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To FINALLY finish one of the many stories I've started to write!
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| DragonMasterKatie
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Monday, June 20, 2005
*subject from the song "Flicker" by Submersed... I love this song xD*
Hey! Katie’s back once again, even more hyper and happy than before! ^_^ I do hope everyone’s doing all right and all. If I haven’t been to someone’s site lately, it’s because I haven’t been online much this weekend… I’ve either been sitting in front of my Gamecube or drawing or whatnot… I’ll try to visit sites more often when I get the chance, I promise! (btw, if you’re friends with Original J, be sure to visit his site again… he has added another post, and it’s very important to see!)
(read earlier posts from me if you haven’t already! And have you checked out my latest drawings? DO THAT NOW! ^_^;; haha just kidding… but that would be nice if you did…)
Video Game paragraph!
Well I tried out another game yesterday! (Yay for Blockbuster lol) The games I wanted still haven’t been checked back in yet *grumbles…* but I’ve been able to try out other games instead! So, I checked out ‘Beyond Good and Evil.’ It’s not a very popular game, or so I’ve discovered, but it’s actually really quite cool. You play as Jade, a girl who lives in a sci-fi sort of place where the world is at war with the DomZ, who are aliens. After fighting off some of these guys, you find out that the government, the Alpha Sections, has actually formed a conspiracy with these invading aliens for whatever reason (hey, I only started playing yesterday haha). So, you join a band of rebels, the IRIS Network, as a photographer who has to sneak into the main factories and other buildings of the government, and take pictures as proof to the naïve world. It’s an adventure game at first sight, but at other times it’s a platformer, a fighting game, a racing game, a space-shooter game, and more! Did I mention how beautiful some of the work in this is? and Jade is awesome, too, with her kung-fu moves… and the camera mode is fun ^_^ this game is definitely worth a look at!
Katie-being-Creative Paragraph!
Well, I was looking through my old drawings (I have this HUGE folder by my desk full of thousands of drawings it seems), and I found some that were actually somewhat good haha. Most of the pics in this folder are from earlier years, when I first started anime drawings, but some of them were really half-decent lol! Anyway, I found some character sketches of a story I thought of writing, and was inspired to continue working on these ideas… So, now I’m in the middle of writing my own story, like many other members on myO have done… I planned out the main plot of the story Saturday, along with character bios for the main people (during commercial breaks of adult swim, of course… and during Paranoia Agent, I don’t like that show >_< ). I’m starting to get really excited with this story now… If I can succeed with making cool characters and an awesome story, I might start posting parts of it on here… I’ll tell ya’ll more about my story next time, but I will tell you this- it’s gonna be about angels. (Let’s just say I’ve been inspired after reading the first volumes of Immortal Rain and Chrno Crusade! ^^)
Well, see you all next time!! ^__^ *hugs* Have a spaztastic day everyone!
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Friday, June 17, 2005
Feeling better, yet getting sick.... and mermaids and chickens! O_o;;
Hello there, everyone! ^_^ Katie’s back, and with a not so… dramatic post as last time. Things a bit better now, even though still complicated… I’d rather not expand on the subject for much more, because it is somewhat personal and all… Just know that everything’s a bit better, thanks to the support and prayers of my wonderful friends... >///< you guys are just wonderful! *group hug!!* Huge thanks go to AwesomeDude898 for just being awesome ^___^ (Visit his site if you haven’t had the pleasure to yet!)
He was so awesome, in fact, that I decided to finally finish my mermaid drawing for him ^^ I hope you like it, Logan! ^__^ (Click me to see the mermaid!!! Woot!) Yes, well let me tell about the drawing now… It was based on the lilke in the manga Vampire Game (book number 6 to be exact), but I added a few of my own little details and changed some stuff to make it better hehe ^_^ So yeah… not much to say about it except that it was drawn in pencil, then I went over it in pen… I really like how the shading turned out on her ^_^ Though her hand looks a little off… bleh haha but ah well, I think it turned off pretty well after all ^___^ Remember to vote and comment PLEASE!!! ^^
Ok, well, I’m making the rest of this post one of my random ramblings as usual, so the spaztastic Katie from earlier posts is back! (despite the slight cold she now has *blows nose* bleh… lol… *takes medicine* haha this makes me hyper… and I’m weird… whoo!)
