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IWC (internaitional Wolf Center) =D
Member Since
WOLFERS R US !!!! =)
Real Name
you wanna know my freaking real name WHY THE HELL SHOULD I TELL YOU!!!!!! meh....Call me BJ $__$
To turn into a CHEESE BURGER!! save wolfy's
Anime Fan Since
since.....I met Demon Wolf Koruki!
Favorite Anime
Erm...Wolf's rain,Naruto BUT I'M NOT A NARUTOTARD!! Ginga Desetsu Weed, Bleach. ^^'
To be good at soccer..SAVE WOLFERS!!!!!
Being Hyper all the time! Cj: BJ I got a vault! BJ: GIMMMIE!!! *tackles Cj to ground* *starts biting*
Drawing, BEING HYPER!!! um Drawing Running, video games, Being very hyper, hunting um DID I MENTION BEING HYPER!!!!! MWHAHAHAHHAH!!!!
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Friday, April 27, 2007
;<br />
wolf with wings)
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
Different story...thingy....thing......I HAVE.... i like cheese...
My mind is on one thing... and that is to save my friend.... I tear through the forest with great speed, ripping tree's apart with one swipe of my massive wolf paws, Demon wolf koruki is howling somewhere in the night...... my mind is on her and only her as darkness goes on,The pitiful cries of a wolf dies out... I charge faster into the dark depth of the pine forest, I hear her once again I turn right and run on.
As I started to slow down from the wounds on my body and losing some blood, I hear voices of the Wolf slayers, "They're hear" I whisper to myself as I use my healing powers to restore the blood and heal the wounds. " what the heck is this..this thing!" one of the wolf slayers said as he grab demon wolf koruki by the ear and pulled her up, she tried to bite but the wound on her side was sucking the life right out of her.
I wait until they go through their supplies and then..... I shoot out from cover and rip one of the wolf slayer's back he howls with pain and falls over dead. "Twang!" I hear a cross bow go off I leap up nearly getting shot, I lunged at the slayer that shot the crossbow bite his neck in half and watches his head fall to the moss covered forest floor.
I run over to Demon wolf and bite the leather straps holding her down.
to be continude!
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
ZEKE! (again)
OK here we go again so my dad and I put a decoy out and we let zeke out to take a pee, I stayed outside and dad went inside... then I hear SPLASH!!! and hear comes numb nuts with the decoy in his mouth! dad got pissed at him cuz' it was his best decoy <_< so I got in trouble cuz "I let him out of my site" *says in mocking tone* so thats my dumb idiot dog zeke well CYA~ peeps!
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Saturday, April 7, 2007
zeke my idoitic dog
well ok... I was going to go outside with my dog Zeke...I got him off the leash and I let him go take a crap and a pee, I turned my back for 2 seconds and BAM! he's going after this rabbit I call him and call him but he will NOT come he's such a moron then , CLUNK and YIPE, he hit a tree head on and the rabbit stopped and looked back and took off, like he was telling Zeke "stupid dog". Zeke had a huge lump on his head after that and all he wants to do it sleep so I can't hear myself think right now...... ok all i wanted to say
~long live the Starpaw Clan~
Naruto chibi!
my chibi!
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my egghref=>
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Thursday, April 5, 2007
Wazzup this is some stuff!
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Monday, March 12, 2007
I was bored -----continuede3
"What happed to your arm" I asked "Oh, those frickin losers of monsters cut me and poisoned it.... I put
antidote on it but it only helps the pain." she said
"Oh, that 'ought to suck." "YAH think!" She said as she yelled at me "OK the poison must make her have A LOT of mood swings.... -.-" I thought to myself. As we stayed in Wolf form we sneaked to the monsters lair. We slipped and slided like geeks on 1 skate on the granite floor as we moved along we went into a door all of the idiotic creature's we sleeping.. It stunk like crap mixed with dieing skunks, we couldn't bear it with-out our closing nostrils.( A RELIEF)
We started to creep around the sprawled out snoring, stinking bodies of the creatures, then when nothing could stop us.... something did.... the king of the monsters was standing right in front of us, it evil deep red eye's flaring with anger, it was 2times bigger than the one I met in the forest, and the weird thing was it was.... PINK... it was hard for us not to laugh so we couldn't hold it in...... we burst out laughing then guess what, the worst thing happened the ALL of them woke up, "dammit" I cursed as they all drew the swords. I heard CJ say the worst of all cuss word, and then Battle all of the freak creature came at us like little aliens.... with freakishly HUGE swords. as we fought I heard sickly screams and then nasty thuds as the monsters fell we demolished every single one. CJ didn't kill as many because her fighting arm is the one the got damaged, so she had some close calls and I had to kill 1 or 2 for her because the had her in a death position or in a headlock with one of the creature... also she had to save me once because my footing wasn't right on the slippery floor, it was very difficult for me and worst for CJ. Once all the demons were killed we came to the gay-tarted, girlyish, looking leader of there's then I turned my funny comments into a BIG ASSAULT! because then it pulled out this little tiny dagger with a unicorn on it. but this time me and CJ kept a stern face.(Twitching a little) Then we got a HUGE surprise the little dagger turn into a ring sword like CJ's when she human fought. we stood there ready for attack when Cermack comes in. "cermack" CJ and I said with our minds together I heard her thoughts and she heard mine. We looked at each other with amazed looks.
