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To FINALLY finish one of the many stories I've started to write!
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| DragonMasterKatie
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Thursday, August 24, 2006
Uhhh... oops?
*dusts off the profile page* Phew, look at those cobwebs...
*pokes old posts and random pics she had on the site* *they all fall over and break apart* o__o;; Huh. Guess it's been a while, eh? ... November 2005 was the last time I posted?! @___@;; It's the end of August 2006 now! Oh geez oh geez oh geez....
Well... uhm, howdy? ^_^;; Wow. I never meant to leave the site. It just kinda... happened. o_o;; I guess my life just sorta gravitated away from the computer after a while... and I suppose another reason why I left myO was because of my art. That's the reason I signed up in the first place; to post my art. But I didn't draw anything great for a long time, giving me no real reason to post...
But in the last few months, my art skills have greatly improved, methinks. Instead of returning awkwardly here, I tried using FanArt central for a while... but it just wasn't the same.
I hope my being gone for nearly a year didn't trouble anyone... gomen!! >_<;; I'd like to get back into the swing of myOtaku, and check in with old friends and such... so, hello again!!! ^__^
I'm going to go through my artwork on this site and probably delete some of my older, sloppy pics. I've improved, and only want you guys to see my best :P
Like this new drawing for instance, which I finished this weekend. Two original characters of mine, Lucius and Robin, from a story I've been writing. I'm proud of this one specifically because everything of it is my own; I usually have to rely on another pic for poses or whatnot, but this came out great for me.
Anyway, I think this is long enough of a post for now. It already feels good to be back.
*glomp!* Have a spaztastic day, everyone! I lurve you guys! ^__^

Riku! *TACKLES* He's welcoming me back to myOtaku... in my mind, at least xD
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Friday, November 11, 2005
Yay! I'm not dead! ^^;;;
Man, I’ve hated not having computer time lately >_>;; Not that my computer was working all too well last week. Hence the absence. *hugs* I’ve missed you guys!! I’ll try to go and visit people’s sites today, or this weekend, or whenever… I’ll try!! >_<;;
Now, let’s see… what’s happened lately? Hmm… Well, I’ll just think of random things, probably not in any particular order lol. ^_^;;
Last night, my sister, her friends Heather and Angel, and I all went to the 3 Doors Down concert at the Columbus Civic Center. None of us were real die-hard fans, but my dad got some free tickets from work (at Aflac ^^ quack!). They had bursts of fire come out of the stage!!! ‘twas cool! xD Yeah, and they had two opening acts, Illbreak and Shinedown, and they both were pretty good rock groups. A good many people were there, and everyone had a fun time ^^ one thing concerned me there, however… Some people there had a beer in one hand, and held up a lighter in the other. o__o;; Beer and fire… hm. Not a happy combination. The girl sitting right in front of me had a lighter, but I blew it out one time without her noticing… haha much fun ^_^
My mom and I had fun last weekend by going out and seeing the movie Elizabethtown, the chick-flick with ORLANDO BLOOM!!! xD Every ten minutes or so, I would lean over to my mom and just go “dang. He’s so cute!! I can’t take it!!” xDDD haha, I do love my Orly ^_^ Anyway, the movie was really very good. It was completely different from any other Orlando Bloom movie… no boats, no bows, no sexy English accent, no swords… although there was this one scene with a knife, but whatever lol. But he did a fantastic job ^^ And Kirsten Dunst (hm.. I wonder if I spelled that right. Oh well.) is also in the movie, and, well, you can’t not like Kirsten Dunst. She’s a great actress! And her character is really fun. All in all, it was a wonderful chick-flick, and all Orly fans must go see it… You MUST!! xD
My friend Sierra is having a birthday party either tomorrow night or Saturday, she hasn’t confirmed the date yet. So now I’ll have to rush out and find the perfect gift in one day!! @_@;; What’s the perfect gift for a fellow Yuki fangirl?! I might get her a gift card for Hot Topic, so she can buy lots of anime stuff… but I’d like to get her something special, ya know? >_>;; oh well.. hopefully I’ll think of something.
Well, that’s pretty much all that’s happened as of late… sooo…. Have a spaztastic day! ^_^ *hugs* I love you guys! ^_~

