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InuYasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Trigun, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, Chobits, Loveless, etc! ^_^
To FINALLY finish one of the many stories I've started to write!
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Sunday, January 7, 2007
Moo. o.o!
Howdy all! ^_^
So like... I'm gonna try to update this site at least once a week. -.-! MyOtaku New Year's Resolution!!! Let's see me hold up to that. ^^;;
That could be difficult, however. The second semester of the school year just started last week... and my classes are a little demanding. >_> Stupid college-prep school. In fact, should be doing homework right now, but... ^^;; Oh well. haha.
Ah! I got a friend to join the site last night!! His username is RavenOrion, so stop by and say hello. ^_^ I finally convinced him to start posting up his drawings and such online... mwahahaha! >:D His page is little bare at the moment.... but I'll help fix that later. ^^ Check out his art! (I don't think he has much up now, but that'll change eventually, too.)
Let's see, let's see... what else....
I got a Nintendo DS for Christmas =D and I've been playing Lunar Dragonsong on it all weekend. XD I heard that the game wasn't all that great... but still, I had to buy it, simply because it's from the Lunar series! ^^;; I've played about 4 hours on it so far, and it's pretty good. The only think that really annoys me is that the main girl character, Lucia, has pink hair in pigtails.... I tend to avoid characters like that >_>;; but oh well. XD And I do miss having a baby dragon float around the battle scene.... Oh well!
My sister finally bought World of Warcraft recently. It's nice looking.... I'm not one for mmorpg's though. But maybe I'll give it a try when she's not playing :P
*sniffs the air* Mmm.... my mom is making my favorite, spaghetti.... *___* yum! Hopefully I'll be eating that soon....
Well, I need to start my homework probably. Or maybe I'll just go back to playing more Lunar until lunch. ... Yeah. Probably that. XD
Have a spaztastic day! ^_^ *glomp*
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Monday, January 1, 2007
I did it AGAIN?!!?!
*bangs head against wall repeatedly*
*le SIGH* -.-;;
I disappeared from the site again... gomen... myO? Will you take me back? ... ... Oh, you will? ... Good then. ^_^
Argh... I have blogs everywhere... MyO, myspace, xanga, livejournal, tokyopop... I guess I lose track of them sometimes. Oh well.
I updated this page a little, as you may have seen above. New avatar for one. xD Yay, LOVELESS! Teehee. The avvie is perfect for me, because my friend Martina and I sometimes have Soubi randomly appear in our IM chats... always directly behind you when you least expect him... o.o! Random and odd, but then again, so are we.
I also added a music playlist that I thought was spiffy.
New banner-like pic for me as well. You like? I'm gonna upload the drawing minus the phrase in the top corner into my portfolio eventually, so look out for that.
I made a Kingdom Hearts AMV! Yay. ^^ And Photobucket likes me much more than YouTube does, so I posted in from there instead. So the quality shouldn't so incredibly crappy. >_> (I also have that video and my Furuba video linked over on, under my username fireadept052590).
Mmm. Updating. Seems appropriate on this, the first day of the new year.
And oh yes. Happy New Year. ^_^
I uploaded a random drawing of a mermaid... if you'd like to see that. The mermaid itself is pretty, I think, but the background... not so much. I have a scan of the drawing of just the mermaid, so I may end up redoing it.
Especially now that I have my new Wacom Drawing Tablet. *___* That's how I drew the banner at the top... and two other drawings I'm going to upload today as well. Yay, drawing tablet. It makes me happier every day. XD
Well... I'm gonna go upload those drawings now. And I'll try to get to people's sites today >_>;; But I probably should start my winter break homework soon, since it's due Wednesday ^^;;
Have a spaztastic day! ^_^ *glomp*
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Saturday, October 14, 2006
Ever wonder why broccoli is reluctant to play checkers?
Eeto... Seems I've been absent from myO again. ... ... ... Gomen gomen!!! *rapidly bows up and down and holds out tray of cookies* Here, here! Doozo! ^_^;;
Sumimasen... I want to use Japanese words now, since I just finished watching two hours of Chobits in Japanese... lol. *hugs netflix* YAY FOR NETFLIX HAVING LOTS OF ANIME TITLES TO RENT!!! ^____^
Sooo... Life has been so-so. We had midterms in my classes two weeks ago @_@ That was fun. Thank goodness my AP Art History teacher always curves the tests... ^^;; Anyway, it's hard to believe how fast this school year is going by... Already first semester midterms?! Wacky.
