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Where women are. Nuff said.
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Gavin Brown
Too many to name...
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Not really an anime fan.
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If any, Yu Yu Hakusho
To Become A Notorious Actor!
Acting, Drawing, Running, Writing, Women, Singing, Other Art Forms, Etc.
Acting, Writing, Drawing... and other stuff.
| Dragon Warrior
Friday, July 22, 2005
Hey again, folks. My second post with my new myOtaku. I’m trying to gather people to read in on the stuff I’m putting here, so if you can help me in any way to attract some traffic, I’d be very grateful. I’m planning a load of cool stuff to do here so it’s not just a boring read about my life and future/current/past projects. Like the following comic:

Yeah… I was bored. Heh… that crazy Yesiree Bob. Anyways, I’ve got other stuff planned too. If you recall in my last post, I said I will start a story for this site right here called Dragon Warrior’s myOtaku Adventures and man will it be crazy. But I’m also working intently on my projects for OtakuBoards from The Roleplayers to Palladin (if you’re new to my site, check my previous post to learn about The Roleplayers and Palladin).
Tonight I go to my singing recital for my college class and I have to sing before a large audience. Fun :^D I’m singing the song ”Gas Hed Goes West” by Live and no, it’s not a typo. The song name spells it as “hed.” I have no clue what a gas hed is, nor what the song is even about, but I completely suggest it to the lot of you. So download or buy the song “Gas Hed Goes West.” I meant now >:O
After I do that, my sister and I are going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Me being a major Tim Burton fan, I’m surprised I’m seeing it so late. But I’m happy anyways. Expect a review for the film immediately after I see it. It’ll be posted in my movie review thread on OtakuBoards.
Upon looking at Solo Tremaine’s myOtaku, I saw he had one of those question chain letter things that ask you questions, you answer, and send it to everyone on God’s green goodness so people can read it and say “Cool, dawg!” Well, the questions usually are the same ones every time and they often suck. Soooo… what about a change, eh? Let’s see if I can answer my own list of really retarded questions.

Heh, heh… yeah, that’s right. Time for some really retarded questions. Feel free to answer them too and put them on your site, but just remember these are genuine Dragon Warrior sexy questions :D In other words, put my name so I get traffic here, damnit >: O I need visitors ;_;
On with the questions…
How many donkeys have you seen in your life? Oh, yeah, like I keep track. >:O
Are you a male? Yes.
If yes, then are you pregnant? Nope, I got an abortion :3
Can I see your naval? I don’t own the military >:O
Not Navy, jackweed. Naval! Your bellybutton! Oh. Yeah. Wait… no. You can’t see it.
Why not? Can we just get on with this? >:(
How come your myOtaku site sucks so much? I tried ;_;
How many planets have you been to? Five, but Jupiter smelt like silly putty so I didn’t go there. That would’ve been six :o
Wanna go on a date? Are you a hot chick?
Are you shallow? >:O Maybe >:(
You suck. That’s not a question!
How old are you? 18.
Liar. I am not >:O
There! You admitted it. You’re not 18. I don’t wanna do this anymore.
Okay, okay… fine. How many kids do you have? I’m 18.
I know. But how many kids? Uh… I’m 18. I don’t have kids.
You could have kids at 18, ass >:O News flash, I don’t >:O
Whatever. So, how many guys have you made out with? I’m not gay.
Sure thing, muffin. Were you the butch or the bitch? I’m not gay, damnit >:O
How many pets do you have? Finally, a natural question. I have… five.
Geez, took you long enough to answer. What, you mean the dots?
Yeah. The “…” just totally made you look slow-minded. You suck, question guy person >:O
Your girlfriend sucks well ;^D I know ;^D
Hahahahaha. Hahahaha.
Anyways, what kind of computer software do you have? Windows XP :^D
Not bad. Do you have a bad monitor? Gateway 2000. How’d you know it sucked?
It’s you. C’mon, you’re cheap, man. This is true.
What music do you like? Pretty much everything, but mostly rock.
So you’re a hippie fag? What the he… what are you talking about?
You went to Woodstock! Once again… I’m 18.
Don’t change the subject, fag. I am not a bundle of sticks >:O
I wanna punch you :^D Let’s end this thing now. It’s getting out of hand.
Whatever, sissy. I’ll be back. Yeah, right.
You’ll see. Meh.
Meh, indeed. No matter what… I always get the last word.
Damn. Yep.
As gay as that may have been, I was rather bored and it passed some time. Speaking of being bored, I’ve gotten into doing Flash now. Ye know, Flash the animating program. I’m not too shabby for a beginner, but that may be because I’ve already animated in the past and Flash is quite similar to Adobe Photoshop CS. :^D Yay.

My first animation on it was Ranger Jameson: Episode 1- Painforest and was about the world’s greatest forest ranger, Ranger Jameson, kicking some serious animal butt to save the rainforest. Of course, he was accompanied by his unidentifiable animal friend Gavin. Tee hee. Jameson is actually a real friend of mine and this animation is based off a running joke with him and me.

It, of course, had a sequel. Ranger Jameson: Episode 2- Die Another earth Day followed shortly after and was completed with great success. Totally topping its previous brother, episode 2 introduced a fancy new villain and opened for some new atmosphere to the series. Episode 3 is on its way and I’m doing my best to get the series hosted on

A favorite crap animation of people is Jerry the Loon. I’m not sure why people like him. I was really bored one night and made this within two hours. This one is actually small enough to be uploaded on to imageshack so you can watch it. It’s really retarded XD

My current short I’m making that’s actually rather poorly done is Mipp the Woreor It’s about a warrior named Mipp and his stupid adventures. This is the first episode. My sister and her boyfriend saw the first part of it and are hooked. I’m forced to finish it before my sister comes to visit today. Must get to work!
So as you can see, I’m keeping busy. I hope I can entertain you all some more somehow. Until tomorrow, cheers!
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