Comic from the best… website… EVER. Ctrl-Alt-Del Comics! READ THEM!!! ^__^
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Sunday, October 30, 2005
My last post here was WHEN!?
Oh geez. Two weeks!? Wow. What in the world have I been doing for two weeks? I don't even know! Wow, again. I don't know how I let that happen... *brings out cookies* Cookies for all those who forgive me for being gone! ^^;;
I guess I have a lot to catch up on... and a lot to talk about... okay, here goes! Two weeks ago, the sophomore class of my school went on a field trip to Atlanta, to learn stuff about Martin Luther King and such. The facts and such they pushed down our throats wasn't all that interesting of course, but the bus ride there was so great! ^___^ You see, the guy I've had a crush on since last school year ended up on my bus... not only that, but somehow it ended up that we sat next to each other! *_*... *faints* So, you can imagine how much fun that was for me LOL. On the ride back, all the guys who sat behind us fell asleep at the same time. Luckily, I had my trusty camera phone with me and took a few pics ^_^ hehe. Don't you just love field trips?
We finally quit metal work in my art class this week! ^_^ Now we're starting ceramics/pottery, which I hope is more fun than metals >_o; We had to turn in a colored sketch of our first clay creation on Friday. Mine is going to be a cat ^^ It's kinda shaped like a bowling pin, with two curved handles on the sides, which will be made with the cat's tail ^^ Hopefully, it'll come out looking half-decent lol.
brr. It's getting chilly down here in Columbus, GA. *snuggles with her Inuyasha fleece blanket* ahh, much better. ^___^ haha, random...
Last night was our school's Oktoberfest. AH! So much fun! Everyone there came in full costume, myself included. I was in a gothic sort of costume, with a black shirt, a black and red skirt, and a black and red cape. I went there with my friend Jenny, and we met up with other crazy people there. Also there was my friend Amy, who we haven't seen in FOREVER, since she doesn't go to our school anymore... But she was dressed as a pirate! xD So, of course, 1st Mate Kate had to glomp her several times for that haha. I have a really cool pic of her costume, which I think I'll add to the end of my post today... I had a fight with another friend with two plastic scythes which was AWESOME fun ^_^ Anyway, people were "auctioned off" there as well to raise money for the German club and whatnot... haha, good fun. Jenny sold for $2, while I was too shy to go up there and try to sell myself lol. My sister was the most expensive item of the night at $21, bought by her boyfriend the DJ. ^_^ haha, I thought it was cute. Everyone loved having Julian as the DJ, because he actually plays good music.. not crappy rap and pop, but rock, techno, and disco! xD AND the chicken dance! ^_^ yay. hehe. I think everyone had a good time there, and I can't wait until next year ^_^
Sooo... I think that's a long enough post for today ^_^;; Once again I am SOOOO sorry for being gone for so long this time >_o;;; I'll try not to let that happen again! ^_^
Have a spaztastic day! ^_^

Amy, the goth pirate! ... and she's holding my scythe o.O scary. Who knows what she could do with THAT. lol
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Monday, October 17, 2005
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around lately... I've been doing lots of random stuff, so I haven't been online much... yeah. ^_^;;
My sister Brittany came down from Alabama to visit this weekend. It was her 21st birthday last week, so we threw her a little party and went out to eat and such. She had her first margarita lol. ^_~ Dinner then was cool because we went as a big crowd: My parents and myself, Brittany and her boyfriend Derrick, my other sister and her boyfriend Julian, my aunt and one of my cousins, and my grandparents. wow. I feel sorry for Derrick and Julian. I bet they felt a little out of place there haha.
Speaking of Julian... He's going to be the DJ at my school's Oktoberfest in two weeks. Our Oktoberfest is more of a Halloween dance I guess you could say, even though it's run by the German club. It should be a lot of fun ^_^ I convinced Julian to promise to play a disco Star Wars song (visit my xanga site to hear it... click here!) so that should be awesome ^__^ haha. Bet no one would expect to hear that at the dance! xD
I gave in and bought the new Pokemon Gamecube game, Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness. The display with Shadow Lugia was so cool, I couldn't resist ^^;; It's very much like the other pokemon GC game, but I absolutely LOVE the fact that you start with an Eevee. ^^ This time you can choose what you want your Eevee to evolve into, whereas last time, you started with Umbreon and Espeon (which is cool, don't get me wrong lol). I also love that you can get a Houndour early in the game- One of my very favorite pokemon. ^_^ Yes, yes, I'm a big Pokemon freak if you haven't noticed, and I'm proud! I think I might change my avatar to this cute pikachu pic I have later in fact... haha.
Hm. Yes, I think I've rambled on long enough today ^_^ *hugs* Have a spaztastic day everyone! I'm gonna try to visit sites today, since I haven't been able to in a while. Bye! ^.^
Things to Do Today:
~Change music video
~Visit sites/ catch up on fanart and such
~Change avatar to the pikachu one ^_^
so stay tuned for these things!

