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myOtaku.com: Dork Knight

Monday, August 29, 2005

I'd like to thank everyone who actually gives a @#$%$# about what I have to say, and comment.

OK, not I dont anyexpience from being a girl, but I will give my opinoin from my view. girls, i'd really like ur comments.

Most girls (not all), really dont have trouble getting a bf, or at least have the chance to have one.

Well lets hope that everyone that reads this want to stay with person thier with, and insearch of something long term.

Dont flirt, I dont care how many ppl may say theres nothing wrong with flirting, but there is. its all temptation to cheet. and if u must flirt, dont go overboard. Meaning dont cudle, anykind of kiss (ANYKIND), dont touch private areas nore show them, and the list kinda goes on. if u would want ur bf doing it, then maybe u shouldnt either.

And dont keep secrets. i know there somethings that maybe should be talked about, and i understand all that. at some point in a relationship, u should be able to say pertty much everything. now Im not saying to be an openbook to ur bf, just alittle open. and im sure u know this, just build trust.

dont always expect too much from ur bf. not everyone has money or enough to be spending. just be happy to be with the person and the time u get together. and dont get all mad just cuz ur date took u to mcdonalds and not a fancy resturant. its hard enough to have money, but when u do, u wanna try to keep something.

and i stress this alot. dont expect to be the most important thing in ur bf's life. sometimes ppl just need time alone. its not anything against you as a person or towards the relationship.

ok, im gonna give a secret away, u may or may not know this, but guys like it when their gf is jealous. it makes them feel worth being with. and i know girls get jealous anyway, but try to control ur self and not go overboard. example: a girl sits on ur lap, dont scream and push the other girl off( i've seen it done) if ur bf doesnt push her off or at least attept to, get mad at him.

one more thing, if ur mad at ur bf, and he hasnt got a clue why, then let him know y, and y ur hurt or angry. ppl learn fromm mistake, but if they dont realize what mistake to learn from then all hell breaks loose.

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