Birthday 1990-05-25 Gender
Female Location Georgia Member Since 2003-08-22 Occupation Otaku/ Artist Real Name Hmm. Take a wild guess.
Achievements Surviving high school thus far @_@ Anime Fan Since 3rd Grade Favorite Anime InuYasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Trigun, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, Chobits, Loveless, etc! ^_^ Goals To FINALLY finish one of the many stories I've started to write! Hobbies Anime, Manga, Drawing, Writing, Video Games Talents Drawing! Go check my pics out! DragonMasterKatie
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
hm... I can't think of anything random enough to say today!
Oh dear. My creativity is gone! ahh! ... Oh well, it'll come back later. lol. Anyway, this is just a quick post for today...
I put up a music video today; you can see it above, underneath the Yuki Club banner. This week's video is Vitamin R, by Chevelle. One of my absolute FAVORITE songs, and bands! I'll probably put up another one of Chevelle's videos next week... or maybe not. Depends on my mood lol.
Okay, well, that's about all I wanted to say for now. o.o; I might post again later today, if time permits... Oh, and I might upload a new drawing later; I'll post again if I do ^_^
Have a spaztastic day! ^_^
Dark Mousy= Yummy. haha. ... MINE! Comments (2) |
Friday, September 9, 2005
Lol hey ya’ll! ^_^ I hope everyone has had a spaztastic week- mine’s been pretty good ^^ though, I did only go to school three days this week- Monday was of course labor day, and I’m staying home today because I wasn’t feeling good…. Alright, alright- my mom’s letting me stay home even though I feel fine ^_^ I slept really horribly last night, so, here I am! ^___^
Oh yeah, and the subject in my last post said this- “I want cheese in my pants.” Hehe. My sister taught me that xD since she knows about my obsession with cheese…. Lol. Anyway…
AAHHHH!!! My new anime/manga obsession- D.N.ANGEL!!!! xD *fangirl scream* Man, do I LOVE Dark Mousy!!!! ^///^ hehe. My friend who sits next to me in Ceramics has been letting me borrow the manga books, and then I went ahead and bought the first DVD at Waldenbooks on Sunday. I also love the opening theme to the anime called, ‘True Light.” It’s wonderful- that Shunichi Miyamoto has a fantastic singing voice, I really like a lot. ^^
Well, here’s the latest school report lol- In Geometry, not much has happened at all… but I did get a freakin 94 on my progress report!! ^__^ I’m horrible at math, so I was really surprised… lol… but that grade’ll probably drop in the couple of weeks ^^;;; In US History, I’m one of the few who isn’t failing o_o;; I think I made the highest grade in the class- a 98- on my progress report… I don’t understand why so many people are failing that class; it’s one of my easiest classes ever. O.o;; Anyway, we FINALLY got working computers in Computer Applications to use… woo. So exciting. … that class is sooo boring, I can’t stand it! I finished all of our work for the week in class yesterday- and rather early in class I might add. Guess all that time I use to type these posts has been great practice lol.
Ceramics class gets it’s own paragraph lol ^^ I FINALLY finished my second project in there- a mermaid! ^_^ It took me FOREVER to get it done… Here, I have a picture of my two creations in that class- my dragon and my mermaid ^_^
Hm. You can’t tell how shiny my brass dragon is… but it’s really, really shiny in real life lol… and my mermaid is made out of like wood or something… Mrs. Hull had these little sheets that look like counter-top… stuff. o_o made of wood, or some equally-wood-like material. Lol.
So yeah! ^_^ One more thing- Vampire Game vol. 12 is out!! Go buy it now!! My very favorite manga series ever… makes me smile just thinking about it ^__^ hehe. OH yeah! and Pokemon XD- Gale of Darkness comes out October 3rd!! I can’t wait, it looks awesome!! I think I’ll preorder it… that gamecube skin looks pretty cool actually.
The next part of my Jason comic!!! ^_^ enjoy!
Eh… not my best artwork… But I really like how the very last pic came out, where he’s in the corner saying “Why can’t I say no?!” ^^ Sorry for the crappy scanning quality, though >_<;
Quiero queso en mis pantalones.