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Friday, October 7, 2005
I'm going to throw cheese at it!
(Thanks to my friend Sierra for the quote above; this wasp was following us around during lunch since we eat out in the courtyard at school, and she was getting mad at it lol.)
Anyway, hey everyone! ^_^ FRIIIIIDAY! *does a little dance* THANK GOD. geez. I've been so tired all week... doing not much of anything, so I dunno what's up with that lol.
Midterms were this week at school.... I think I did okay on my Geometry test, but I'm not sure. However, I made a 100 on my US History one ^_^ woot! We didn't have any tests for Comp. Applications or Ceramics... so yeah.
We watched the movie "Glory" in US History... I'd forgotten how much I love Matthew Broderick! He's such a cutie ^-^ Although that movie was pretty sad at the end... My friend Martina kept making comments about the "poor horses" though, which got a little annoying >_>; it wasn't about the horses, martina!! ahhh! crazy girl. haha. that reminds me. Martina bought these hair clips at Hot Topic that look like little black cat ears... Lots of people keep reaching over to touch them in class like InuYasha's ears! xD (myself included of course).
Hmm what else... AH! I finally finished my sailboat in Ceramics! It took me nearly two weeks longer than it should have, but I got a 95 on it in the end ^_^ woot.
More good news! My mom and I got a Nintendo Entertainment System on eBay this week ^^ You know, the NES. The original. The great gray box of side-scrolling fun! ^_^ Our system broke a long, long time ago, but we still had a few games left over. So now, we've been playing Super Mario Bros and Tetris all week xD I really, REALLY suck at Mario. I mean, I'm just BAD. I've always been pretty bad at action games I suppose. (give me a good RPG any day and I'll be happy!) My sister is kicking butt and taking names on that system, though. Geez. she's awesome. haha. The NES has been fun ^__^ whee!
Uhm... kinda long post... hm. Well, I'm gonna go see if anyone's on AIM... Christy wants to RP ^_^ So, bye guys! Have a spaztastic day! I'll try to get to people's sites later! ^_^

(Cute pic I took randomly while on my bed... lol)
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
When you get up in the morning and Adult Swim is still on, it may be too early
haha hey everyone, quick post today ^_~ I'm back on the Dell with DSL (rhyming words are fun!), so I was able to upload that drawing I showed yesterday ^_^ Here's the link: (Check me out, I'm all kinds of cool.) haha, so please, vote and comment and I'll love you forever xD haha...
Well that's about it... ... yep. o_o. I think I'm gonna go play some more Skies of Arcadia: Legends now. PIRATE GAME! WHEE!
Have a spaztastic day! ^_^

I thought this was adorable xD don't ask me where I found it, though o.o twas randomly saved on my comp...
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Monday, September 26, 2005
Heeey everyone! ^__^ Today I shall bring you both good news and bad news!
Bad News- my computer, the Dell, is being irritating once again, so right now I'm on my old Com-crap, dial-up included >_>; Well, at least I can get online...
More Bad News- Technology just isn't working well with me today. I rented "Super Smash Bros Melee" from Blockbuster today, and the disc is scratched, so I can't play it; it keeps freezing up. GRR! Everyone with a Gamecube down here has played that game and is obsessed with it, and I wanted to get in on it, but now I can't. rawr.
Good News- My sister and I went to see "Just Like Heaven" today; a very fun little movie ^_^ Mark Ruffalo's a cutie ^_~ and Jon Heder is just... awesome lol. The very last scene in the movie shows Jon sitting down and smiling, saying "Righteous." twas great xD
More Good News- I finished an awesome drawing this weekend! It was a pic of two of my friends, Travis and Amanda, from a photo on my desk. I really, really love how it came out ^__^ I had scanned it and saved it on a disc earlier, so I can put it with this post, but since I'm on dial-up, I'm not gonna try to upload it onto the fanart site today... maybe later. lol.
AWESOME News- Over the weekend I broke 1,000 hits!!! Thanks for visiting my site, guys, I love you all ^_~
Well, that's about it for now ^_^ Have a spaztastic day, ya'll! *hugs* Comments are appreciated! ^_~

