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Surviving high school thus far @_@
Anime Fan Since
3rd Grade
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InuYasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Trigun, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, Chobits, Loveless, etc! ^_^
To FINALLY finish one of the many stories I've started to write!
Anime, Manga, Drawing, Writing, Video Games
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| DragonMasterKatie

Ahoy there! Welcome to the home port of 1st Mate Kate aka DragonMasterKatie... Beware of craziness, cheese, glomps at random, and overuse of the word "SPAZTASTIC!!" ^_^ 
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this into your profile.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Mmm.... weekly update
So let's see... what's been happening in the world of Katie?
Well, Friday night was the school Talent Show. And it was AMAZING. My friend Tim and I went... and it was totally worth the $5 ticket. There were bands, singers, piano players, guitar players, dance routines, a tumbling routine by a guy cheerleader, a drum act, and yeah. It was a great show. But the judges were on crack when they picked the best of each category.
Let me focus on one band, the reason I went to the show. Sacred Justice! Remember that name, folks! They're gonna be big one day. It's my friend Nick's band, and they had their first performance in front of a crowd at the talent show. They were... AMAZING. And I asked other people who weren't biased like me, and they agreed. They should have won best band and best overall act, but didn't for whatever stupid reason. The song they played was Flight of Icarus by Iron Maiden, and it was outstanding. Robert's guitar solo... haha, that's just cool, ya know? xD And now that they've performed once, they're gonna try to get gigs at local places. I think I'm officially their first groupie, lol.
I should have brought my video camera to the show. -.- Their performance was just... just AWESOME. >.<\m/
And now I don't feel like expanding on the rest of the show... I typed a big post about it on my xanga site, soo... yeah. -.-!
After the show, Tim and I met up with the ever crazy Martina and her friend Mariama at the movie theater... We saw The Fountain, and omg. It was GORGEOUS. I think I was the only one who wanted to see it.... but oh well! I got my way, and I really don't care. >:) Mwahaha. Tim actually fell asleep, I think... Mariama may have as well... Martina and I, though, were like... "OOOOH, SHINY," for most of the movie. And geez. It was such a good movie. I nearly cried like four times. -.- I think I'll grab Sean and see it again with him sometime soon... He's the one who recommended it to begin with. ^^
Annd... I did nothing at all yesterday. Haha, it was great. XD Yeah, I spent half the day watching Japanese Sailor Moon on and the other half watching dvds of a show from the 70s, called Dark Shadows. Such a good show. *_* It's like... a supernatural, gothic soap opera. Revolves mainly around the vampire Barnabas Collins. Soooooo good. *___*
We get to watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail in my British Literature class next week. ^____^ YAAAAAY! It really has nothing to do with what we're studying, but who cares. I think Mr. Kocian wants everyone to see it so that they'll understand his jokes and references to it >:P
Annd.... I'm hungry. So I'm gonna go fix that now.
Have a spaztastic day! ^_^
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Sunday, January 21, 2007
The weekly update!
Oooooh, I feel like crap. @_@ Yesterday, I started showing signs of a cold- coughing a little, sneezing, etc- and now it's full force. x__X *drowns self in orange juice and cold medicine*
So let's see, what did I do this week.... *thinks* Hmm. ... Nothing at all. ^_^;;
Well, classes have been all right so far. My favorite classes this semester have been British Literature and Shakespeare. Yes, there's a class devoted to Shakespeare alone!! It's great. ^///^;;
In British Lit, I have a crazy teacher named Mr. Kocian... but crazy in a cool way. He's sarcastic and jokes around a lot, and makes lots of references to Monty Python and the Holy Grail. LOL. Plus he plays rock music in class everyday, like Queen and The Beatles. Very fun class. The information is boring, (ick, Canterbury Tales), but he at least keeps the class entertaining.
Then I have Shakespeare! So fun. We read the plays out loud and then we get to watch a movie version of the play after we read it. We have tests and such on the plays, of course, but they're fairly easy. I lurve it. *_* So far we've only read two plays: Julius Caesar and A Midsummer Night's Dream. Next is the Taming of the Shrew. I can't wait until we read Twelfve Night, it hilarious... Yay, Shakespeare!