Halloween is coming up!! Awesome. Actually, I'm more excited for our Oktoberfest at school ^^ I'm gonna wear my pirate costume to it probably. Whee! First Mate Kate shall strike again!! Mwahahaha! >:)
And... I'm just writing random things as they come to mind. Hmmm. Nothing... else... is coming to me... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
Nope, nothing. Aww, man. What a waste of post. Gomen!!! ^_^;;
Oooh! wait! Something! *light bulb* I believe that some of my friends are going to go and attack the mall again today... Hopefully the dvd store there will have the Full Metal Alchemist movie *__* I finally have money for it! Woot. And if they don't have it- which would be very sad indeed and probably make me want to burn down the mall or something- then, for the store's sake, hopefully they'll have the first dvd of Loveless in stock... I bought the second and third before, but the first dvd wasn't there... *cries* And I want to make an amv using Loveless, but I need the first disc!! I SHALL HAVE IT!!! >.<\m/
Well, that's all for me today. Have a spaztastic day! ^_^ *glomp*

Yay for random doodles in World History class!! This came out looking really good to me... I'll trace it onto clean white paper eventually... Because I lurve it so *_*
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
(This is a quote by my friend Martina. I have a question... if anyone reading this has ever read the book series The Black Jewels Trilogy, would you please tell me what a woofer is? Martina refuses to tell, yet she also refuses to stop asking for it... curse you, woofer!)
So argh. My computer is a HOSEMONKEY...Stupid thing! *hits monitor with box of Cheez-its* Once again, I had a nice long post describing my weekend... and then before I could post, aol shuts down! @___@ RAAAAWR!
Well, let me try to say what I wanted to before but shorter...
Saturday was Japan Fest! ^_^ Basically all the Japanese class went; we met at the school and then took a bus. Bus rides with crazy people are always good. Especially when the crazy person beside you is Martina. Squee! She wrote this awesome story about a fat guy and bunnies and cannibalistic wooden dolls... Fun fun fun. ^^
Anywho, Japan Fest! Woot. Yeah, I went there to shop, and shop I did. They had all sorts of nifty things... bonsai trees, HUGE koi fish, beautiful kimonos, parasols, Japanese food.. and lots of different demostrations, such as sumo wrestling (quite disturbing...), kendo (sword fighting), kyudo (archery), and more. I reeeeally wanted to buy a kimono... but all the good ones were way too expensive. -.- So instead of one big thing I bought a bunch of small things. ^_^ Let's see, I bought two fans, a paper parasol, a moneki neko bell charm (moneki nekos are 'lucky cats'), a little moneki neko plush, a random box thing lol, and random chopsticks. Whee! ^^ I was disappointed that there wasn't any pocky there, though... -_-
The bus ride back was better than that morning... This time, Martina and I sat near Neil and Cameron from Japanese class, and Martina tortured Neil the entire time home. Mwahahaha. His hair is fun! ^_^
Theeeen... Today was our big skit in Japanese today. ^_^ Fun! I thought our group did pretty well... Yan was ADORABLE once again, with her Chobits wig and ears. ^_______^ kawaii desu yo!!! And Yan made an anime sweat drop for me to hold for one scene hehe. Twas great! The other groups did well, too; two of them involved pikachus :D Whee!
Well. I'm tired of typing. so. Meow! Have a spaztastic day! ^_^ *glomp* lurve you guys ^_~

I was thinking of posting this up, but I'm not sure, since it's basically a scribble ^^;; It's a drawing based on my friend Martina's amazing Naruto story on But really it doesn't go into much Naruto detail. Mainly it's a story of her character going around and acting crazy. It's definitely worth a look. Hilarious stuff. Clickie here to go to the first chapter!
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
The koala knows...
Hello all you spaztastic people, you! ^_^
So. I'm kinda bored. .... Meow. But I can't seem to get my mind to focus on doing one thing at a time. I worked on a drawing of a Sailor Moon character for a while... then I got on the comp and started making another anime music video (but the dvd ripping process was taking too long >_> stupid thing.). Perhaps I shall work on RPG Maker later. Hm.
Ooh. I need to look in my room for random prop items for Japanese. In there, we had to get into groups of three people each (I'm with the ever awesome Jenny and the delightfully adorable Yan), and we have to put on a one-minute-long skit, for next Friday. One-minute long. Eeep. That means we have to say everything we want to in our skit IN JAPANESE really fast. o_o;; Not good. Especially for me... 1.) It's hard to understand me when I talk, and certainly when I talk fast, with these braces o.o and 2.) Gah! I can write Japanese well enough, but I'm horrible at speaking it clearly. Hopefully the creative power of our mini-skit will hide my faults. ^_^;;
Yes, yes, we picked our groups Friday and had five minutes to kinda talk about things... and we already have a fantastic idea put together. ^___^ Yan is going to be a sort of robot or living doll or whatever and Jenny will be the salesperson trying to sell Yan to me, the shopper. Whee! Gonna be fun indeed. ^.^
Yan wanted to try to get our group to meet somewhere tomorrow... so yeah, methinks I shall go and see what props or ideas I can come up with now. ^_^
Have a spaztastic day! *glomp* Lurve you all ^_~

Here's another one of the "photos" from my piece for foreign language fair at school last year. The characters are my own, Lucius and Nichelle, and the pose is based on a doujinshi pic of Sesshomaru and Rin I see often online.
