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myOtaku.com: Draculina1236

Saturday, March 3, 2007

hey all here's what happened to me . I broke my arm while doing a nose manual that was almost to the end of my freakin 53' drive way but my7 cat almost killed me . so I tryed going around the damn thing and screwed that up fell on the hard concrete and broke my arm . the darn cat was trying to kill me it just stood there like a deer when it sees the headlights of a car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dumb cat . Anyways , I had to wait til the swelling went down on my armt to get on the computer, which was a demand by my very awekward and strange behaviored family *looks across room while qwatching my brotherdoing his flamingo dance .
(this is the flamingo dance :Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting ) . yes I have a very stange family but it's whatr keeps us together and hopefully some day soon that my asisters boyfriend my friend Angel's boyfriend, and my boyfriend can be added to the family . ^-^

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