(above is something my sister taught me to say in Spanish lol… I think it’s correct grammar at least lol… if you can understand it, go ahead and laugh. It’s supposed to be weird lol)
Geez! I haven’t updated in nearly two weeks! O.O; bad Katie… lol. Well anyway, hey everyone! ^_^ How have you all been? I’m gonna try my best to get to everyone’s sites today AND comment… although my computer is always unruly, plus I have homework to do…. Bleh. But maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll try to log on to AIM or MSN messenger later… (I better try AIM, though, cuz Christy’s mad at me for not being on ^^;; lol)
So, my week was been unexciting…. School is SO boring! In fact, in Geometry class last week, the guy who sits right behind me fell asleep, as well as the guy who sits beside me!! o_o;; I’m sure I would have fallen victim to the sandman as well if Coach Ingram hadn’t have kicked the desk Austin was sleeping on… lol… Having geometry first thing in the morning pretty much sucks… ah well.
My mom is proud of me for joining some clubs this year… lol… Japanese and Art Club… we haven’t done too much in either so far, but in Japanese club, everyone loves my Inuyasha bag ^^ (and my brand new Koga keychain! I lurve my wolf-demon lol) Oh yeah! and because of my new friend Jennifer (not to be confused with my other friend, Jenny... lol), I’ve been able to read the first four books of DNAngel. I LOVE IT! *_* Dark is yummy. Hehe. And I definitely like Riku more than Risa! I may do some fanart on DNAngel… hm. Depends on how much free time I have.
I’m replaying my Lunar: Legend game… again. For the third or fourth time probably. Lol. I still love it! ^^ It’s so much easier and quicker to get through than the playstation version (even though the ps version has all those beautiful anime cut scenes *_*). Only two reasons why I’m playing it again; it’s fun and I’m bored lol (normally I would draw if I’m bored, but alas, where has my creativity gone? T_T) and I’m about to work on a fanfic about LUNAR. I’m making notes as I play through about the story, the monster battles, the items used, the people and such so my fanfic can tie into the original story. I really love how my idea for the story is turning out ^^ I’ll tell ya’ll about it later ^_~
Well, have a spaztastic day! *hugs* ^_^ I’ll leave you all now with another part of my silly comic (see last week’s post to know what I’m talking about!)
(not my best art, but it’s essential to understand the next part of the comic ^^;; poor Jason. Hehe.) Comments (3) |
Monday, August 22, 2005
*yawn* sleepy.... ... hope I don't fall asleep here on the keyboard...
okay, it seems I had a lot of extra time today, even though I thought I wouldn't.... bleh. changes of plans are always so irritating... lol anyway..
I uploaded that new pic of Jason after all!! ^__^ check it out here: (bah, I'm too tired to work out the html code... just copy and paste this link lol... I'm so lazy...) ^_~
btw, you need to read today's earlier post if you haven't already. That'd be great. ... yeah.
WOOT!!! ^__^ hey you guys, 1st Mate Kate here, happy and hyper as ever ^^ Today is my MyO anniversary!! I've been on the site now for two years, and boy, what a spaztastic two years it's been! It's all gone by so fast... I've made so many friends here on the site, and I want you all to know that I truly love every single one of you. You've made this crazy girl very happy, and you all are always there for me when I need you. So thanks guys; ya'll mean the world to me, and I really mean it with all my heart. *sniffle*... lol ^__^
SO! To celebrate, I went through my old drawings on my desk, and found one that I had never uploaded onto the site! It's a cute little drawing of a random character I made up, named Jason. I'll upload him onto the site when I have more time later, but until then, I'll entertain ya'll with this comic I made in Computer class today... (we don't have computers yet, so we just do whatever). Here's Jason's first appearance on my site!! ^__^
Sorry it's so big... lol... And the box in the drawing is referring to the art file on my desk lol...
Ok, well, I gotta go wreak havoc elsewhere! ^_^ Have a spaztastic day everyone! *hugs* Comments (0) |
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Okay, this is just a post to tell ya'll to read my post from last night... I updated kinda late in the day, so I don't think many people read it... and stuff.
CALL ME on my NEW cell phone!! ^_^ (706) 573-5678 lol. or you can leave me a voicemail... and stuff. hm. yeah. I've been adding "and stuff" to everything I've said today.... dunno why. Just being me, I suppose.
lol yeah.. well... this was an extremely short post. We will now return you to your regular programming.
You're the nasty egg people who stole my waffles!!
