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To FINALLY finish one of the many stories I've started to write!
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| DragonMasterKatie
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
AHHH! *runs around crazylike, then runs smack into a wall*
... Ouch. *rubs head* Anywho, the subject is what I see myself doing tomorrow morning... SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW!!! AHHHH! T__T That totally sucks.... This summer went by super fast... It's odd, because when I was younger, like in second or third grade, summer seemed to last a lot longer... of course, so did everything else... Now that I'm older, time goes by much faster....*sigh*
-_-;; I STILL need to finish that summer math packet for school… heh… I’m such a procrastinator; I really need to fix that about myself ^^;;;
Anyway, yesterday, something very very weird happened. At least it was very weird to me. o_o;; I walked into Wal-Mart with my mom, and after we walked past the McDonalds (yes, there’s a Mcdonalds in our Wal-Mart o_O; That always seemed odd to me), my mom told me that two guys sitting in a booth “gave me the eye,” as she said. O//////o;;; I just blushed and kinda stared at her… I mean, what do you say to that? >///<;; I’ve never thought of myself as pretty, I mean, you can look at my avatar for proof… but I guess I’m not ugly at least ^^;;; I never know what to say to compliments >///<
I finished a drawing of Haruko, from FLCL (Fooly Cooly, Furi Kuri, whatever haha)… I was thinking of uploading it, but it’s not exactly a high-quality pic, more of a fun sketch. I drew it inbetween commercials last night while watching Samurai Champloo, InuYasha, and S-cry-ed. (I love Adult Swim! ^___^) I was thinking of uploading it because I did spend a good bit of time coloring in all seven shades of pink in her hair, then the four colors in her scarf, and then the five in her jacket. o_o; haha. And this was a fun SKETCH. Think of how many colors go into my better pics! e_e;;
Okay then…. Can’t think of anything else to say… comment if you love me ^_~ cuz I love you guys… I better go do my math packet now e_e;; lol. Have a spaztastic day! *hugs*
My sister’s puppy, Bentley… he’s not evil like her other dog ^_^;; He looks so adorable here!! >//<;;
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Friday, August 5, 2005
Nice Pants.
Ok, a rather short post today... I'm still half-asleep, but I wanted to post anyway lol...
Finished my summer reading books for school!!! FINALLY. That last book... geez. It took me a while. Thank God that it was more interesting than the books we had to read last summer... "Cold Sassy Tree" was TERRIBLE. I feel sorry for the Freshmen who had to read that this year.
Oh, and FF10 Tidus? I always read comments ^_~ haha. And yeah, my sister is pretty scary sometimes. lol.
The rest of this post is really just for those people to go to Columbus High school... went to register yesterday, got the schedule and all... yeah. o_o;
Anyway, on to business! ^_^;; Here's my schedule for school! First semester SUCKS.
First Semester:
1st Geometry w/ Ingram
2nd Us History w/ Whitt
3rd Comp. Applications w/ Phillips
4th Ceramics and Pottery w/ Hull
Second Semester:
1st American Lit w/ Campbell
2nd Physical Sciene w/ Korcha
3rd Japanese 1 w/ Schmitz
4th Intro to Art w/ Hull
See, there’s only one problem with my schedule…. I have Ceramics first semester, and Intro to Art second semester. That should be the other way around. I mean, “Intro” to art seems like it should come first ^_~ lol. So, I’m wondering- Does anyone out there know if it’s all right to take Ceramics before Intro to Art? My sister’s friend did that last year… though she was a senior. They can get away with things. Lol. Oh well, I’m not too worried about it- she seems like a nice teacher ^_^;;
Okay then, comment to tell me if you have any of my classes! (I have Japanese with Jenny! Whoo! ^_^) Or you can just comment and say hi…. That’d be nice, too. Lol.
^_^ *hugs* Have a spaztastic day!

Yet another pic of my kitties... They're too cute!! >///<;;
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
Well that's not the Jerry I know... (from Aqua Teen Hunger Force)
Hey everyone! ^_^ How have you all been? I’ve been well, and I’ve actually been productive! *gasp* I didn’t spend the whole week on the couch playing Pokemon gameboy games like last week lol! ^_~;;;
Okay, this week I’ve been reading my book for school, “The Killer Angels.” It’s actually pretty good, much better than I thought it would be… I just wish it wasn’t so long >_<;; I’m on page 155 out of 345 though, so I’m progressing fairly well… I have a system where I have to read about 50 pages a day, so I’ll be done… eventually lol. I still need to finish my Geometry math packet, though… it’s hard >_< I’ve never been good at math… bleh. It’s my least favorite subject, after gym class of course.