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Stop the ride, I wanna get off.... T_T
So. Got those braces yesterday. ARGH. My teeth are just thumping with pain. T_T And I can't bite into anything because they're so sore. Waah! I want a pizza... or some chips... or anything but chocolate pudding and jello. -_-;; Meow. Well... without all my usual snacks, looks like I'll lose some weight on my new braces diet. >_>;; heh. .... meh T_T
Uhm... but happiness now! ^_^ My buddy Martina and I went to the mall Saturday and had a blast... I finally found a Shigure keychain! Much joy in that. ^_^ And Loveless dvds were on sale for just $10 each... (but martina wouldn't let me buy them... mainly because they're all on but still I want them). And I found this real spiffy art book on how to draw dragons and such... I like the way the artist breaks down the steps, so it's a good book. Meow.
No new drawings yet ^_^;; I haven't really had time >_o;; But! I did randomly attempt to make a Fruits Basket AMV (anime music video)! ... Only problem is that I made it in a weird program that only lets me convert it to .mpeg or real media format, and it ends up in crappy quality. T_T (Well, the .rm video looks bad; the .mpeg isn't far from the original quality, but I can't find a website to post it on.) I uploaded the crappy .rm version onto anyway. Where it became even worse quality. >_> My poor baby... The sound quality is completely distorted....
but if you still want to see it, the video is at the top of my page ^_^;; The song is Panic Prone by Chevelle, one of my favorites. Enjoy, despite the quality issues. ^_^;;
Sooo... I'm gonna go work on homework, and then try to get my friend Sean online to play monopoly with me xD Spiffy!
Have a spaztastic day! ^_^ *glomp* Lurve you guys ^_~
 Oh my goodness! I forgot to ever tell you guys about last school year's Foreign Language Fair! Yeah, there was an anime drawing contest for Japanese students... and I came in third place! My piece was made to look like several photos on a bulletin board... And I'll post each of the separate pics for you guys ^_^ Here are my original characters Jason and Natalie... teehee. I lurve Natalie. Her hyperness is based off my friend Martina ^_^ GLOMP!
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Friday, September 8, 2006
I was once a treehouse, I lived in a cake...
Whee! The llama song. Love it. xD Random... anyway!
So, this week's been fairly interesting I suppose. Next week's gonna be heck for me, though. *cries* I have to go get braces for the first time on Monday. *cringes*
Yeah, so, they put spacers in my mouth yesterday, for me to wear until Monday. And my teeth are soooo sore just from these. God only knows how much more pain I'll be in later. T_T I've been reduced to eating nothing but pudding cups and ice-cream, and I'm starving. And craving a piece of gum. Man, I love gum. Too bad I'll have to say buh-bye to it for the next two years! *cries again* I'll get through... somehow ;_; right?
But a few other people are probably feeling worse than I am now. My friend Sean for instance got his wisdom teeth taken out today. o_o And then Lindsey (Elvesatemyramen... if you don't know her yet, SHAME on you!) recently had surgery on her jaw. O_O *shudders* Just the word "surgery" sends bad messages to my brain. eep. But anyway, everyone seems to be doing all right, so that's good... PAIN MEDS FOR ALL!! xDDD
Uhm... I actually don't have a new drawing now. *le gasp* I am working on some, though; one is a recreation of an older drawing once again, and the other shall be a brand new piece. hmm. Can't say when I'll be done with either... I need to order a new blender and some extra pencil colors online before I can finish, sooo... yeah. (And the brand new piece shall have an attempt at A BACKGROUND! *le GASP* We'll see how that turns out... lol)...
Well, have a spaztastic day! ^_^ *glomp* Lurve you guys ^_~

This summer, my friends and I had a random cosplay party! I went as First Mate Kate of course (as seen at the top of my site!) and here is my adorable buddy, Yan, as Dark Chii from chobits! the wig is amazing *_*
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
If it weren't for caffeine, I'd have no personality whatsoever.
Mmm. Coca-cola.
Anywho... uhm. I don't really have too much to say now. xD I'm waiting for my friend to sign on AIM so that I might torture... err... annoy... wait, "have a nice friendly chat with" him. ^_^;; Yeah, that sounds good. lol.
Hmm. I'll need to start on homework soon. -.-;; Which reminds me. I haven't talked about the new school year yet, huh? o.o Ok! I will now.
