Birthday 1992-10-03 Gender
Female Location Somewhere...... Member Since 2005-01-18 Occupation Eatin, playing with the dog.....Scaring little children. Real Name Karie
Achievements Pasted 5th grade with almost stright A's! Anime Fan Since Since I was in 1st grade. Poke'mon was the one I watched Favorite Anime Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto, Inuyasha FullMetalAlchemist, Azumanga Daioh, Trigun, Wolf's Rain, FLCL, and more. Goals Get into college Hobbies Reading, drawing, swimming, breathing, cooking Talents Cooking, drawing, and sleeping for a really long time(REALLY long!) DogDemon225
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Well, sorry for the lack of updates. I was grounded for the longest time!! Well, what do you guys think og my lay-out?? I like my icon. I have alot more of them like these. Now, I have a pic for you. If you have a sensitive stomach, and have a weak mind, do not look at this!! Ready? Okay, click here. What did I tell ya?? That's my dog, Baby. Isn't she cute!?!?!?^_^ Now I sound like Hughes!! Well, that's pretty much all I have to say! See ya later!
Doggy D
P.S: Does anyone know where I can get the URL for a scroll button?? Thanks!
I Could Just Dance!
Well, as you can tell, I will be leaving to Venezuela on
Thursday, and I will be coming back on Sunday. I've finally updated!!
I have a cute pic of Envy with a doughnut I drew, but I want to color it.
I'll color it while I'm over there. Oh! And did you guys see that 1000 hits pic??(Duh)
Well, thank you all so much!! You guys are the best! If I could, I would bake you all cakes!!!
But, I would probably burn them T.T Anyways, in case if
you haven't noticed, I have
made 2 clubs: EnvyxEd, and a Kakashi club.
No one but Lori Inu Lover has asked about it
T.T Do you guys not like EdxEnvy yoai?? I think it's cute,
but I don't know about you guys. Well, I'll update, and post some pics when I come back. Bye!
Damn Wilma
Well, I haven't been on in a while.
You can blame hurricane Wilma for that. Good news,
is that I missed about a week and a half of school.
Bad news, is that we might make up for those days at the end of the year T.T
Anyways, I've changed my lay-out!!^__^ YAY!
Kakashi is a cool ninja. You know why??
I don't know, he just is ^_^''' And, as always, I have a video for all the good boys and girls!^^
Hiei: For me??
Karie: NOPE! You nearly
destrioed the house once.
Hiei: *mumbles*
Accedently desrtories the house once, and they never trust you againg.
Well, that's all
I have to say for now. Hope you like new lay-out!
Hello!^^ How's everyone??? Good? Bad? Tired?-.-''' It's been a while since I updated. Want to know what I've noticed??? I'm getting very litle posts T.T I thought you guys loved me!! Just kidding!^^ Well, I have a strang addiction to the song Kanashimi Wo Yasashisa, the 3rd opening song for Naruto, I beleive. Also, I have an addiction of posting up AMVs!!! Most of them are Naruto, but these mainly have Kakashi in them. Why? 'Cuz he's cool! And, because he's my favorite character^^'''' Next to Itachi, that is. Here are two AMV's:
Naruto and the Chocolate Factory:
Under Kakashis Mask
I like the Chocolate factory one^^'''' Funny stuffs. Want to know what sucks?? I have to join my class in singing a Christmas song. That's not the part that sucks; it's that we have to be dressed 50's style. Girls have to wear either a skirt nd long sleve shirt, or a spahgetti starp t-shirt, with pants that are like spandex. I'd rather wear a skirt-.-''' So, now it's the end of the world, because I've never worn a skirt in my ENTIRE life. It's gonna be shocking to all of my friends at school!^^''' Well, seeing that there is nothing else for me to post, I guess this is the end
Envy: WOO-HOO!! All humans will be gone!
