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myOtaku.com: Draculina1236

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

still sick today
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yes stil sick , but having my sister weight hand on foot on me is pretty nice she keeps getting me hot choco YUMMY!! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting YUMMMMMMMMMMY ^^ although I keep burning my tongue XD she always makes it extremely hot just the way I like it .

Ya know what really is nasty ..... cold cofee , you wake up and you make that first cup of black cofee (that's how I like my cofee) you are prepared for it to be hot and IT'S FREAZING COLD! I mean it's nasty , I hate it when it does that! it happened to me this morning . god it was horribly nasty . I had to heat it up in the microwave and not expecting it to be really REALLY hot I take a sip not prepared for extreme heat AND BURNED MY LIP AND TONGUE oh man it hurt!. I'm ok now , I actually don't mibnd hot choco burning my tongue because it doesn't hurt as bad lol . ^^ YAY CHOCOLATE!!!!

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