Hey ya’ll!! Sorry I’m posting so late… I’ll end up adding another short post tomorrow probably telling you all to read this post ^_~ lol
WE GOT IT! WE GOT IT!! NEW CELL PHONE!!! AHHHHH!! *runs around crazy-like* *runs into wall* ouch…. … oh well! I GOT A CELL PHONE!! Whee!! ^__^ happy happy HAPPY! Lol. (see? What I tell ya’ll last post? Coke-induced MADNESS!) lol It’s a pretty silvery-black Motorola camera phone! I absolutely love it. (with the exception of the lack of IM service on it- my dad wouldn’t get it… oh well. Shouldn’t push my luck ^_~) I need to charge it up tonight and such, so call me for a while lol…. My number is 573-5678… really easy to remember… lol 5-6-7-8. hehe. And I don’t think I need to say this, but… long-distance friends, you know I love you dearly… just don’t call me very often, if at all… T_T I don’t need long-distant charges on it just yet lol…. My parents would kill me (since my sister put out a $200 bill one month b/c of her old boyfriend who lived in ohio…) … damned long-distant charges! Some of my very closest and best friends live far away… ah well… can’t be helped….
So! ^_^; uhm let’s see, what happened this week…. Hmm… well, my oldest sister came for another visit on Tuesday, left Thursday… god, she drives me up a wall sometimes…. I thought the younger sister was supposed to annoy the older one, but here, it’s the other way around. @_@ She’s just so mean, and rude, and nasty, and just… just…. AAAHHH! e_e;; but no talk of that… keep this a happy post… lol…
Well, we haven’t done much in school…. Geometry is okay, I’m doing my best to keep up in there, since I’ve never been very good in math…. Us. History is… very easy so far. O.o VERY easy. It’ll probably be my hardest class by the end of the semester lol… Computer Applications is HORRIBLE… we don’t have computers in there yet! I know, doesn’t make since to me either; all we can do is study, do homework, or read manga and draw (in my case lol). I’ve come up with several cute little comics lately; I’ll post one at the end of this post. In ceramics/metals, I finished my little dragon charm, and now I’m working on a rather difficult mermaid design. I’m such a perfectionist when it comes to my art- I add too many little details to everything… lol… it’s taking me forever to do all this… but I know it’ll look great in the end ^__^
Joined the Japanese Club… that should be fun… I hope. Lol. I know so many people in there; in fact, I remember some of them from the old Anime Club back in middle school! Lol.
One more thing before I leave… Monday is my MyOtaku anniversary!!! Two years now since I joined the site…. Good times, great anime, better friends ^_^ hehe. I lurve you guys. (yesh, lurve <3) I might do a drawing to celebrate… depends on how much junk I get done this weekend…
Have a spaztastic day! ^_^
The text says (from up to down): “GAH!!” “This is torture… TORTURE! Leaving a hyperactive mind like mine unentertained!” The Mallet of DOOM!! “That clock moves too slowly!!”… and my little person with the mallet has “grr” next to her. hehe. Comments (1) |
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Ok uhm..... sorry I haven't updated in so long ^_^;; School's been a real time-consumer lately... blehness....
so... yeah. o.o;; The purpose of this post is to just let you all know I'm still alive... lol...
I'll try to do a normal post tomorrow, but it might be kinda late in the day, since my dad said we're supposed to go get my phone after school ^___^ YAY! I sure hope so. hehe.
SO! ^_^;; Come back tomorrow for more news about ME!! lol. Get ready for COKE INDUCED MADNESS!! ^_~
Have a spaztastic day! ^_^
A small post deserves a small pic... hehe Comments (2) |
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Tina, you fat lard... come get some dinner! GOSH!
