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Sunday, December 5, 2004
Hello all!! ^__^
Hey guys! How's it going? I hope everybody's wonderfully wonderful today ^_^ Yay! I'm not sick anymore! I just HATE being sick; I'm no help to anyone in that sort of condition, even if it was just a cold.
Anyway, yeah, new video! ^-^ It's 'Vitamin R (Leading Us Along)' by Chevelle!!!! I LOVE this video/song!!! ^///^ Their latest CD is fantastic!!!
Right now I've been getting into the new anime on Adult Swim, Full Metal Alchemist. It's pretty good, I just wish that there were some more new InuYasha episodes... ;_;
Well, I don't have as much to say as usual it seems. Guess I'll see ya'll later! Oh, and here's pic of the day! ^_^ Enjoy! (Here's one of my fat cats, Spencer!)
Spencer: "Hey baby..."
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
On your bike, spaz!
(the subject line is a quote from another crazy friend lol)
Hey ya'll! ^_^ I'm at home right now, because I was "sick" this morning... Ya know, the whole 'sneeze' 'cough' 'weeze' thing. It's the asthma that'll convince your mom to let you stay home. So far, my day has gone like:
2.)Eat crossiants from Burger King
3.)Watch old InuYasha episodes
4.)Post new fanart
5.)Update this page
Sounds like fun, huh? ^____^
Yes yes yes, NEW fanart! (finally, right?) Yeah, it's NOT my 500 hits pic, but I felt like I just HAD to post this pic. My friends inspired me to create it, namely because of one of my favorite 'hobbies'- poking people! ^_~;; Actually, the picture is a little more scary than funny, but remember that I drew it at a spaztic time, one where coke-induced madness rules all.
And if you couldn't tell by now, the coke-induced madness is once again upon me, as I am extremely hyper! XD Sooo, here's picture of the day! ^_^ See ya'll later!
EDIT: WOO-HOO! I checked my page out two hours after creating this post, and I now have 500 HITS!!! *gives out cookies* yay! I guess I'll say that my "I Poke You" pic really is my 500 hits pic now! ^_^ Thank you guys for coming to my page so much!
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Monday, November 29, 2004
What's Shakin, Bacon?
(yeah yeah, corny subject; My friend says it a lot lol)
So, how do ya'll like the new addition to my page? XD I LOVE this video! It's SOOO funny! ^_^
Anyways, I had to go back to school today... ;_;... well, it really wasn't all that bad. For some strange reason, everyone seemed happier today... I mean, for a normal school day; people were still pissed that the break was over though... I know I was lol
So... yeah... Rather short post today (and not too interesting either; sorry 'bout that ^_~)... Ok then, guess I'll leave you all with another random pic! ^_^;; See ya'll later! ^_^;
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Wazzup ^_^
Hey my peoples! Yah, it's me again in all my spaztastic weirdness (or craziness... I suppose either will work..)! I hope everyone had a great day today, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow! ^_^ I love watching the Macy's Parade on TV, don't you? lol
oh yeah, I've seen this kind of thing on a lot of peoples posts lately, and I thought it might be fun to see the results of it... soo... here we go!
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. Am I lovable?
3. How long have you known me?
4. What was your first impression?
5. Do you still think that way about me now?
6. What do you think my weakness is?
7. Do you think I'll get married? If so, to whom and when?
8. What makes me happy?
9. What makes me sad?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
14. Do you think I could kill someone?
15. Describe me in one word.
16. Do you think our ...friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
17. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
18. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
Well, I look forward to your answers! ... PLEASE answer, it would make this all more fun, ya know. ^_~;; See ya'll later then! ^_^
EDIT: oops! I forgot picture of the day! here ya go! ^_^

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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Hey peoples! ^_^ Just a sorta random post... yah...
OOh! I JUST found out that one of my bestest (yesh, bestest) friends EVER is in town from Texas!! *does a happy dance* YAY! I had no idea she was even coming to Georgia this week! SOOOO happy!! ^_^
My mom's ordering pizza today! I simply LOVE pizza! I love it as much as I love my InuYasha!
Inu: o.o;; eh?
Me: nothing, my dear, go back to your video game... he's always playing the InuYasha fighting game on Playstation....