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Saturday, September 24, 2005
...I see a little silhouetto of a man, scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the fandango?....
Haha hey everyone! ^__^ How has every one been as of late? Thank goodness for me, this week wasn't nearly as stressful as last week...
Some of you may have noticed I changed the music video above; now it's the Foo Fighters with "All My Life." I originally wanted to put up "Ghost of You," by My chemical Romance, but I couldn't find it on the hotcodez site T_T
Anyway... uhm... let's see... oh! I bought a book yesterday, after my friend Jennifer recommended it. It's called "Good Omens," by Neil Gaiman, and omg it's hilarious xD Surprisingly enough, it's about the Apocalypse. Still extremely funny. I haven't gotten too far into it yet, but it's basically about an angel and a demon who really don't want the world to end. I'll type up part of the book here:
(Crowley is the demon; Aziraphale is the angel)
"We'll win of course," the angel said.
"You don't want that," said the demon.
"Why not, pray tell?"
"LISTEN," said Crowley desperately, "how many musicians do you think your side have got, eh? First grade, I mean."
Aziraphale looked taken aback.
"Well, I should think-" he began.
"Two," said Crowley. "Elgar and Liszt. That's ALL. We've got the rest. Beethoven, Brahms, all the Bachs, Mozart, the lot. Can you imagine eternity with Elgar?!"
teehee. Now, imagine this conversation taking place while the two are feeding ducks at a park, and you've got the whole picture. LOL. I love it.
Well... not too much to talk about right now, really. o_o; I'll probably think of more later on, but until then...
Have a spaztastic day! ^__^ *hugs*
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
New Drawing! woot!
(please read yesterday's post for info relating more to ME- this one is just about my drawing ^^)
I decided to upload a drawing afterall ^__^ I was bored yesterday, so I started- AND finished!!- a new Fruits Basket drawing!! (So, this isn't the pic I was originally planning on uploading... but whatever. lol.) Since I already did a drawing of Yuki, this time I did one of Kyo! ^^ It's not quite as good as the Yuki Fangirl pic, but hey- this was my first time ever drawing Kyo. I really loved how the coloring with his shirt came out ^^ I hope you all like it too- be sure to vote and comment! I'll love ya'll forever if ya do that xD
Here's the link! click me, I know you want to... ^_~ lol. oh yeah, and if it looks like he's wearing a necklace (and he should >_>) it's because of a role-play with my friend Chris-tay xD
Well.... uhm... that's all I have to say for now o.o;; oh, and Christy- you should get an account on so you can vote on my pic! LOL. I know you lurve Kyo... maybe THAT'S why you haven't given back the 3rd Fruits Basket disc, with Kyo's face on it... haha.
Have a spaztastic day! ^_^ *hugs*

I LOVE this pic... I <3 kitties... lol....
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
You're the nasty egg people who stole my waffles!
Eh, once again I’ve waited a while between posts…. I’m sorry!!! >_<;; This week’s been stressful for me, for several different reasons…. Which is why my new music video this week is “Pain” by Jimmy Eat World! That, and because I just like it lol… it’s been stuck in my head all week, along with “Beverly Hills” by Weezer and “Remedy” by Seether. I was gonna put up the Seether song, but the video’s a tad creepy… involves a circus fairground from Hell and that like. Still a pretty awesome song, though. lol.
I forgot all about this project I had due for US. History… We’ve known about it for.. well… TOO long, and, of course, I started it two nights before it was due. >_< talk about stress. Even Art class has been stressful this week, because my 3D project for metals has been really difficult x_X damn you, sail boat!... but it’ll be cute when it’s finished… *sigh*
Add my school troubles plus the leaving of my good friend last weekend= ARGH. I didn’t want to go into detail last weekend about the whole event, and I really don’t want to now, because I might start crying…. No, no one died. My friend is going to be leaving the internet, probably for good, with the exception of checking email from time to time… it’s a complicated issue, best explained by him. Visit his site in my friend’s list- my friend, of course, is Original J. Now, I’d rather not go into detail myself… happy post… happy post!!! >_<;;
Happier subject now… it was Spirit Week at school this past week, and each day was like a different random theme. Monday was Tacky Day (I forgot to dress for that day >_>). Tuesday was celebrity day… didn’t dress for that either. Wednesday, however, was flashback day. Very fun ^_^ I was a chick from the 60’s/70’s, in a shirt with big wavy sleeves, and a headband tied around my head ^^ I took a pic in my living room which is VERY 70’s-looking… wood-paneling on the walls. how much more 70’s can you get?! lol. Thursday was hat day, I wore black pirate hat of course ^_^ Friday was simply ‘spirit day’ where we wear our school colors- blue and orange. Not as much fun as flashback day.
Homecoming dance is tonight… I don’t think I’m going… I’m not one to get all dressy… and I’ve always found dances to be kinda boring. Eh. Some of my friends might force me into going, however. I sure hope not…. Unless it was a guy friend who asked me. LOL. Then I might go. Haha.
I never got around to scanning that drawing… I still might not today. Lol. It’s been a long week, and I’m tired… so…. I’m taking a nap. or playing a video game. Eh. Dunno. I’ve been pretty indecisive lately.
Have a spaztastic day! ^_^ *hugs* I love you all so much!

Me being a freak… I was bored, and my cam was near me. lol. I started playing with it while wearing my pirate hat and some cool red shades. COMMENT IF YOU LOVE ME! ^^;;
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