Which reminds me… I won’t have to take any more gym classes for the rest of high school!!!!! ^_____^ That makes me very very VERY happy ^^
NEW DRAWING! ^__^ I finished a pretty new drawing of Wicked Lady (also known as Black Lady) from Sailor Moon! It’s based off a picture in volume 6 of the Sailor Moon manga. I actually drew a version of this pic quite a long time ago. I was looking through my folder of old drawings, found this drawing, and realized how bad it was lol. But I really liked the pose, so I decided to re-draw it. ^_^ So here it is! Click Here! It’s a tad bit different from the manga picture, but I think it looks good ^^ I really love how her hair came out… hehe. The only thing I’m not happy with is her left hand… I hate drawing hands lol… Anyway, please vote and comment! ^_^
I went clothes shopping on Thursday… and actually found six new shirts!!! ^____^ I usually hate going shopping, but this time it was fun (because I found stuff that actually fit o_O who knew?) And they’re not Hot Topic t-shirts!!! These are like, nice looking shirts, in bright colors! Lol all summer I’ve been wearing my black t-shirts… these new shirts are very different from what I normally wear, so my mom is happy lol… oh no, I wrote a whole paragraph about clothes O_O ahhhh!!! Am I… am I…. getting girly?! … nah. I still hate wearing makeup. Lol.
Okay, well I’m gonna go now… lol… Not much more to say. o_o. Oh, except for this: CHRISTY- WHEN CAN I GET MY FRUITS BASKET DVDS BACK?!! T__T;;
*hugs* Have a spaztastic day! ^_^
Haha, here’s my sister taking a picture of her reflection in the window… lol
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Monday, July 25, 2005
Let's Boogie! ^_^
Hey guys! ^_^ How is everyone? I don’t really know since… NO one commented on my last post T_T;; and only one person commented on my latest drawing… (Thank you so much, Joey! *hugs* ^^) (Click here to see my drawing if you haven’t already) But that’s all right- I know we can be busy sometimes and not get around to people’s sites... it’s just kinda bleh when you look and see that zero by “Comments”…
School starts next month!!! AHHHH!!! I don’t know the exact date for it yet, but it will start next month… Most schools around here start August 8th, that I know of… but since Columbus High has been under renovations all summer, it might start later… I hope it does ^_^;;; Because I still have to read one more summer reading book, and finish my Geometry math packet… bleh >_<;; We had to read three books this summer: The Great Gatsby, Fahrenheit 451, and The Killer Angels… and of course, I ended up saving the longest book for last T_T;; darn you, Killer Angels, with your 345 pages of rather small font!!!
*sigh* Okay then, that’s enough ranting from me; sorry about that ^^;; Happiness now!! On Friday, I got to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Whee! AH! It was brilliant! Omg, it was so hilarious!! Lindsey, you were right- the parts where he runs into the elevator were great! xD This movie really shows how great an actor Johnny Depp is; I mean, compare Willy Wonka to Jack Sparrow! The two characters are entirely different, except for the fact that they’re both eccentric lol… Anyway, even the movie previews were awesome! They showed the trailer for… HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE! ^___^ woot! Haha that made me very happy ^^
My sister’s birthday party was Saturday… crazy @_@;; There were like fifteen people over here (and if you’ve been to my house, you know it’s not exactly ‘big’… lol) Man, they are LOUD. o_o;; And they were loud until two in the morning! The party was supposed to run until midnight, but a few people stayed over even later… Maybe they stayed for the cake- it was red velvet, my grandmother made it for the party. And do I love red velvet cake… mmm, my very favorite dessert… anyway, there were two girls who came, and one was wearing a purple YUKI SHIRT!!! These two girls came in, and immediately started singing the song that the Yuki fangirls sing in the Fruits Basket anime! Most of my sister’s friends had no idea what was going on, but I fell out of my chair laughing ^__^;;; haha it was spaztastic.
