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Earth, physically; Wherever-the-heck-I-want mentally
Member Since
Huh...Well...that, uh...
Real Name
Thou shalt not knowest yet...
Uhhhh....surviving Middle School?
Anime Fan Since
1997 (?)
Favorite Anime
Full Metal Alchemist, currently
To make the world go "Wow!" (Or take over the world...*shrugs*)
Writing, drawing, video gaming, reading, taking notes on video games, (?!?!) etc, etc.
writing, drawing, singing, playing clarinet,
| Dragon Speaker
In a darkened room, footsteps are heard, slowly coming closer. A door opens, light flooding into the abyss, a dark sillouette in the frame.
"Alright, who shut off the lights?" An irritated voice calls, and the light flickers on, revealing a thin dragon furling feathery wings. It takes a few steps on hooves similar to those of a clydesdale and sits in the middle of the blank
"Ah, visitors," the pale green dragon says, in a feminine voice. "Make of this place what you will. You must be here for a reason, after all..."
Extra stuff: 98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you are one of the 2% that hasn't copy and paste this into your profile.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Ummm...*cough cough*
You're probably wondering where I've disappeared too...Ummm...yeah...
I've been playing Pokemon Blue...a little too much...But I caught Mew! ^^; Seriously, I did. There's this one glitch thingy that allows you to catch Mew just north of Ceruleon City! She's (?) level 13 and so cute! ^^
And then I ran off and picked up a copy of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. Ok, so it's not a REAL Final Fantasy, but it does rock. I'm blasting the intro song through Windows Media Player at the moment. Oooooooh, I love that song! It just makes me want to go on some adventure! When I take my cross country solo trip, I'm going to put this song in the stereo! Heck yes!
Hmmm...what else has been going on...*thinks* Oh yeah! I got this insane idea for a story recently...Ever hear of PokeMorphs?
Ok, why on earth are you banging your head on the keyboard/sighing in exasperation now? PokeMorphs are cool! I mean, heck, being able to turn into a Pokemon!
Anyways, it gave me a story idea...I don't really have to say what it's about, do I? Anyways, yeah...I have 7 main characters, a half-baked story line that could go any which way, and a few little surprizes! Here, let me make a list of my characters. I even have drwings of some of them! Let me just figure out the HTML thingy...I edit it later if it doesn't/does work.
Name: Will
Turns into: Nothing
A shy and nervous teen that knew nothing about PokeMorphs until a fateful envounter with a Team Magma Grunt.
Name: Echo
Turns into: Ninetails
An confident and protective Ninetails, able to think fast in desperate situations. Used to be Will's pokemon, until he found out about the PokeMorphs thing. (Heheh! ^^)
Name: Zeffie
Turns into: Gardevoir (how do you pronounce that...Guard-eh-vwah?)
Ditzy yet smart, energetic yet sensible...Fear the walking oxymoron! Met at the Lilycove City Pokemon Look-a-Like contest. (Who woulda thunk it? ^^)
Name: Aaron
Turns into: Absol
Oh, how do I put this...Cloud meets Pokemon, perhaps? Nah, doesn't do Cloud justice. (^^;) Classic tough, brooding, yet somehow good guy. Gets a crush on Angie the Delcatty! But it's kinda like a Wes<3Rui thing for those who play Pokemon Colleseum...
Name: Angie
Turns into: Delcatty
Scared of EVERYTHING! Only rarely does she gather up courage to do something brave.
Name: Bryan
Turns into: Sandslash
In the words of thieves everywhere, watch me whilst I rob you blind! Yeah, he's a thief. Why he joins the team? Adventure? Gold? Girls? Mostly gold, altohugh he does have a crush on the girls...
Run in fear! It's the attack of the fanfiction! BTW, steal any of this junk and I will give you a quiz about the character that is so painful to your poor head that you will have no choice but admit that these aren't your characters. Muahahahahahaha!No, that was not a challenge...Crazy people...I've just been hearing a lot about character/art thieves lately...
Huh...ok...I think that's good for the day...
C'ya! Hope the HTML works!
[EDIT: It didn't...T_T]
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
Regret of a Shadow
I wonder how long it'll be until I run out of things to talk about...
Anyways, since my writing is getting no response whatsoever in the OB, I've decided to move it here! Regret is bound to get something here!
By the way, this story is rated somewhere bewteen G and PG for slight mention of death and disturbing thoughts.
I’m always your side...
I help you when you are lonely and scared...
I destroy the demons that cross your path.
Yet you still fear me...
Shadow and light were never meant to meet, but alas, they have. The shadowed ones, misunderstood and unknown, yet they know all that you seek. The beings of light, seeking answers but finding none for their fear.
“Who are you...?” The light asks...
Strange...I know you, yet you still don’t know me, even though I have been with you always...
I flee.
Was it the light that fears the darkness, or...
Could it be exactly the opposite?
Another still night. Another lone night...
Is it a shadow’s destiny to be alone, untrusted?
Resigned to our fate...
Always watching...
A dangerous dance the light enacts. They know who they are, but a name has not been given to us. We are not individuals...We are merely there to protect and guide...
We are nameless, without bondage, yet we are bound to the light.
For what reason?
We do not know ourselves.
A shadow falls.
At journey’s end, history is to repeat.
Another light to be saved.
Another shadow to fall.
But what of those in between?
In peace, the shadows dim...The light, still filled with the curiosity of youth, asks again...
“Who are you?”
I am your shadow.
I am the light’s shadow.
I am eternity, for there must be balance.
Hope this story gets some people thinking! Remember, think before you judge, lest a legion of dust bunnies shalt destroy thy sanity.
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
Hmmm, I'm really supposed to be looking for my notes on Dark Cloud 2, but...I think I got a little sidetracked...
Anyways, I got stung by a hornet today! ._.
It was at the Band/Cheerleaders fund-raising car wash. I was innocently kneeling down to get the dirt off the bumper of a car when I felt a pinch on my right knee. I lifted my knee, thinking I had sat on a cacti of some sort to find a bright yellow and black hornet.
I screamed a scream of terror that can never be re...screamed..., now I've got a nice red spot on my leg from the sting.
Oh! And I finished my character! I've renamed him Aidan and drew him in chibi form! Here, let me figure out how to get a picture in here...GAH! I just stepped on a pine needle! T_T
Ok, anyways...let me try that again...Oh, you're kidding! That's all I have to do?! Fine, let's give this a try!
Oh, where did I put that thing...Ah-HA! Found him! Now I can put the picture up!

Isn't he cute! ^_^ He would probably kill me for chibi-fying him, but still...As an explanation, Aidan is kinda short for his age. He's 18, but he's only about...5'3? Maybe a little taller, but...Either, way, he's going to tackle me.
But, he's not like Edward from FMA, mind you. He won't really tackle and/or kill you for saying 'short.' He might shoot you a glare, but he won't do anything drastic. He perfers quiet.
And quiet is exactly what he is. o_o
He is very thoughtful, and likes to think this all the way through, reading between the lines, analyzing everything you say...And he loves books. Aidan always carries around at least one book, no matter what. That one book is most often about magic...
Ok, I think I've rambled on long enough for now. I've really got to go find those papers...^_^;
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