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• drewtheunquestioned5
• 1986-08-23
• Austin, TX
Member Since
• 2003-10-14
• Deli employee
Real Name
• Drew
• I got my GED last year and started college, thats a good one.
Anime Fan Since
• 1997 when I first saw DBZ.
Favorite Anime
• DBZ, Excel Saga, Paranoia Agent, Samurai Champloo, Love Hina, Ghost in the Shell: SAC, Kenshin, FLCL,
• To master any style of kung-fu, to take my art skills to the next level, to attain inner peace and confidence, and to complete my schooling and using it to better my life.
• Drawing, practicing kung-fu, watching and collecting Jackie Chan films(I have 43 at the time), playing Magic the Gathering, and juggling(sticks mainly).
• Drawing and kung-fu.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2003
On the road again!!
Hello everyone. Everything's cool here in NC.
Though I love it here in Huntersville and I love haveing a hardline, the time has come for me to be moving on with my journey. I'll be leaving in a few days for parts unknown. I won't always have internet connection where I plan to go but I'll do the best I can to keep in touch.
I wanted to say good bye and thank you for all the good times. I'll miss you all.
So don't wreck up the place while I'm gone,
Stay cool every one!!
Good bye
@#Drew Morton$%
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Friday, November 7, 2003
Matrix Rocks!!
Hello friends. I just saw the Matrix Revolutions. Excellent movie. A very good ending to the Matrix trillogy. Some tight neck critics may have not liked it but I give it 8\10 stars. Not as good as the first but better than Reloaded. I definetly recommend seeing it. Thats about it for today. Oh yea, I also have gotten back into the Magic the gathering card game. Its all my friend Daniel's falt. I got him into
Yu-gi-oh last year so I guess he's returning the favor. Thats it kids remember life is like a finger pointing to the moon, don't consentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.
Stay cool.
#@Drew Morton%$
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Wednesday, November 5, 2003
Hi everyone. I haven't posted in a while because I have been extraordinaraly busy latley. Normaly the renaissance festivals only open on the weekend but at this fair they do these special days called student days where on tuesday through thursday they open the fair just for the area schools. We had 10,000 loud and rowdy kids running around all over the place for three days.The up shot is I managed to make some serious cash.
During the kid days, my friend Daniel invited me to stay at his house. It was cool sleeping in a real bed and having free cable. We mainly watched kung-fu movies and spared on the trampoline(*sigh* he still has much to learn)All in all it was pretty cool, except that he lived alomst an hour away from the fair so I had to get up really early to get there on time. I ended up staying until saterday. But when I awoke on saterday morning I was over come with illness. I couldn't even work that day.(I hate leaving my dad hanging but I wouldn't have made it) Its severity has faded but I'm still recovering.
On a lighter note, I bought the first season of Futurama. That is a funny show.I also whatched the first few episodes of Excel Saga. It is the weirdest anime I have ever had the honor of watching. Funny as hell though.I also bought Darkstalkers 3 recently. I haven't played it much yet. I'm to busy. Darkstalkers RULES!! I've also been reading the Chobits series lately. Its a good story line, kinda perverted though.
(What anime\manga isn't?)Thats about it. To sum it all up...."Good? Evil? Well they're both fine choices whatever floats your boat."
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Thursday, October 23, 2003
Hello Otaku!
Hello everyone.I've had a great time on this site.Everyone here is very friendly and cool.The art here is great.This site rocks!!I'd like to thank each and every one of you for making this such a pleasant place.I'd especially like to thank the individuals who signed my guestbook or gave me helpful adivce or who was just plain nice to me. Thank you guys alot.
Stay cool,
@#Drew Morton$%
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Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Huzzah for fan art!
Hello everyone.Things are going great for me.I finnaly posted some fan art!Thanks to Alec Ikiiki's helpful advice.Please feel free to rate them at your leisure.More is on the way to so don't touch that dial.I just finshed with school today.My home schooling is different from most.We start at 10 in the morning(after we do Tai Chi and stretching)then we get an hour break for lunch and we end at 5.Thats a good day of schooling.We only do school on tuesdays, wendsdays and thursdays (because we work on the weekends).It may seem like a short week but we do school year round so it evens out.Well enough of that. I'm thinking about getting a new art program for my computer.If any of you have any suggestions or recommendations, be sure to let me know.Thank you. Oh yea, I'm also working on a story line for a manga.
I've got the characters developed but I haven't worked out the ending. I don't write many stories so I'm farely new at this.I'll send some pictures of the charaters soon.
Be cool.
@$Drew Morton#%
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Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Darn it!
Hi every one.All is well in the kingdom of Drew. I've tryed and tryed to get my art on here but I can't seem to get it below 200kb(whatever that means ????)If anyone can help me in this endever please let me know.
#$Drew Morton@%
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Monday, October 20, 2003
Dear Journal
Hi everyone.Another page turns in the book of Drew.I just finished work for the weekend and all is well.I just bought a new scanner so I'm sending pics.I've just got to spice'em up and I'll send'em in.
I'm a fairly decent artist.I've just got to learn the various computer tricks so I can enhance my visual output.In case you haven't guessed, I am home schooled.And I waver from liking it to disliking it.Sure it serves as a sheild from the social traumatization of high school, but it does get kinda lonely and I'm always unsure of whether or not I'm learning what I need to.(my Dad schools me)
Some people consider high school to be the highest point in their life.I just feel kinda sorry I'm gonna miss that.Well anyway, I guess thats about it for today.And remember kids,"If Heaven creates a man. there must be some use for him"Remember that ancient Chinese proverb.
keeping you updated,
#$Drew Morton%@
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Thursday, October 16, 2003
Hi there.
Hi everyone. Another fine day in the life of Drew.If you don't know who I am I'll illistrate.
I am a shy person with a taste for kung-fu and philosophy.I've spent the last five years traveling the Rennaisance Festivals with my parents and sister.I travel all over the counrty to places like New York, Florida, Georgia, Ohio,etc.I'm rarly in one place for longer than two months.I was born in Dallas Texas where I was raised to the age of twelve. Thats when my parents got this crazy idea to sell all our stuff, buy a camper and travel all over the country with the renn. faires.Weird huh?
This life has been good to me so far though its not with out hardships(you try to have a steady girl friend when every two months you move to a different state).But over all,I'd say I have a good life.I'm currently in North Carolina and I just came from New York.
My favorite movies are The Matix, The One, Legend of Drunken Master, and Vampire Hunter D:Blood Lust.I like all kinds of music(except counrty and christian music).I'm a pretty friendly guy though I don't have many friends, but the friends I do have are really close.I love to draw and do it as often as posible(I'm going to send some art as soon as I can).Thats about it.If you want to contact me I check my e-mail daily.
Be cool,
*@Drew Morton#%
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