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myOtaku.com: dragon phoenix

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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usssop (04/18/06)

i like ur site! the colors are good.
what's ur favorite manga?
please sign my gb


Shop Cat Oobin (04/12/06)

Nice site!

ShadowBlade619 (04/11/06)

cool site with the blueness O.O...i like blue a lot and stuff so thats y i like it...yeah..

somegirl (04/08/06)

hey! i love your site! the sasuke bg's really cool and your avi's awsome! well see ya around! later

King of kendo (04/03/06)

You stole my quiz idea!!! I was doing a quiz on tales of symphonia! You even took the pictures too! I even posted on my site that I was going to do one! If you want to I'll even give you a preview.

Ryu Hero (04/03/06)

great quiz choice!
I was hoping someone would make another quiz where I can be a hero! ;)

shuichi2cute (04/02/06)

I love your website choas is one of my favorite video game charecters. We actually both like some of the same games. Well stop by my site any time if you have the chance. Do you mind if i add you as a friend?

UchihaSasuke0099 (03/30/06)

Hiya.........cool site yup well see you later..
PS:i will rule the world

~~~~~~I am bleeding and It wont stop until you DIE~~~~~

Unebriwen (03/22/06)

Hello! OMG I like your site ^_^ *le sai* how do you get your bg pic fixed into place? o_O *dies* Anyhow, lol, just thought I'd randomly sign your guestbook ^_^ Peace Out!


Angel Kenshin (03/19/06)

Hello there. ^^ I like your site. Aah! So much yellowness! @_@ Anyway, I like a lot of the animes you do. Well, see you around!

~Angel Kenshin

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