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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Movin time.
I'll be moving to a new house here pretty soon. It shouldn't effect my presence here for but a few days. Packing, moving and then unpacking. I'm pretty used to moving from being on the road so its no big deal to me. The new house is cooler and I'll be getting wireless internet. Woo hoo!!
Here's to new and better times that lie ahead.
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Monday, December 27, 2004
Good Christmas
This was a good Christmas. Not much material gifts but everything else is what made it great. My dad came in from his job in Arkansas to spend Christmas with the whole family.
I haven't seen him in a while. It was cool. I had a good Christmas. I'm happy.
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 Oi! What Kind of Loner Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
I'm not one to post quizes but this one was really cool.
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
Merry Christmas Eve Eve!
Tommarow's the day before the big day. Merry Christmas Eve Eve everyone! Not much else to post.
More art on the way!
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Ever wonder what the meaning of life is?
What is the meaning of life?
Men have drove themselves into the grave thinking about this. And I'm sure we've all pondered this sometime in our lives.
Well I have the answer! Ha ha!!
Here goes.
The meaning of life is to end.
There it is.
Thats it.
Oh you want an explanation?
Alright. The meaning of life is to end. It is like a long race.
The whole point of the race is to get to the end. The end is the focus. It is the reason we run at all. To get to the end. The meaning of life is to die. Everything else is just on the way there. Death is a gift my friends. Death does not come easy.
Every day there people who people say they narrowly missed death. Death does not miss. People speak of suicide but few attempt it. Even those who do some times fail.
Because you can't bring death upon yourself. Death comes for you. As long as you know this you will not fear or regret death.
In death all becomes clear. You are finally at peace. Death is a pleasent expirience for those who under go it. Its those around them who feel pain. To me death is a good thing. I don't regret death when it happens to others.
Sure I feel sorry for their family and friends who mourn them but I don't feel sorry for the deceaced themselves. They are probably happier than they ever were. Why feel sorry for them now?
Whew!! Thats my opinion anyways.
Everyone's meaning is different.
This is just my conclusion. Feel free to share your's if you wish or just take in mine into your thoughts and concider my meaning.
Thoughts from an ordinary guy.
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Monday, December 20, 2004
*Sigh* good times
I love this time of year. Not really for the holidays but just the feeling of the season. You know the feeling you get when you step out side in the cold winter night,you breath in deeply, the sent of far off fire places fill your lungs. This is the holiday season to me. Not the glitter and lights and the gifts. This is the spirit of the season and people commonly overlook that.
My thoughts at the moment.
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Friday, December 17, 2004
Hooray for Christmas Break!!
It is truly Christmas now. It is upon us at last! Huzzah!! Christmas rules!!
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Givein a shout out to Mr. Devil
I've been reserching the origin of Satan latley. Its pretty interesting. Its a subject many like to avoid so I wanted to find out more. Now I'm no Christian and neither am I a Satanist but I love the whole mythology around angels and demons and their origins and their interations with man. Cool stuff.
Well any ways, I found that Satan did the whole tempting with the apple and stuff and that made us the way we are today. With out him we'd still be in that stupid garden naked and dumb as a stump. This shows the importance of balance in all things. His darkness gave us our own free will. Its not good to be only light or only dark. You must have balance to have peace. So I'm givin a shout out to Mr. Lucifer Prince of Darkness. Thanks dude.
Sorry for the weird subject. Its just been on my mind lately.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
This might take a while
This is going to be a very detailed pic. So its going to be a while before I finish it. Its going to have over 25 people in it. Very detailed. My eyes hurt from staring at it. I hope you poeple like it because its causing me a lot of pain! Have patience.
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Monday, December 13, 2004
Things are pretty boring right now. Still waiting to get into that comunity college. Just a few more days. I shall have patience. *sits in meditative position*
I'm working on a new pic. If this site will let me put it on it'll be pretty cool. Sigh.....not much else to say. I guess thats all.
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