Ok then, one more thing… Could someone please tell me how to add music to my profile? I mean like a windows media player box, with the play and stop buttons and such. I want to start putting up a song every week or so, to make my site more… spiffy. Lol. If you can help me, send me a PM or email or something; thank you very much in advance! ^__^
All right then, that’s enough from me lol… Comment, check out my latest drawing, and read past posts if you haven’t!!! ^__^;; *hugs* Have a spaztastic day! Pic from The Record of Lodoss War... looks kidna cool, so I thought, I'll post it up randomly! ^^;;
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Insert Random Phrase Here
Hello everyone!!! ^__^ I’m back!! *yay!* Actually, we got back Sunday; I just haven’t been on the computer lately ^^;; SO! In this episode of Katie’s Life, we’ll hear what happened at the American Idol concert, plus a description of a new drawing that was recently uploaded ^_^ So let’s get started then…
The concert was…. AWESOME!!! AH! I wanna go back!! >.< The Top 10 performed at the concert, and each person sang about 2-3 songs… I can’t decide who my favorite was; they all put on a wonderful show- even Scott! *gasp* Yes, yes, I know, unbelievable… lol But of course, Constantine did the best performance hehe… But because we were in Alabama, the whole crowd went INSANE when Bo Bice hit the stage… and you can imagine who crazy everyone went when he started on his guitar playing Sweet Home Alabama… haha it was a blast ^_^ After the show, my dad bought me a poster that has the top 10 on it (so now my room looks REALLY random… There’s that poster, a couple of anime wall scrolls, video game posters, LOTR poster, and a dragon one o.o;; The Idol poster doesn’t quite look right in there, but w/e; I love looking up at Constantine and Anthony hahaha… ^_~) . So yeah! ^^;; Of course, I brought my camera with me to the concert, and I’ve already put all the photos on my PictureTrail site… (Click here to see!)
New drawing! Woot! ^_^ Yes, it’s another character from my story (that I still haven’t started writing lol, but I’ll get to it eventually I’m sure haha). His name is Jase, and he’s gonna be the main guy character… Another reason I drew him was because, well, I need to practice drawing guys more o.o;; I’m not all too great yet, but I still like how this drawing turned out; I especially love his hair lol. His left arm seems a little short to me… but overall I think the drawing is… at least decent haha. I was originally going to add a jacket on him, but I think he looks better without it ^__^ hehe. Click here to see the drawing! Be sure to vote and COMMENT, all right? ^_^ I love to hear from you all! (since I can’t IM you all yet T_T;; the only way I keep in touch with my friends now is with myOtaku and my Xanga site… so sad)
Ok then… not much else to say… I’m gonna get some pizza now lol. *hugs* Have a spaztastic day! ^__^
No, I wasn’t this close to the stage… that’s a pic from one of the screens at the concert that helped people in the back see haha… I love this pic though ^^
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Friday, July 15, 2005
Ride on Shooting Star...
Hey there everyone! ^_^ Time for another random and long post… whee!
Well, I guess I’ll start by saying that my computer is slowly agreeing with me... The pop-ups have finally decreased in number (although they still… well… pop) and it still signs me offline, though not quite as often… I’m still trying to fix it so I can chat on AIM and MSN soon… man I miss chatting T_T;; especially since it’s been raining all week (thank you, Dennis… bleh)… but I think I’ll have it fixed soon. Cross your fingers! ^_^;;
It was my sister’s birthday Wednesday! (she’s the sister who lives with us; no dog lol) She’s now EIGHTEEN! It’s unbelievable. She’s not eighteen, she’s not!! NOT! She’s too silly lol… hm no, not silly… quirky. ^_^ That’s a good word for her haha… She was all excited of course, and bouncing all around with joy. She got a LOT of money for her b-day… I mean, a LOT. She’s saving up to buy a new guitar, but she also wants the Sims 2 lol… She has enough for both things, and then some o_o;; and if you know how expensive a good guitar is, then you know that that’s a lot of money lol… She’ll probably get even more at her party next weekend… maybe she’ll share ^_^;; haha.