My schedule: 1st block- AP Art History, alternating with Chemistry the entire year. AP Art History means it's a college-level course; I get credit for taking that class for college. It's not hard, we just have a loooooot of work. Which I should be working on. Hmm. Oh well! But I love learning about this stuff ^_^ And then Chemistry is boring so bleh. Not much to talk about there.
2nd block- World History. Crazy teacher. o.o Makes it a little interesting at least. lol.
3rd block- Japanese 2! ^.^ LURVE it! watashi wa Nihongo ga daisuki desu! Schmitz Sensei (haha, she married a man with a german last name, so it sounds funny with 'sensei') is the GREATEST teacher EVER. She's hilarious, always nice, just fantastic. ^_^ plus most of my friends at school also take Japanese, so that makes it even more fun ^^
4th block- Algebra 2. What can I say. It's math. Not my favorite subject...
that's it for this semester. Next semester has english, Shakespeare, and japanese 3. whee!
Oh! Yet another new drawing! ^_^ This time I've updated my old picture of Ryoko the space pirate! This piece is an all-time fave of mine. ^^ The colors came out PERFECTLY. Squee!! Please go vote and comment! ^__^ *hands out cookies*
Meow. I better start that Art History homework now... have a spaztastic day! ^_^ *glomp* Lurve you guys ^_~
 Yay, I love random doodles. ^_^ lol
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
*end rabid fangirl screaming*
So, I'm betting that you guys have heard of the Full Metal Alchemist movie, Conqueror of Shambala, right? Well. The English version of the movie is playing in about only 40 theaters across America. And I got to see it last night!! ^_____^
Oh. My. Goodness. Such a fantastic movie. *___* Seriously, it was one of the best movies I've ever seen. It lived up to the standards of the series; beautiful animation, interesting and edge-of-your-seat storyline... and probably the best english dubbing ever. (Ok, you rabid fans of the Japanese voice actors? You don't have to say that the English voices are better, but you have to admit that they do a better job dubbing than other english voice actor casts.) And the movie seemed so emotional to me; I nearly cried at least five times.
Can't wait til it comes on dvd next month. *__*
Time for me to post another drawing! ^_^ This drawing should look very familiar if you remember my old drawings... I've been working on updating a few of my older drawings; hence the disappearance of the black and white version of this one. It's a new colored version of my Matthew from Fire Emblem picture! The drawing itself was not updated, but I found that coloring improved it immensely. Please go and take a look! ^_^
Have a spaztastic day! ^_^ *glomp*

A random picture I scanned from my FMA Art Book... Teehee. Ed's randomly eating donuts. Gotta love it. xD
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Friday, August 25, 2006
Yay, some people came back yesterday! ^__^ *glomps all and gives cookies*
Today was the first day of Japanese club at school this year. o_o like FIFTY people came. No joke. 'twas nuts. Japanese club shall take over the school!! mwhahaha... ^^;; Last year, we spent most of the club meetings just watching anime; we watched FF7 Advent Children and then began watching one of the seasons of Ah! My Goddess. Lurve it all! I want to watch Chobits this year, but it's a little bit perverted I suppose ^_^;; oh well!
I just remembered; also last year in Jap club, we had a small cosplay party at the end. I went as Kuroneko from Trigun xD Some other costumes included Riku from Kingdom Hearts *__* (he was constantly glomped... mainly by me :3), Tohru's mother from Furuba who names currently escapes me... (Kyoko?), and Tohru Honda herself. There were more people, but I didn't quite know what anime they were from... so yeah. but it was blast, and hopefully I can find some photos from that to post later...
Oh! I'm going to start posting up some of my new drawings. Today's picture is a fun little drawing I drew for my friends at the end of the school year... It probably doesn't make much sense... but then again, neither do the people in the picture lol... Let's see if I can explain it...
The left hand corner has my friends Jenny and Elizabeth, who are crazy Sesshomaru fangirls. Hence the random cry of "FLUFFY!" The bottom there has the ever hyper Martina chasing after James aka her Uncle Blue (the story is that one day she randomly decided that we were all part of her family... I am her father o_o, the guy in the pic, Sean, is her mother, and so forth. lol)... James tells me he believe Martina is rabid. xD Then there's yours truly (note the sexy cow named Mr. Cow Cow on my head... thats another story for another time). My buddy Sean is next, and he and the next girl, Meg, are always arguing about random things. Sierra is in the top right corner; she loves yaoi pairings and kingdom hearts, and she started writing a Roxas x Sora story... and lastly, our poor confused Freshmen buddy Yan at the bottom. ^_^ phew. long paragraph.
Ok I'm sick of typing. I'm gonna go watch more Loveless on Our play with Rpg Maker. Hmm. Decisions, decisions.
Have a spaztastic day! ^_^
 Pretty pretty Ritsuka and Soubi *__*
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