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Gavin Brown
Too many to name...
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If any, Yu Yu Hakusho
To Become A Notorious Actor!
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Acting, Writing, Drawing... and other stuff.
| Dragon Warrior
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Yesiree bob! My new myOtaku is finally up and running. A new piratey layout features some sexy graphics for your enjoyment. The animated title would be better if gif animations didn't make the sunset quality crap out, but I can't help it. It's too cool to not be animated :D
Anywhoozles, I plan on actually posting in this as much as I can. In the past, I've been pretty bad about it. I dunno, I guess I'm not the journal type of guy. When I see journals, I usually see losers running around with stickers all over a Hello Kitty notebook shouting "I just updated my journal LOL!11!!ONE!!" and makes me wanna hang them from the top of a flagpole by their undergarments. But nevertheless, it seems manly enough since I'm doing it.
If you turned on my music, you're listening to an mp3 from the game The Curse of Monkey Island. Honestly my favorite computer game ever and it's just brilliant and funny. And as you can see, the score is brilliance as well. I could listen to its soundtrack all day. But I can't since I listen to the band Live 24/7 instead. If I can find samples of whole Live songs, there's no doubt their magical melodies will grace my myOtaku site immediately.
In bigger news, I am working on numerous projects. One is, in fact, a roleplaying competition for OtakuBoards.

Yes, it's called The Roleplayers. Creative title, eh? I thought it fit all too well, so I just stuck with it. I was originally going to make an RPG called The Roleplayers, but this suited the glorified title better. In The Roleplayers, eight competitors must roleplay as several different characters I've made in numerous different RPG ideas I have created for this contest. Sometimes they may even have to make a character themselves, which will test their creativity levels to the max. It won't be easy. Writing skills come in handy, folks.
Sign ups will begin July 25th in the Adventure Underground. Look for it!
Having said that, I've also been working on a new story idea. It's called Palldin of the Wicked West--or Palladin for short--and is about an outlaw named Palladin who robs banks, gets into mischief, and has an adventurous cowboy-styled life.

The story takes place in an alternate dimension of our very own American westerns. This world is called The Wicked West. You never know what you'll find. Sure you'll get cowboys and indians probably. That's what westerns are! But you'll also get voodoo, witch doctors, swordfighting (yes, these cowboys use swords as well as guns), futuristic weaponry, monsters, you name it! The Wicked West is definitely not like your normal western world, but it definitely can bring out a new light to the John Wayne classics.
So watch out for Palladin when it premiers on OtakuBoards. I'll most likely keep you informed here for when it shows up... if I choose to take the idea further.
Before I forget to say, I am leaving on vacation to Los Angeles on August 3rd and won't be back 'til around the 12th or 13th. I'll be closing The Roleplayers sign ups when I return. Then a day after that, I'm off to Cross Country camp, so The Roleplayers will be postponed 'til my return... that or I'll make the first round start and be a week long. All my other projects and RPGs I'm participating in will be postponed as well. That's all for that.
Not bad for my first post. I hope to keep this up. I also hope I'm not borin' ye. I plan on making a short story series for just my myOtaku here called Dragon Warrior's myOtaku Adventures, which should keep you entertained partially while reading one of my craptastic posts.
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