Haha… I love Napoleon Dynamite… randomness…
ANYWAY… One week of school down! Woot! ^.^ It’s odd… during the week, school seemed to last forever… but looking back now it seems that the week went by so fast. o_o;; But, eh, I’m not gonna go into too much detail about school now- I did that in my last post, so read it if you’d like…
I got a new anime cd!!! Yay!!! ^__^ My new cd is FLCL Ost 1: Addict- it’s awesome!! ^^ I love the music of The Pillows…. Most of the cd is just the music (as in not much singing) but I still love it ^^ Nearly every song on this cd is great; I don’t think I can say a favorite…. Though maybe I like the music of “Stalker” better than some of the others ^.^ I’ve been rather obsessed with FLCL lately, dunno why haha…
But I’m now getting back into my obsession of Fruits Basket ^__^ I FINALLY got my dvd’s back from Christy ^^ and I’ve forgotten how much I love this series!! With each episode, my favorite character changes… one minute I’m saying that Yuki is my favorite of favorites, then the next minute… “MY HARU!!!” *pounces other fangirl* (i.e.- Jenny ^_~) Right now, though, I’m currently in love with the ‘Three Musketeers;” Hatori, Shigure, and Ayame. I’ve been thinking of doing a new Furuba fan-art of these three… or maybe just one of them haha I’m not sure… but I am determined to complete a fan-art of something sometime soon!!!
I might be getting a cell-phone this weekend!!! ^___^ FINALLY. My mom’s been giving me her phone this past week so I can stay in touch with my sister after school (she’s the one who takes me home). My mom would kinda like her phone back ^^;; so she said we might be going to get my own phone soon! YAY!!! ^___^ If and when I do get it, I’ll be sure to post my number on the site ^_~ lol. Hmm… maybe I can get text-messaging and IM on it, too….
Ok then… I’ve rambled on long enough for this post, I think. ^__^ *hugs* Have a spaztastic day! Love you all ^_~
I know… you all are sick of seeing my cats…. But they’re so cute!!! >^-^<
I need a Coke....
Hey guys! ^_^ 1st Mate Kate is back- I survived my first two days of school! *woot!* It’s been all right I suppose, not as bad as last year, since I’m not a freshmen anymore ^__^ But, geez, I just cannot get used to getting up so early (5:45am on some days!! Aahh!! e_e ) That’s why the subject line is what it is… I say that during the day more often than I say “spaztastic” or type “^_^” !!! Pretty crazy, neh? Haha… ha. … Moving on… lol.
Columbus High, Home of the Blue Devils, was newly renovated over the summer (and is still being cleaned up and such as we speak). All the classrooms have been repainted- ALL WHITE!! A blinding white, really. Though some random walls are either orange or blue, our school colors. Anyway, they’ve also gotten rid of the 20-year-old gross carpet in the rooms- new tile! (thank you, God! ^__^b ) The fountain courtyard has been redone as well- newly paved, and three or so fountain bases have been put in. The fountains aren’t yet in working order lol. AND THEY BUILT ON A BRAND NEW ART ROOM!! ^______^ And I have two classes this year in that room! It’s awesome, the desks can be raised to be easels… and other random little awesome things like that hehe. And it’s right next to the Japanese room! Haha. My favorite hallway ^_~
Geometry is my first class... it’s okay. Coach Ingram is nice and is a pretty good teacher ^_^ (AMANDA- Guess who sits next to me in this class? Austin Poff. Crazy. Haha. ) Anyway, I’m gonna try to pay attention in class this year lol, ‘cause I’m horrible when it comes to math… bleh.
US. History is next… Coach Whitt is really nice and easy going… and yes, these first two teachers are both coaches at the school as well lol. We have a HUGE textbook though, and we carry it around everywhere… but I have a lot of friends in that class, so it’s all good ^__^
Computer Applications is my third class…. The desks haven’t been put together yet! So the computers are in boxes on the floor e_e;;; Mrs. Phillips is kinda mean… and the tedious book work we did today was SO BORING! (Joey, I’m about to steal your word…) ARGH! (^_^;;) I’ve spent a good deal of time in my life typing on keyboards… I don’t need to copy down lots of information on “home-keys” and such…. Bleh. No fun. I’m only taking this class so I take Web Page Design next year…
Ceramics and Pottery! Whee! Mrs. Hull is SO nice! ^_^ And for the first nine weeks of school, we’re not going to be working with pottery- but with metal! Cool! ^^ We’ll get to use these jeweler’s saws and such to cut shapes out of metal sheets and such… the first thing I’m going to make is a button/ pin to but on my Inuyasha bag…. I drew an awesome silhouette of a dragon for the design ^^ can’t wait to get started!
Whoooo. Long post. Again. Haha. Sorry about that. ^__^;; I’ll talk of more interesting things next time. Or at least I’ll try. … Comment anyway! ^^;; *hugs* Have a spaztastic day!