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Gavin Brown
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To Become A Notorious Actor!
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Saturday, October 30, 2004
I Are Run Fasted!
Well, today was Regionals for Cross Country. It was on our home course, so wee! It was suppose to rain and be cold, but things were fortunate! The weather turned out just right and the wind was refreshing and cool. Yay! I ended up taking 18th (which is good for a Regionals meet) and our team took 1st place! Big time achievement. Next Saturday, it's State, baby!
In other news, Syk3's gay :^D
In other other news, I'm trying to get pictures of me as Zorro ;_; I can't take one right now since the hat wasn't mine and the suit is nothing without the hat! Gah! So, yeah, I'll get pics from someone.
I are not doing much on Halloween. I'm not really sure what I'm doing, actually. Poopie :< That is all for now >:^O

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Thursday, October 28, 2004
Song Change #2
From The Curse of Monkey Island: "Wreck of the Sea Cucumber"
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Gavynn, you magnificent bastard!
I was thinking today that "God damnit, my life is like episodes of Seinfeld." If you've never seen Seinfeld, may God have mercy on your soul.
Anyways, I mean it, though. My life is like Seinfeld. I always have stupid situations I get into and talk about stupid things... and worst of all... I make up silly names for things. Allow me to give an example... in script form!
One day I was walking along with my buddy Sean who's a sophomore. We had to climb the zillion stairs to the third floor of our school. There are three floors.
Gavynn: Ye know what, Sean?
Sean: What?
Gavynn: I hate climbing these stairs to all these floors. I despise these floors.
Sean: You despise these floors?
Gavynn: Yes, these floors are what I despise!
Sean: Then you're a floorist?
Gavynn: A what?
Sean: A floorist. You know, not a flower guy, but a guy who's racist against floors.
Gavynn: So you mean floorist as in two O's instead of one?
Sean: Yes.
Gavynn: Hmm... yes, I s'pose I am a floorist.
Sean: It's nothing to be ashamed of.
Gavynn: No, it really isn't. I simply hate these floors.
Later on, I met my friend John who's the older brother of Sean. I told him about the floorist ordeal.
Gavynn: John, I am a floorist.
John: What?
Gavynn: I'm a floorist.
John: A flower person?
Gavynn: No, a guy who against floors.
John: You're against floors?
Gavynn: Yes, I hate them.
John: Why?
Gavynn: I have to climb all those stairs to get to each floor. It's madness, I say!
John: Then wouldn't you be a stairist?
Gavynn: No, I don't hate stairs. I hate the floors.
John: But you have to climb the stairs to get to the floors, so the stairs would be the trouble.
Gavynn: God my oh, it's true! I guess I'm not floorist after all. But I am stairist.
John: Genuine stairist.
See how sickening that is? And yet it's okay because that makes my life sound like a sitcom and I do like Seinfeld. I'll have to tell you guys about more of my Seinfeld-like conversations and life situations later.
Tomorrow is costume day at school. I'm Zorro :3 The CHEAP Zorro. I'm hotter than Banderas!

I'm hotter.
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Song Change #1
From The Curse of Monkey Island: "Speares- A Theatre Medley"
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New Postness ;_;
I'm almost ready to start writing White Rabbit. I will make a site for it as well. I just had to research the Puritans before I began chapter one. I want it to be historically correct, after all.
Aside from White Rabbit, I have information on my life. I just bought a skateboard off my friend for $10. It's in great condition, but it's a sucky skateboard to start with. I know how to ride and do one trick, but that's about it. For God sakes, I suck worse than Syk3 sucking at life.
Nextly, I'm buying a cool organizer dealio to jot down notes and shiz wherever I go during the day. And because of this, I will never forget ideas I have for stories and such whenever I think of something. I'm so devious.
Speaking of new ideas, I have one. Every time I change the music on my myOtaku here (the little box with the "What's Jammin'" guy in it is my music spot in case you're an idiot) I will post a small post saying the music has changed. You may comment on how you like the song.
That's all for now, fools >:^O
Oh, and Cross Country Regionals is this Saturday. We're guaranteed 1st place, but State the following week is a different story. Some say we'll get 2nd at State, but I believe it's out of our league. But no one said top five wasn't ;)

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Sunday, October 24, 2004
WTF? Gavynn's romantic? :o
I'm writing a romance short. I'm not sure why. Hm.
Here's a question for everyone reading this to answer: Do you prefer love in your life and be poor or would you rather be the richest person in the world with no love at all?
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
Gavynn Not Been Aroundness :(
Ahoy, there! I'm sorry I haven't been about. I've been very busy. Plus, school is being a bitch. I was accused of cheating when I didn't :( Bastards. I was almost suspended for three days. I've never been suspended in my life. Grr >:^(
Another chick wants me too. When will it end >:^(
I'm writing a silly series as a side project while I plan White Rabbit.