So, how many of you saw the last season of American Idol? If you’re an Idol-fan, then you know about their tour, right? Well, my sister and her boyfriend (the sister in the photo from the last post) were able to get a bunch of tickets to go to one of the Idol concerts in Birmingham! Woo-hoo! ^_^ So, my parents, both my sisters, the boyfriend, some of his family, and myself are all going to the concert… huh that’s a pretty big group haha. Anyone else wanna come? ^_~;; Maybe I can sneak ya’ll in… lol… Anyway, this means that I won’t be able to post or whatnot for the weekend… Not sure how long I’ll be gone, but we’re leaving sometime today… the concert’s at 7:00… ooh I am SO looking forward to the long car-ride there -.-;; ah well, this way I can read my books for school… and play on my GBA of course! ^_^ I may work on a new drawing as well, it depends on how creative I’m feeling lol…
Ok now I’ll tell you another reason why I’m happy (besides the concert)! Two words: New CD. Woot! ^__^ haha I got the soundtrack to Trigun from yesterday! The title of the cd is ‘Trigun: The First Donuts.’ Lol it’s great, I love it already ^^ I haven’t watched my Trigun tapes in a while, so this CD brought back some nice memories of the episodes… and some sad ones (Wolfwood! No! *cries*) The next CD I want to get is ‘Fooly Cooly Ost 1: Addict’ because I simply LOVE The Pillows… they had some awesome songs in FLCL… very fun group ^^ plus I love their name. ‘The Pillows.’ Lol. I’m weird like that, I know haha ^_~
Okay…. That’s enough from me… lol… *hugs* Have a spaztastic day everyone!!! ^__^
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Friday, July 8, 2005
Raining Ducks!!!
Whoo! Another post! ^_^
I added a new drawing today!!! ^__^ Yay! lol I’m surprised that my internet let me take the time to upload it today… hmm… maybe that means its getting better? … No, wait, I just got another five pop-ups lol… Well anyway, my drawing is a character from my story, her name right now is Rosa, though I may change that later… She’s one of the dark angels in my story… I was going to draw wings originally, but… I’m still practicing on making my wings look good lol ^^;; I couldn’t decide between long or short hair, and I’m not sure what made me go with short hair… but I did haha. That’s the only thing I don’t like about the drawing; the hair. It looks too… … … something. o.o;; lol. But I do love the skirt and the boots, I’m pleased with how those came out. So despite the facts that her hair is weird, and her arms are skinny, I still think this came out pretty well. That pose is hard to make perfect…. Guess that’s why it isn’t perfect lol. Oh well. Click here to see it!
Now, about my story… that was just a rough idea I typed up yesterday… It’s very unoriginal, I know… I’m still working on it I suppose ^^;;; After I reread my post, after I uploaded it, I realized that is really sounded… bleh. I guess it seemed more interesting to me earlier because I know the characters and the plot twists lol… man, do I love plot twists! ^___^ haha random…
Anyway… My sister is coming into town again… But the good thing is that she’s not bringing her evil dog! Yay! haha she’s bringing the new puppy instead… puppies I like. Lol. It’s when they grow up and destroy everything that I don’t like… I suppose the same thing goes for cats, lol, but for some reason we still have six fully-grown cats around my house… One is nearly as old as I am! O.o;; weird lol
One of my favorite shows started last night- Big Brother 6! ^_^ I only watch a few ‘reality’ shows, and Big Brother is one of my favorites. It’s one of my mom’s favorites as well, lol, so we can watch it together… :3 aww… lol… It gives us something to talk about, since she doesn’t know anything about anime or video games, and I don’t know anything about Barry Manilow or Client Services Specialists (her job at Aflac….Aflac… AFLAC!!! Haha… gotta love the duck).
Well, I’ve rambled enough for today… Tune in next time to hear more about crazy me! ^_^ *hugs* Have a spaztastic day! It's my sister and her evil dog... when she wasn't quite so evil lol... and look! Wheel of Fortune's on TV! xD
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
...... uhm..... WAFFLES! o_O;;
Music: The Edge of Soul, the opening song for the game Soul Blade
(Computer still crappy... can't really visit sites.... so sad T_T...)
hey there everyone! ^_^ Ready for yet another one of Katie’s long, spaztastic posts? WOOT! Now, let’s see… ah yes, I said I was going to talk about the story I’m writing, didn’t I? Well all right then, on to business…
…But right now, I’m still laughing at my shirt haha… It’s just a black t-shirt, with what looks like 4 strips of duct tape on the front. On the ‘duct tape’ it says this: “Duct tape is like the force: It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together.” lol! xD
Ok, ok, NOW we’re onto business! ^_~ Well, my story (which doesn’t have a title yet… bleh), is really very simple. The main theme is good versus evil, or more specifically, the ‘light’ angels versus the ‘dark’ angels. Basically the ‘light’ angels are the ones with white wings and do all the good-old generic, holy angel type of thing. The ‘dark’ angels, on the other hand, are the ones with black wings, and are known for committing… less than holy crimes.
