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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

'Tis me without the markings.....and a little bit blacker......and my eye's ish one ish baby blue and the other ish golden....=) HAPPZPYYYYYY!!!
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Yahness! A quiz!!!
Get Your Own Quiz!, More Quizzes
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Sunday, September 9, 2007
Yah A new member!!! Mysterious Rie

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Monday, August 27, 2007
... YAH!! I AM BACK!! I had Loads of fun at my grands cabin well when we got there we sorta surprised them 'cause we didn't call ahead...Then I went fishing and it was the worst time to fish, nothing bit then Zeke tried to eat my worms....ick....then that night I went down to the dock and I had a Red Eyed Wiggler on my line (Is was 'bout 10:00) and the last cast before I had to go in I caught A BIG catfish OMG the biggest one I had ever caught! soo cool!
The Next day then I caught loads of Crappies ( it's not CRAPiess it's pronounced CRAUPies 0_o') so then my Grandpa cleaned them and we had them for supper....So the next day...Hoggie (A neighboor) came over and talked to my dad...then my grandpa got up and said "Your guys Bull-shiting is keeping me up!" then hoggie lifted his leg and farted like I have never seen a guy fart! then he said " *farts* Oh yah thats what kept me up all night!" and my dad almost fell over laughing!!! xD xD! then when he went he said "ADIOS PHIl!" (phil is my dad's name) and then he farted again and walked off....he is a funny guy...He also was up at one of those Great lakes and he casted out and he caught a fishing pole and he said I swear to god that wasn't a set up and I belive him he got it on tape to! Oh yah and theres GIANT oak trees everywhere to the acorns where falling so I got hit in the head like 60 times (real windy) So I screamed THE FRICKEN CHIMPMUNKS ARE BOMBING US!!! heh...fun! and zeke as usual was being crazy and hyper then he settled down and Holy crap he can jump off the dock I swear he's going 14 feet off the dock 0_o' god....well that was most of my trip so just wanted to tell you...xD Oh and I got a turtle YAH! there soo cute! ...cute?! what the heck? Oh nevermind I LURVE turtles any way...just an update....heh....lol.
... bye.....x3
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
EVERYBODY!!!! *waves paw*
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Da cabin----- not gonna be on
Well just an update I'm not going to be for 3 days starting friday 'Cause me my dog (yah!) mah mom and dad are going to my grandma and grandpa's cabin in the southern part of my state It's about a 2 hour drive there from where I live but last year it took us 5 hours 'Cause of a detour.....*twitches* I hate detours....to curvy of a road. 0_o' But at least this year I get to Have Zeke a.k.a mah dog, sit by me! yah! soo happy! oh yah and zeke's a chocolate lab...if your wondering who's going onto 7 but he's still hyper....especially because he hasn't had social time with other dogs, so he thinks he's dominate and starts humping the other dog...then I have to drag him off.... =/ which doesn't turn out good ewww.... his "Pink Pencil" as your may call it is dangling everywhere....GOD PUT IT IN ZEKE!!!! So just wanted to tell you!
Ps. A PM will be sent out to pack members shortly as soon as Demon Wolf Koruki replies to me.. -_-'
x3 *howls joyfully * And....Nobody will take my place when I'm gone Cj (demon wolf koruki) Is full time Leader Until I get back...TTYL EVERYBODY!

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Friday, August 10, 2007
You Were a Wolf

You have an instinctual intelligence that guides your life.
Your family and "pack" is of primary importance, and you protect them.
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Wednesday, August 8, 2007
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Monday, August 6, 2007

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Awesome Gaara and wolves pic!!

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