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Gavin Brown
Too many to name...
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Not really an anime fan.
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If any, Yu Yu Hakusho
To Become A Notorious Actor!
Acting, Drawing, Running, Writing, Women, Singing, Other Art Forms, Etc.
Acting, Writing, Drawing... and other stuff.
| Dragon Warrior
Monday, July 25, 2005
Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Gavin's Life For Me! |
Hello again, everyone. I’ll start off with Yesiree Bob as usual:

Wasn’t that a bit of retarded? XD

Anyways, I’ve been a busy graphic maker. I opened a graphics thread for me on OtakuBoards for people to scamper around and see my latest work.
CLICK HERE FOR THE THREAD The first image is one I have actually submitted here on myOtaku. See it in my Fanart section. The rest of the images are special banners I have made for the movie Corpse Bride. Excited? Yes, I am! This movie is brilliant and I couldn’t help myself, but make several banners with images I find. Feel free to use these banners in your OtakuBoards signatures, but just give me credit for creation please.

While on the subject of art, I have submitted four pieces of myOtaku as of last night. They’re all up thanks to the speedy work of the administrators here (you guys rock), so if you’d like, you can check them out. I have submitted…

The Rifleman He’s from Warcraft 3 I think, but since I don’t play the games, I don’t know. Oh well. This is… my best piece of art, I think. That or it’s my favorite. It took a long time and it’s just so detailed. I love it! But enough gloating…

I’m With Sexy If you know me, you know I joke about having a HUGE ego. Well, this picture was drawn a few years back making fun of this. That’s supposed to be me (if I had black hair, that is). I have a glass thing over my eye :^D

Inventor Goes West This is the image in my graphics thread I was talking about. Inspired by Tim Burton’s work (of course), it doesn’t have much of a real meaning. What I got from it when I finished (because I had no clue what I was drawing when I made it) was that he’s an inventor traveling the world in search of something new to invent. Inspiration, perhaps? Or maybe items to invent something to save his village. Who knows! I like it, though.

Sly the Morrgoblin A decently old picture I drew for an RPG or story. I don’t recall where he’s from. But I liked the shading (it’s my own unique shading style, so I enjoy it, okay?!) so I posted it.
See all of these pictures in my fanart section. Click the link at the bottom of this page.
Since someone wanted it, I will post Mat Goes To The Zoo when it’s done. I’m just about finished and I will probably post it tomorrow here. So watch for it. I just warn you, it has profanity in it and it’s a tad retarded. But what bit of my work isn’t stupid? :P
I may start on my old story idea called The Fletcher and the Witch It was about a fletcher (old term for bow maker, archer) who just delivered a custom-made bow to a count when on his way back home he gets lost in the woods owned by a witch. She punishes him for trespassing by cursing him. When he wakes, he’s back home in bed, but the curse is real. He finds he has been hexed with bad luck and now whatever he does, things might go wrong. His life has become a living jinx and he must be careful what he does. Nevertheless, cautious as he must be, he’s going back out from his village to find the witch, have her lift the curse, and get revenge. It’s going to be an eerie tale and if you’ve read my previous work called Wickersleeves, you’ll understand how odd this might get. Please do post your opinion on the idea. I just might do it. It’d be a short story.
Hey, wanna link up? Posting links to each other’s myOtaku sites in your introduction section will help get traffic for the both of us. So if you want to affiliate with me, just PM me, IM me on an instant messenger, PM me on OtakuBoards, whatever. I’ll be more than happy to put you in my introduction section as long as you do the same for me.
I believe that’s all for today. I promise tomorrow’s post will be more interesting. Nothing really happening today, so I can’t say much. Until then…
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