNOW!!! i am such a band geek xB well i got nothing else to say ill post tomorrow if i can!
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Monday, January 2, 2006
your mother
well hiya folks! im not hyper as you all can plainly see! xDDDDDDD *explodes 20 times in a row* haha im still alive im bored right now happy new year again 2000000000006 hahahaha your mother
obvious advice of the day: dont jump off a bridge.
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Sunday, January 1, 2006
Happy 2006!!!!!!!!!!
to everyone on MyOtaku!!!
well i had a good new years eve and i hope you did too last night my little sister, her friend, my dad, and my brother were having a firework war ^_^ it was fun we were shooting bottle rockets and throwing firecrackers at eachother like idiots! today my 4 year old brother threw a sparkler in the grass and since no one was around it kept burning the grass my dad had to run outside and put the fire out with the hose and now we have a huge black spot on our front yard and people keep driving by and looking at it and laughing. i dont blame them i would too xD
obvious advice of the day: never pour chocolate syrup on your cat.
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Friday, December 30, 2005
 these are my cats. the one on the left is meiling and the one on the right is sugar. i know her name is way too common x_x kateri named her i probably would have named her dumbass though
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Thursday, December 29, 2005
your mother
wanna know something awesome? i saw shooting star yesterday! it was so friggin kewl ^_^ yeah whatever well has anyone ever played the game f.e.a.r.? ITS SO FRIGGIN SCARY MAN!!!!!!!!! but its fun
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Monday, December 26, 2005
How to make a dogcrapinurface |
3 parts success
1 part self-sufficiency
5 parts empathy |
Method: Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Serve with a slice of curiosity and a pinch of salt. Yum! |
Personality cocktailFrom
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
yay today is christmas XD the house is a total mess i got a scanner!!!! i submitted i picture but of course it takes forever for myotaku to put it up but let me know what you think about it when it does come up please well i hope you guys all have a good christmas and a happy new year!!!!
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Saturday, December 24, 2005
merry christmas to all!!!!
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Friday, December 23, 2005
hiya wat up dawg
today my sister jessica and i both got 100 hits on our sites yay for us! haha and my little sister kateri only got 8 hits on her site so far she sux well im just bored right now my aunt and my two baby cousins came over today .....thats the only thing that happened today that was actually close to exciting
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