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myOtaku.com: Dork Knight

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Difining Who We Are.
whats really funny, is that we arent in charge of how we act or how we dress anymore. really take a good look at it. the first person we think excepts us, we try to fit in, and believe that we are the same way. but we're just acting, we say its just comfortable, but then why didnt u dress the same before u met a certain person or group.

Also, another influence on our "way of life" is music. Music is starting to define every part of life now. the way we talk, dress, the ppl we hang out with. and the most funniest part about all this, is ya'll get mad when ur called something steriotypical. Why is it funny? u ask, because ur making the steriotype for ur self, but yet try to be unique.

Why are ther steriotypes, cause of what we make it. u think that ppl just mad this shit up. take a real a good look at ur self before u wanna say u are ur own person. Dont blade the media, and if they are to blade for any of it, then blame ur self too for following something you saw of tv.

Exaples, dont call someone who dresses in all black a devil warshiper, or someone whos snoby a prep, or someone with a southern accent a hick or red neck. it doesnt help matters.

and when reallity sets in u realize u cant be unique, someone or some group did it first. well if u really wanna be unique, go out in nothing but underware and tie, and be friends with everyperson u meet

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