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myOtaku.com: Dork Knight

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Know What you Want...
Girls usally at some point make a list on things they want in a guy. the funy part about this is that its not at all what they really want. In some weird instance, there was a guy who actually did have the qualities a certain girl was looking for, she'd get irrotated really fast.. Which leads me to my conclution...girls dont dont what they want...and usally never do till they have it, or had it. example, girls date more wrong guys then the right guys.

will add another topic later.


I know you here that sacrifice is the biggest part about being in a relationship. well theres another word that in just as important. and thats comprimise.(word is probly spelled wrong). meaning, yes u have to give up somethings like freetime and other activities, but if the person ur with enjoys doing something you dont like, dont ask them to stop, u should want that person to be happy. you wouldnt want to quit something u like. even tho im sure that most of you might actually be willing to, just realize that there r 2 ppl in the relationship, and both must deal with the other, for better or not.

I cant stress this enough, u need somesort of communication aswell. Dont always use figures of speech, thinking ur understood. this isant healthy, and if u feel affended by something, let the other person know before u start screaming, see if there was some sort of miscoummunication. be clear when u need to be.

stray away from temtation, this is was does it for breakups. even tho u feel that u still wanna be the person, and it was just a mistake, and in the event u wouldnt ever do it again. u loose trust, u hate ur self more then ur bf/gf, and dont think ther are any exceptions. ther arent any. even in the even ur bf/gf says its ok, dont. it shows that maybe the person ur with isant enough for u and vise versa. and if this is you, dont concider urselfs bf and gf, ur fuck buddies. a relationship is with 2 ppl only. dont be stupid. and before one of you wants to stay together but wants to see other ppl to see if really wanna be wiht ur bf/gf, then maybe thats a sign u dont. if ur wanting it to work, this isant the answer. this time alone(completly), and just talk things over, feeling, future goals, what makes u happy, what would make u happy, and so forth. and if ur still uncertain, sleep on it, twice if needed. just take time for urself to go over the situation. and wen ur bf/gf is in the middle of something like this, DONT egerly try to ask them about it, or talk to their friends. just be patient, give them their space, and be ready for anything. one important hint, be optamistic, sometimes ur otpamism influences others.

dont smother them, give them space, i have explain all this on other topics. same with other important topics. see (DATING (for guys and girls))

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