Hey ya'll I LOVE Dominic Monaghan! ~~I also LOVE lotr~~ ~~~~hey every1 ok so lots of people have visited here and not left a comment or signed my guestbook (thank you all who did) well so if u could leave me a comment or sign my guest book i would LOVE it thnx~~~~
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Hey everyone I haven't updated since I got this site.. hahaha lol srry ya'll I'll update tomorrow please tell people to visit tomorrow........!!
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Monday, December 20, 2004
Hey everyone ok My name is Chad my friend Estansse Elessar gave this site it's her old one I will be making this site mine and updating it later tonight PLEASE tell others about my site......... thank you!!
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Thursday, November 11, 2004
WOW i haven't updated in FOREVER I'm SO SO srry anyway so all ya'll comennt I WILL write 2morrow and I'll write more!!
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
hey ya'll srry I haven't updated in a while
hey if anyone wants to help me solve a Fbi case I think was wrong please leave a comment I will post stuff about it and send stuff to you if you want it but it might take a while to get new information beause u c my uncle is and FBI detective so he gets information from the fbi office so he'll give new info to me to help him solve it if anybody is willing to help please leave a comment here on my site!! hey so how has every body been latly I haven't been on srry!! hey and can other people please tell others about me u can also tell others about my other site that u can also visit that one is Estansse Elessar thanks you might find some of the FBI info on that site of my as well!! so hey everybody send me coments and tell others about me and visit me Best friends site: Eclipse123
visit my sisters site: legolaslover222
and my friends two site:
legolaslover and
and my other best friends site:
thanks everybody ttyl!!
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Tuesday, June 8, 2004
hey every1 if u could get more people to come to my site that would be kool and to my other site Estansse Elessar come visit that 2!! and no body has emailed me yet come on contest time email me you best "manga type" story like ceres or anythin' really!! thnx ya'll!!!
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Featured Quiz Result:
This is me except I'm MUCH worse!!!
 You are Truely in love with Dom, you aren't to crazy over him, that you have his name tatooed to his chest, and you love him for all the right reasons, and not only because he is damn sexy and was in one of the most kick ass movies of all time. How much do YOU love Dominic Monaghan???brought to you by Quizilla
This is me except i LOVE ALL of Dominic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE this one it's true to me and Dominic would be perfect "unique" couple!!