Yep, this is it. Captain's Log. You may read it at OtakuBoards if you're inrtigued.
CLICK HERE to visit the OB thread of it. If you're not a member of OB or aren't logged in there, you won't be able to see the title image. But you can obviously see it here (above).
The story is simply the life of a pirate captain named Lucidore Jake Hawkins. He says he's the greatest pirate of all time (after his father who he says is also legendary) and has adventures all the time. The deal is, he doesn't have adventures all the time and he's a terrible captain.
The stories of his "adventures" are told through his point of view in his captain's log.It's his thoughts that make up the stuff. He confesses in it so he doesn't totally bullshiz his way through the entries. Don't get me wrong, he does run into some adventure--but he usually screws those up to.
Read it on OB to get the full adventure. Silly Lucidore :)

My mama can cook too, you ass.
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
More On White Rabbit

As promised, here's some facts on the characters to White Rabbit. The more main characters, at least.
Alice: (No Picture Yet) Since I've decided the story takes place in Salem during the 1690's, she is one of the Puritans of that time. She lives with another family in one of the cabins and works very hard every day like everyone else. Her past is plainly forgotten by everyone (and will never be revealed at all in the story so don't start wondering), so it's pretty much a mystery to why she's a witch.
From all the labor she goes through, he grows strong and nimble and is able to wield a stick or hoe pretty well. Upon accidently revealing her magic to some townfolk (and the suspicion of witchcraft around this time), she was immediately charged and was told to be burned at the stake. Escaping into the Forbidden Woods, she becomes lost and ends up in Wonderland where she meets the next character of our enchanted tale...
Maknum Walker (The White Rabbit):

Maknum has to be my most favorite character. This quick sketch of him I doodled in about five minutes of art class should give you an idea of his appearance. As said in my previous post, he's human height. Here's some stuff you didn't know. He's a famous alchemist who owns an apothecary deep within one of the woods of Wonderland. He may seem humble from this description, but in battle, he can use his guns skillfully (said to be the best damn shot in all of the land; that and his gun uses really big bullets). He's also been known to use his own body as a weapon of destruction. He's a powerful ally Alice would be more than happy to have on her side (if he even is).
He uses his potion-brewing skills to make unique bullets that, upon impact, can explode and release gases, acids, and assorted other excremities that will harm the foe the bullet hits. He's quite the deadly bunny.
He's not the nicest guy and hardly cracks a smile. But his jokes that he cracks (mostly sarcasm) will keep his atmosphere somewhat away from the dark side. He's even somewhat religious (note the cross necklace). But can he really be trusted?
The Cheshire Cat: (No Picture Yet) It's silly because the White Rabbit was bad in the real story and the Cheshire Cat helped. Hmm... Well, I'm different, I s'pose. The Cheshire Cat is evil (in some sense), but he's only doing his job. He's the most notorious bounty hunter in all of Wonderland and the Queen hires him to kill Alice. He wears all armor and such so he's not really revealed. I'll draw a picture of him next since he's an interesting character. His information is limited.
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Monday, October 18, 2004
Girls Confuzzle Me
Girls are silly sometimes (no offense to the female viewers of my blog here). Somehow and in some way I get trapped in their clutches. Them and their sexiness. But far too often are they confused about me as well.
Like, for example, three girls at school right now think I like them. God my oh! The insanity! I admit one of them is hot, but I don't like any of them like that. And my words of saying "I don't like you," don't seem to hint. Mother's Love, how can some people be so inconsiderate?
As for me, I've become good friends with another Cross Country team that goes to team camp with us, but I recently met one of their newer runners that didn't go to camp this summer. And she's hot. I've talked to her a few and plan to get to know her ;)
Oh, sly Gavynn.
Anyways, I'll post tomorrow with information on White Rabbit's characters (like Alice, White Rabbit [also called Maknum Walker], and The Cheshire Cat).

Isn't he amazin'?
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
Alice Got Back

My new story idea is going to be put into action. White Rabbit is a little more mature than most of my writing, but it still keeps a young audience in its range. To quick describe it, it conbines Alice in Wonderland with Kill Bill. To describe it the long way, here's the tip of the iceburg:
I'm still determining if it'll take place during 1692 in Salem when the witch trials occured or if it should take place during the original time Alice in Wonderland had. Either way, Alice, our heroine of this story, is accused by her fellow villagers that she is a witch because she casted magic. Though this theory of someone being a witch is often false, it's true in Alice's case. But she means no harm.
Nevertheless, the villagers hunt her down to kill her like any other witch for reasons of fear, ignorance, and untrustworthiness. She eventually is chased into the Forbidden Woodlands, a place I made up for this story alone. It's the woods just outside the town that strange stuff is said to happen in, so no one ever goes there. Naturally, Alice rushes in for safety, but the villagers dare not follow.
Upon entering, she gets lost, scared, and sooner or later falls in a hole leading to none other than Wonderland. She doesn't know where she is at first, but luckily she finds a white rabbit.
Now, the reason I named this story White Rabbit is because he plays a prominent role in the whole ordeal. He's not just a really cool character (and he is), but he's pretty much Alice's sidekick in it. To describe him, he's human-sized and about 5'10'' (little taller than Alice, minus ear height). He's also dressed in a dirty brown leather jacket, even dirtier jeans, some pilot goggles snapped to his forehead above his eyes, and gloves and boots. Of course, he has other stuff, but I don't wanna describe him now.
He's unique because he's smart (he's an alchemist), quick, and can shoot a flea off a sleeping dog without the mutt waking. (Look at the image above and you'll see him with the gun.)
Anyways, enough about White Rabbit for now... Alice winds up in Wonderland and wants to figure out what's happened. White Rabbit explains that there is no escape from Wonderland unless you kill the Evil Queen that rules. And the journey to her isn't that wonderful with all her loyal subjects ready to kill you. And if they don't stop you, the murderous scum that plague the lands will.
Truely enough, though, Alice is equiped with her magic and after suiting up with some armor and weapons supplied by White Rabbit, her and her new fuzzy friend are ready to go slay some royalty.
That's the start of it. She wants to kill the Queen of Wonderland so she can escape and go get revenge on the villagers... or force them to accept her. Naturally her skills with weaponry are slim to none, but she's learned tricks with the hard work she did back at home.
It'll be fun to write and I have numerous ideas for it, but to link them all together and to produce the amazing ending I have in mind, I'll have to think things over big time. Wish me luck.
I'll keep you guys updated.
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