Karie: No, I mean the post
Envy: *pouts*
Doggy D
Sorry for the lack of updates guys!!! School's been like hell, and I don't even have time to go on the computer, unless if it's for home-work!! What's up with that!?!? Well, have any of you ever heard of the game called 'Spider-Man Unlimited'?? It's pretty good. Anyways, wanna know what I've been doing all weekend?? I've been doing this:
That's right! I've been dancing like there's no tomorrow!! It hurts -.-'''' Well, I'm bored to death, and my uncle came from Venezuela on thursday. I'm happy that my uncle came *he's really funny!* because I haven't seen him in 4 years. On the other hand, I saw an AMV that made my laugh so hard, my face actually turned red. It's never done that before because my skin is very tan:
What's scary, is that I think that voice fits Sasuke the best. It would be so cute if he really had that voice!!^^ Speaking of Sasuke, I drew a picture last night out of shear boredom. Really funny! Here:
See what happens when you let me get bored?? Do you think I should color it?? Please let me know here: >
For fun, here are 2 more AMV's, they are Naruto themed, and fucking ass funny!!
Part 1.
Well, I haven't been on in a while, and everythings been boring at school. I have a new way to get pics on my site!!! YAY!! But first, you must see one of these videos! They're HALARIOUS!
clickhereto see the shfitiy-five video.
clickhere to see the llama song
This one's cute!^^
clickhere to see the A&W song
Funny, huh?? Well, after a good laugh, here's some of my fan-pics!
Well, that's all I have. See ya later! Bye!
I believe I can eat some pie, I think about it every night and day. Can't wait to get a knife and chop away! I believe I can soar! To get that pie from the open doooooooooorrrrrrr!!!! Sorry, I had pie today! It's my B-Day!!!^^ YAY!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!^///^ Well, other than its my B-day, I canged my lay-out! How do you like it?? Can you read the font?? I need you're opinion, so you ppl can read my posts. Anyways, I have something very important to say:
Did anyone here ever watch Ren and Stimpy??? If so, then this song will bring back wonderous memories!
Wonderful, huh??? Well, that's all I have for now. I'll post later on. If I have a chance, that is.... Bye!
Hey guys. Sorry for not updating in a while^^'''' I'm grounded from everything that's technology, except on weekends. Well, school SUX!!! And I mean it!!!!!!! My science teacher is the bitchy-est though. I don't know if that's a real word, but that's how I'd describe her. She made us do a stupid-ass experiment today. Everyone was given a different type of pen. We had to cut the pen in half to see wether or not the ink had a high viscosity, or a low viscosity. Turns out mine had low, so the ink splattered everywhere when I cut it. I got in trouble when it happend. I hate my school sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!! AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Well, on a totally different topic, I'm going to be Bankotsu from InuYasha on Haloween!!^^ And one more thing:
MY BIRTHDAY IS THIS MONDAY!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!! Finally! My friends are gonna bring me balloons, and presents, and sing happy birth-day to me in Japanese!!^^ Well, only one of them will sing it in Japanese, but she's gonna sing! YAY!!^^ *Does my 'happy dance'* Okay, well, that's pretty much all I wanted to say. Since I haven't been on in, like, forever, here's some stuff I found:
This is fucking ass funny!!^^
How True
Sorry Sasuke fans, but this was REALLY funny!
I always wanted to do something like this...
Yes, that is Envy. I like the form he takes on in the movie. Arakawa must have spent a long time thinking this up, so I give her an appluase!!!
Well, that's all I have^^''' I'll put some more pics up next time, kk?? Bye!!!
Torn Inside...
Bad news, guys. I didn't win the contest. I was banned from that fucking contest. My entry was a picture of Kyuubi from Naruto. The theme for the contest, was myths, or fairy tails. I chose Kyuubi, cuz it's a Japanese myth. So, I get to the museum, where they're holding the contest, and this girl comes up to me, and she shows me her art. It's a picture of Little Red Riding Hood, and the wolf (It can be child fairy tails, sorry I didn't clear that up). She says that I'm copying her art. I was all 'WTF!? This picture I made is a nine taled fox! You baka!!!' And so, hell is unleashed, and because that stupid girl, who can't draw for crap, got me banned. Meh, I should kill her. But, I'm feeling better today. We don't have school today!^^ Thing that suxs, is that I have science home-work. We have to make some kind of picture representing a force. I'm gonna draw this:
Poor Envy!^^ Gluttony (If you can see him) Is representing gravity. And poor little Envy, is jumping for his life, reprents what you would, if a 500 pound homonculis was falling from a buliding, and about to squash you flat. Much like what I should have done to that snotty girl.........Well, that's pretty much all I have to say. See ya's later! *waves*