Inu: feh...
^_^;; so yeah... I'll end this with today's random picture....
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Monday, November 22, 2004
What's up, homies?
lol Hey ya'll- I'm just SOOOOO hyper right now... I dunno why... Anyway, back to buisness. For those of you who read my last post concerning all of my homework, here's proof that I survived!! Yay! I did it all yesterday, and I even had time to play some Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker ^_^ So it wasn't as horrible as I had first feared.
Only one more day of school this week! Yay!! (Thanksgiving break- woot woot! ^_~) I can't wait!
Anyone wanna give me $150 so I can buy a Nintendo DS?? They're SHINY and PRETTY and SOOOO COOL. I REALLY want one.... too bad I'm so poor... oh well... ;_;
Oh yeah, I've decided I'm going to post up a random picture of ... something every time I post. Today's pic... *drumroll*...... ME! 
lol this is sure to scare a few people; probably just broke a couple of comp monitors as well ^_^;;
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Friday, November 19, 2004
Friday!!!! woot woot! lol
Hey guys, what's up? Sorry I haven't updated in a while... kinda busy... yeah.
Well, let's see if I can recap what happened during my week... hmmm... On Thursday, we went on a field trip to the art museum, and then to the Civil War Naval Museum... both were rather boring, but it beats Algebra anyday. I got to hang out with meh buddies all day, and talk about random crap, so it was pretty fun. Especially when my friend Amanda brought out a whole bag of Pixie Sticks!! ^___^
My weekend's gonna be crappy. First off, I have to write a 5-page report about our volunteer work (don't ask), then make lots of notes from two chapters of my Mythology book, THEN finish an Algebra worksheet, and THEN study for some stupid test in Health. *sigh* - -;; I can't WAIT for next week when we get our three days off...
Oops, guess I rambled on for too long once again. For those of you who have kept on reading this, have a cookie. *hands out cookies* See you all next time! ^_^
P.S. For those of you who haven't noticed, I've added to the side bar my new AIM name. Feel free to chat any time!
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
meh.... bored....
Hey guys, just checking in... Rather bored really, but whatever...
I have a whole lotta projects due in the next couple of weeks, and I haven't really started on any of them!!! Wish me luck in finishing them succesesfully please!!! ^_~;;
Have any of ya'll played games from the Golden Sun series? (for GBA) They are WONDERFUL!!! In fact, I'm working on a website-shrine for the villians lol. Ya know, now that I think about it, I've found myself falling in love with many anime and game villians lately...heh XP
Oh! yay! I just remembered... NO SCHOOL TOMORROW!!! Yay, Veterens Day!! Remember to pray for and honor our troops, especially tomorrow!
Well, I suppose I've rambled on enough for this post... So... See ya'll later! ^_^ I hope everyone has a spaztastic rest of the week!
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Hey ya'll!! ^^
What's up guys?
Yay! No school today!!! I'm gonna play video games, listen to loud music (Chevelle is awesome! Buy the new CD!), and eat pizza and candy till I puke! XP
As you can see, I'm very happy and hyper right now... *bounces around the kitchen wildly* *scares the cats* ^^;; ok, MAYBE I'll cut back on the candy for a while, for the kitties sake ^_~;;
Well, I hope everyone has a spaztastic day!! ^^ byez!!
Phrase: "As long as peoepl are going to call you a lunatic anyway, why not get the benefit of it? It liberates you from convention." If you can tell me where this came from, I'll... give you a cookie! ^//^;;
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Sunday, October 31, 2004
Happy Halloween!!! ^_^
Hey guys! Happy Halloween! Hope everyone hauled home a good bit of candy last night- I didn't get to go trick-or-treating, but I still ate a whole lot of candy *is STILL eating candy; lol*
What the hell has Adult Swim done with InuYasha?!?! That's TWO Saturdays in a row w/o my beloved! grr.... >.<;;;
NEways... besides the whole no-IY-thing, last night was great! My friend Christy and I went over to another friend's house (Jarrett's- he's very fun to poke), and watched the Blue Collar Comedy Tour DVD- I LOVE it!! ^_^
Phrase: "They call me... Tater Salad." XD from Ron White; Blue Collar Comedy Tour
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