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Saturday, March 3, 2007
hey all here's what happened to me . I broke my arm while doing a nose manual that was almost to the end of my freakin 53' drive way but my7 cat almost killed me . so I tryed going around the damn thing and screwed that up fell on the hard concrete and broke my arm . the darn cat was trying to kill me it just stood there like a deer when it sees the headlights of a car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dumb cat . Anyways , I had to wait til the swelling went down on my armt to get on the computer, which was a demand by my very awekward and strange behaviored family *looks across room while qwatching my brotherdoing his flamingo dance .
(this is the flamingo dance : ) . yes I have a very stange family but it's whatr keeps us together and hopefully some day soon that my asisters boyfriend my friend Angel's boyfriend, and my boyfriend can be added to the family . ^-^
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NEW FORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MY PUPPY FORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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THE ANSWER WAS B. but actually I wanted it to be A but my brother called it first so ya . TO MY LOVING BOYFRIEND ZERO!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this last oine shouild sum it all up VERY easily but I warn you IT'S ALOT OF PICTURES IN ONE!!!!

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

PLEASE RATE MY NEKO FORM ^-^ so what do you think about my new neko form Zero?
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can you guess who these two people are?

a. zero and me
b. my brother and his wife
c. my friend Jacoby and is girlfriend
d. my sister and her boyfriend
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go kenshin!!

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zero's right
yesh zero teachers don't like me >.< THEY CAN ALL KISS MY BUTT!
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party day XD
today is my sister party but she turns 23 on tuesday lol we just gota throw the party now so sh doesn't have to worry about getting surprized on tuesday after her work lol. ....I feel bad I have to go to ISP on monday and tuesday *crys* all cause my stuid math teacher wrote me up for not scannin this stupid scan card 3 times . *crys* she wrote me up after class. anyways I love you zero
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Thursday, February 22, 2007
TO Zero.or.die
 Hosted By
I LOVE YOU ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hey everyone!!!!
I'm doing better in spanish still ^-^. I'm happy that I am keeping my grade up . woo!! but this year might be my last year in band . sigh I love band but my teacher said he's one step from kicking me out all cause I didn't play yesterday in class , but I had a good reason, I had played it the week before when I had fever blisters and I didn't wanna get them again and have my lip hurt as bad as it did before. so I sat out of the band group and started working on some stuff and my teacehr called me into his office, I explained everything to him why I wasn't playinmg , he sai tht that excuse didn't fly with him and that he was calling my my house to tell exactly what I told him to my aunt. henever did. so I sat in the band and played my clarinet today and he shook his head at me he asked the people who weren't going on the dallas trip to stand up , inwhish I'm not going so me and the others all stood up, he seperated us into two groups for him to take and my other band teacher to take until the trip gets really close ethen he'd get us into study hall. well I was in my main teachers group , I over heard him say to my other teacher that my other teacher got the good players an he got the ones who couldn't play . He insulted me then cause he said I can't play! I play better then half my entire clarinet section and he says I can't play!!! >.< an he's threatening to get rid of me! so this year might be the very last uyear I'm playing in the school band >.< . Anyways in other news my sister is having a party this weekend to selabrate her birthday which is on tuesday next week . yay party lol. so much junk food lol. well I hope everyone is having a good day today LOVE YOU ZERO!
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