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Sunday, March 11, 2007
i was bored----- continuide 2
"What happed to your arm" I asked "Oh, those frickin losers of monsters cut me and poisoned it.... I put
antidote on it but it only helps the pain." she said
"Oh, that 'ought to suck." "YAH think!" She said as she yelled at me "OK the poison must make her have A LOT of mood swings.... -.-" I thought to myself. As we stayed in Wolf form we sneaked to the monsters lair. We slipped and slided like geeks on 1 skate on the granite floor as we moved along we went into a door all of the idiotic creature's we sleeping.. It stunk like crap mixed with dieing skunks, we couldn't bear it with-out our closing nostrils.( A RELIEF)
We started to creep around the sprawled out snoring, stinking bodies of the creatures, then when nothing could stop us.... something did.... the king of the monsters was standing right in front of us, it evil deep red eye's flaring with anger, it was 2times bigger than the one I met in the forest, and the weird thing was it was.... PINK... it was hard for us not to laugh so we couldn't hold it in...... we burst out laughing then guess what, the worst thing happened the ALL of them woke up, "dammit" I cursed as they all drew the swords. I heard CJ say the worst of all cuss word, and then Battle all of the freak creature came at us like little aliens.... with freakishly HUGE swords. as we fought I heard sickly screams and then nasty thuds as the monsters fell we demolished every single one. CJ didn't kill as many because her fighting arm is the one the got damaged, so she had some close calls and I had to kill 1 or 2 for her because the had her in a death position or in a headlock with one of the creature... also she had to save me once because my footing wasn't right on the slippery floor, it was very difficult for me and worst for CJ. Once all the demons were killed we came to the gay-tarted, girlyish, looking leader of there's then I turned my funny comments into a BIG ASSAULT! because then it pulled out this little tiny dagger with a unicorn on it. but this time me and CJ kept a stern face.(Twitching a little) Then we got a HUGE surprise the little dagger turn into a ring sword like CJ's when she human fought. we stood there ready for attack when Cermack comes in. "cermack" CJ and I said with our minds together I heard her thoughts and she heard mine. We looked at each other with amazed looks.
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Saturday, March 10, 2007
continued------- I was bored
As I tore the the forest My mind was on CJ, I Couldn't stop thinking about her.... Dead Or Alive, then I heard the ear spliting cry again this time closer. as I headed in that direction I thought to myself "She's at least alive." Then I stopped dead in my tracks, there in front of me stood a 6 foot monster, it's whole body was terrifying. Black and ugly with a smacked-in looking face, Its legs look as if all they were all muscle no bone, its arms, just can't describe them they where as thick as tree trunks and as long and my leg.
As I stared up with fright the Creature emitted
high pitched squeals like a dieing pig, then 2 other creature silently came out from the shadows of the tree's all though they weren't as big as the one in front of me they looked just as strong.
The larger one did hand signals saying to battle him. "O My gosh" I thought to myself "I'M not gonna make it out of here alive!" but I toke the challenge. as the creature geared up for battle i had this sudden jolt of energy then I grew 2 feet bigger and my muscles looked like they were going to blow, and my streak of neon green fur down my fur back(I'm a were-wolf ok but a good one)was glowing. then when I wasn't expecting it, SURPRISE ATTACK! they ugly creatures came lunging towards me, I yelp when one of the slim claws shot clean across my leg. The out of nowhere comes CJ. "CJ, Get these Ugly idiots off me!" Then CJ Lunged at the biggest one killing it in one swipe of her massive paw. I killed the little one's with no problem. After the fight I bandaged my leg up, as I was doing that I noticed CJ arm was swelled up. "What happened to your arm?" I asked.
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Friday, March 9, 2007
Drawing tips: wolves
WAZZUP! N E way here a tip when you draw wolves, when you make the paws you don't want the Inflated like a ballon. like don't show the pink pad it will look wierd, also take your time on shading, it took me 2 weeks to get shading done on this one wolf NE way Cheers DragonClaw
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