Humans were naturally afraid of demons and demons naturally never cared about humans. That’s the way it was and that’s the way it will always be. Or so we thought. Times have changed and so have humans.
There is a tale told by the humans about a war that took place 756 years ago. The tale tells about the battle between the Spider demon Lin, and the Cat demon, Tald. The battle was fought for two different reasons. Lin fought to rule the world and destroy all humans. Tald opposed Lin and fought for a world where humans and demons could live together. The war lasted for three years and many innocent lives were taken. During the war Lin began to lose some of her power but she was still able to fight. One day when Lin and Tald met for their final battle Tald brought a human with him. Lin thought nothing of the human and fought Tald only to die at the hands of the human Tald had with him. The story doesn’t tell how Lin died; it only tells that Tald and the human bore the same mark on their bodies.
After the war humans and demons became friendlier towards each other and later lived together. Humans began to feel envious of the relationship between Tald and his human companion, Jeana. Tald had told the humans “If you are worthy your day will come and you will find your perfect match.” Many humans had wondered what Tald had meant by ‘if you are worthy.’ That is until one day, precisely three weeks after Tald had spoken to them, a human girl, Tsalia, sixteen years of age went to see Tald. She asked “Why do I have this mark upon my face? I know not what it means.”
Tald just smiled at her and at that exact moment one of the Cat demons, Melnis, went up to Tald and asked “What is this mark? It appeared when I woke just a moment ago.”
Tald turned to Tsalia, smiled and said “You are worthy,” he turned to Melnis and said , “she is your perfect match.”
Melnis turned to Tsalia and back to Tald asking, “How can you certain?” Tald leaned forward, whispered in his ear and sat back. Tsalia just stood there waiting for something to happen. Then as if from nowhere Melnis kissed the mark on her cheek and it began to glow.
Tald smiled and spoke to them, “That is how you can be certain.”
After that day there have been many humans with different signs on their cheeks. The humans were grateful to Tald for helping them. They were so grateful that they declared Tald their first king and named the city after him when he died. This tale has been passed down by the humans throughout the ages, all over the world. Demons and humans feared the war might happen again if they were not careful. So throughout the ages demons have searched for their perfect match when their mark appeared.
Their perfect match and better half is their Machi.