I'm now in Japanese 3! But I don't know too much, really. I can say a few things.... but I don't think I could like have a conversation with a native speaker randomly. o.o;; We haven't done much in class these past few weeks... We've been watching lots of movies and just completing worksheets... oh well! I'm not gonna complain. My other classes, like Art History, Chemistry, and Brit Lit, give me enough work as it is! >_>;;
But yeah. School. I'm ready for summer now, thank you. ^_^;;
So Foreign Language fair is in a few months. *__* There's an Anime Artwork competition! Last year I won third place... this year, I shall be FIRST!! >.<\m/ I already have a great idea put together, but I won't say much about the details just yet... It'll be about the Homunculi from Fullmetal Alchemist, though. I better buy another black color pencil, then >_>;;
Well, I'm hungry now. And I have homework I need to work on. *sigh*
Have a spaztastic day ^_^
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Sunday, January 14, 2007
The Phaaaaantom of the Opera is there... Insiiiide my miiiind! XD
Parties are fun. Especially with my crazy friends.
So yeah. Yesterday, a certain James/RavenOrion had a birthday party at his house. And it was CRAZY fun. ^___^ It was a birthday/cosplay/movie party. o.o!
I LOVED my (first) costume! (Sadly I did not get a picture of me in that costume... meaning I shall have to dress up in it again just for pictures lol... Unless, James, did your sister get any pictures?) Anywho... I came as Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist. ^^ It wasn't exact, seeing as I didn't buy anything for it; I simply pieced together some stuff buried in my closet. I wore tall black boots, a short black dress with a longer skirt underneath :P, and black armwarmers (since I was too cheap to go out and buy actual gloves). Then I drew the Ouroboros tattoo above my chest with lipstick xD ... Which is still on me, btw. o.o;; I think everyone was SHOCKED to see me in a SKIRT. And makeup. But it was so much fun to wear!! xD
We watched the Fullmetal Alchemist movie first, and since Lust isn't really in there but for a few screenshots, everytime she did appear, I paused the dvd and went, "EVERYONE LOOK AT MEEEEE!" o.o! Fun indeed.
Then I guess the people at the party kinda branched off into two major groups of people; one group surrounded the tv and played Super Smash Bros, and the other group, mine, were to the side singing random songs. o.o My friend Martina wanted to hear my real singing voice for whatever reason, so I sang.... something for her. o.o We sang lots of things, so I don't remember what I did first lol. It was either Madonna or Phantom of the Opera. xD Then she sang a country song, and sounded very sweet ^^ She's convinced that she has a horrible singing voice, but that isn't true *slaps* -.-! :P
Inbetween video games and singing, there was DELICIOUS, AMAZING, STUPENDOUS cookie cake o.o! Oh lord, that stuff was yummy. *sneaks into James' house and steals the rest* >_> ... <_<.... >:)
Sometime afterward, I changed into my First Mate Kate costume, because.... we were gonna watch Pirates of the Caribbean 2! >.<\m/ Though I guess we were talking and goofing off too much to say we actually watched it. lol. My poor friend Neil was pummeled by giant pillows and such... Sean kept loosing his hat... People kept stealing Martina's kuroneko hat and tail... and oh lord, the ice cubes. xD
Good fun, good fun. ^_^
Oh right, the update aspect of this post. Uhm... school has been outrageously, horribly hard. ^^;; And that summarizes that. lol.
Oh right! A few days ago, I uploaded a new drawing. It's a new version of my Princess Kakyu drawing. I finished it some time ago, and found it buried under my desk... and now it has been unearthed. xD
But yeah. I need to start homework now. -_-;;
Have a spaztastic day! ^_^
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Featured Quiz Result:
Wow- this really describes me pretty well! Creepy...
 A GAME-BOY. Youre like a tomboy without the love of sports. Reality sucks, but as long as you have your electronics you feel you can cope. Time goes unnoticed when youre locked in your room hooked up to your Nintendo, rocking to your favourite collection of guitar-driven albums.
Your virtues: Intelligence, sense-of-humour, individuality.
Your flaws: Inability to cope with real life, action-freak spirit, reclusive nature. What kind of girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
I have but one phrase to say in response to this result: COOL BEANS, DUDE! ^^;;
Spaztastic! ^^;;