Ok then, well the actual story itself is about how a mysterious woman, Eyra, is planning to plunge the world into eternal darkness and chaos; to basically turn the world into Hell, in lamest terms. So, she commands all these ‘dark’ angels and demons and whatnot, and sends them all over the world to reek havoc. Well, needless to say, the ‘light’ angels are not happy with this. In response to Eyra’s invading demonic armies, they send forth many of their angel warriors to help defend the world.
My story revolves around two of these light angels, Nikomas and Jase. Nikomas (Nik or Nikki for short), is a happy, hyperactive sort of girl who is spontaneous and optimistic; the complete opposite of her partner, Jase. He’s very sarcastic, and much less… chipper than Nik. He has a more cynical outlook on life, and is always amazed at Nik’s energy and… spaz-itude. … Yes. Spazitude. My new word! Haha! … yes, I’m weird… but whatever lol…
So yeah… a taste of my new story… There’s much more to it, and many more characters and secrets and all that… I’m happy to say that the characters are much more interesting and unique than the actually story plot itself haha… I’ve finished creating detailed character bios for all of these guys, and now I’m working on drawing them, for a visual aid when writing. I have a feeling it’s gonna take me a while to actually start writing. Bleh.
Wow, that ended up being rather long. Haha. If you comment, you can have a cookie ^_~… lol … ^__^ *hugs* Have a spaztastic day everyone!
There’s no wrong way to eat a Reese’s! lol
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
When Pants and Pop-Ups Attack!!!
Hello my people!!! *hugs you all* >//< Oh, how I have missed you all! Lol… I will now tell you all why I haven’t been able to post in a while, IM anyone, or even check email except in a rare case... I’ll also comment on a movie I saw this weekend... And I’ll tell about a new anime series I’ve recently watched. ^_^;; meaning that I will... uhm... Postpone the storyline to my story yet again haha…
Ok then, you see, my computer has always been rather crappy at keeping a connection online, meaning it constantly signs me offline (ask anyone who tries to have IM chats with me- it gets real annoying real fast >_< ). Well, as of late this has been happening more and more often, so I’m basically online for maybe three to four minutes at a time, and then it decides to kick me offline. I’m also getting hundreds of pop-ups... RAWR!! I do NOT want a damn free Playstation 3!! ... though I think I’ll still shoot the ninja just for the heck of it... (that was the latest pop-up to appear on my screen lol) ... sorry for the mild cursing in that, but if you’ve ever had spyware and hundreds of pop-ups appear on your desktop for no reason, you’d be cursing, too. -.-;; "So what does this all mean, Katie?" Well, it means I won’t be able to post as often as I’d like, or even comment on people’s sites… Also, I won’t be able to chat online really… (I’m so sorry, Joey, Christy, and Jenny!!! T__T;; I miss you guys!) … I might be able to check email from time to time, but not very often…. So hopefully I’ll get this all fixed up soon T_T If all else fails, I’ll try to use my older computer… but it’s a Com-crap (as ElvesAteMyRamen refers to them lol) AND only works on dial-up… so we’ll see. ^_^;;;
Well, I saw 'War of the Worlds' this weekend with my family… To tell you the truth, I didn’t think too highly of it. -.-;; Of course, I came into the theatre with a skeptical and sarcastic view on it already, so that probably made things worse for me. My sister Rachel LOVES it (she’s seen it twice), my dad likes it (he said it’s not near as great as Star Wars Episode 3 of course ^^ I definitely agree haha), and my mom… lol she was hilarious in the theatre! She was like "this is so intense!" and "omg, what is that!?" and "AH! I’m gonna kill Rachel for making me see this! She knows I don’t like these sort of movies!!"... (the next part won’t make much sense unless you’ve seen the movie...) As for me, I was making comments like "haha, they’re using a death-ray… Why is this funny? I’m not sure, but I’m still laughing." "Look! It’s ‘When Pants Attack!’" "It’s like a claw-machine in an arcade!" lol... I’m weird, yes...
Now about that anime series I watched this weekend! ^_^ I rented the entire 13-episode series of "Record of Lodoss War" this weekend, and I love it! ^^ I’ve always adored the 'sword and sorcery' genre, so this was great for me! It was mainly based off of role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons, and the book series 'Dragonlance.' Since it was an older anime (from the late 80’s or early 90’s), it had that sort of… how to describe it… very detailed look about it. Every little line made a difference, in the swords, the armor, and Slayn’s staff was even well detailed. It was very fun to watch ^__^ I’ll probably talk more about it some other time, as I’ve just noticed how long this post is once again lol. But I will say that if you like the Dragonlance book series, Lord of the Rings, or even the video games in the Fire Emblem or Lunar series, I’d advise you check out "Record of Lodoss War!"
Okay then, enough from me! ^_^;; *hugs* Have a spaztastic day!
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Monday, June 27, 2005
What did they do with that pig that was in here?!
Hey everyone!!! Huh, guess it’s been a little while since I last posted… Sorry about that! ^^;; I’ll try to visit all of your sites today to get caught up to date in everyone’s lives haha… For some reason or another, I just haven’t been on the computer much lately. And you’d NEVER guess the reason! … Spending time with the family?! *gasp* I know, it’s unbelievable! Haha here, I’ll tell ya’ll about my previous week… (very long post, sorry in advance! ^_^;; *hands out cookies now*)
Oh yeah, I’ll tell about my story next post, okay? ^_^;; I’ll try! … Maybe if enough people comment!!!
Well, it was my dad’s birthday on Wednesday (the same week as Father’s Day! lol), which meant that, of course, we waited until Tuesday to go shopping for presents ^^;; heh… He liked the presents we got him, but… I was disappointed that I couldn’t get one thing for him: The Jonny Quest Season 1 DVD set. -.-; he would have loved that, it was his favorite show growing up, and he would have never expected to get it either… but when something is as expensive as that… well, yeah. -.-;; bleh. Hopefully I can surprise him with it some other time, because I know he’d love it ^^ (lol if you’re wondering why my dad would really like that dvd set, it’s because he’s definitely still a kid at heart lol… Have I ever told ya’ll about his obsessions of Star Wars and Atlanta Braves Baseball? Crazy lol)
Okay then…. On Wednesday, my sister and I made a cake for him (which surprisingly turned out all right! *gasp*), and then we all went out to eat later that night. It was actually very fun ^^ haha my sister and I were having a crazy fun time icing that cake… haha… never put out a can of chocolate icing between us xD So anyway, my sis and I kept bringing up these little jokes we made earlier when we went out to eat… my mom was like “What the-? @_@;;” hahaha… all I can say to that is … Holy Doo! xDDD (haha yesh, inside joke)
On Thursday, my sis and I went swimming… *yay I finally have some sort of tan… my mom was happy b/c she says I spend too much of my time inside, playing video games or being online* … It would have been more fun if she hadn’t have invited her boyfriend to come, too… he’s soooo annoying… and very mean to me- I get enough criticizing from my other sister and my mom, geez! -.-;; But… it was still somewhat fun. ^_^
Friday… what did I do on Friday?.... I remember going back to Blockbuster to rent more movies and games, but that’s it o.o;; lol… I guess I watched movies and played games all days haha… Oh yeah! and I watched Fruits Basket again! Lol
On Saturday, I spent most of the day with my mom and dad, shopping… We went to the furniture store, where they picked out a new, pillow-top mattress and a king-sized-bed-frame for their new bed… bleh… I wanna new bed lol… but they needed one more -.-;; Anyway, after that, we out to eat (again haha… my family seems to go out to eat quite often, huh?) and then we went to the hospital to spend a few minutes with my grandmother… she’s been there now for a while, but the doctors can’t seem to find just why she’s feeling so horrible… But I have faith that they’ll find it soon!
Bleh… I hate the hospital… even just visiting isn’t fun at all… It’s too clean, too white, too funny-smelling… >_<;; blehness!
On Sunday, I cleaned out my closet (o.o;; very scary ordeal) and then I put together my new computer chair ^__^ I put it together all by myself haha my mom was proud… and my dad was relieved, b/c he didn’t want to put it together. *spins around in it* fun fun fun ^____^ *hoping it doesn’t break*
Haha so that was my long week… yeah… Maybe I can get my sister to go swimming with me again… without asking Julian to come as well -.-;; blehness haha
HAVE A SPAZTASTIC DAY!!!!! ^__^ *hugs*
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