So, I finally tried my hand at playing Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life last week. ^__^ ah, so much fun! I wasn’t too sure of it, but it looked so cute I had to try it out (plus the games I wanted to rent at Blockbuster were already checked out…) Ah, I have two cows, a sheep, horse, and five chickens as of now… I’m good at taking care of the animals, but not so good at the crops lol… I think I’m growing maybe seven plants as of now- no, not seven different types of plants, but seven plants *counts the squares* haha but whatever, it’s fun ^^ I’m still in my first year there, but I already love it ^___^ It’s the kind of game that you can just play to have fun, and not think too much, you know? Just a cute little game to pass the time away… Not to mention that riding my horse is mad fun xD Go, Chesnut, Go! (anyone else hate that seven-letter-limit to names?! Gah!! lol)
Hmm well not much else to say now sooooo…. … yeah! I’m probably gonna go play some more Harvest Moon… or draw a new pic, I dunno; haha I’ve been rather creative lately, so I may finish one of the billions of drawings I’ve started…. Well anyway, buh bye everyone! ^__^ *hugs* Have a spaztastic day!!...
Yay, I’m glad I’m not so depresso, like last time… I bet ya’ll are glad as well, right? ^_^ haha… 
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Hey there everyone… This will be a relatively short post (thankfully… I’m crying so much right now, I can barely read what I’m typing on the monitor). This post is for a friend… Not just any friend, either, but my very best and most dear friend. You see, he’s… leaving.
He let go of the woman he loves so greatly… It was a very brave and difficult thing to do, but he did the right thing… Their lives and dreams were so different, that they could not coexist as one, even though he loves her so so much.
Now, he’s going to be leaving soon… He left his final post on his myO site, detailing everything… (Click here to go straight to his site).
Do you realize just how many hearts you’re breaking by doing this? By leaving us? I said in a comment on your site that I’m selfish… and boy is that the truth… I’d do anything if it meant you could stay with us, absolutely anything! I wish with all my heart that I could change your mind, but… *sigh* I know you have to do what you have to do, even if it pains me to say that…
I love you so much… I don’t think I can stress that enough. I will miss you so dearly… Please take care of yourself, all right? If anything were to happen to you… well, I don’t know what I’d do… I will say a prayer for you everyday, for your safety, and for happiness. No one else deserves it nearly as much as you do…
1st Mate Kate sails alone, without her Captain… Farewell. *hugs… never lets go*
“Remember me, once in a while… Please promise me you’ll try…”
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
Ah, the power of cheese. o_O
Hey guys!! LOOK! She's BACK! KATIE ACTUALLY SURVIVED A FEW DAYS WITHOUT THE COMPUTER!!! AAHHHH!! ^^;;; lol yeah... ... ... -.-;; though I did bring my Gamecube on the trip lol... I guess when I would have been online, I was on that, playing Baten Kaitos lol... Well, I guess this is the post where I tell EVERY LITTLE FREAKIN' DETAIL of my trip, right? ^_~ haha just kidding, I'll keep it much shorter than that... maybe lol.... (oh, and by the way... uhm... that mermaid pic I spoke briefly about last time.. uh... didn't get finished ^^;; sorry guys!!! I'll try to finish it this next week.... really!! lol)
Well, let me begin by saying that this was a trip to Hell. ^_^;; Yep. That pretty much sums it up. ^_^;; Let's see, where to start.... Well, we ended up driving nearly 7 hours to a place when it should have just taken about 3-4 hours... See, we were going to stay at this condo in Sandestin, Florida- my sister's boyfriend owns the condo, so it was free lol... We had never been down there, so we uhm got a little lost lol... Of course, my sister didn't make things any easier... She gave us MapQuest directions there, but... she typed in the WRONG PLACE. She typed in "Sandpiper Circle" when we needed to get to a "Sandpiper Village." -.-;; Yeah. My thoughts exactly. She's a REEEAAAL smart one, lemme tell you. Well, it could have been worse- at least the place was still in Sandestin lol and not in some other town. -__-;; When we got to Sandpiper CIRCLE, lol we found that it led to this neighborhood lol, to some random person's house... then we called Brittany and complained lol...
Anywho, after FINALLY finding the right place - Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort- we find that the power is off. Well, we messed around with the breaker box for a while, but nothing worked. Finally my dad calls security to ask about it, when we find out that the whole area had been w/o power for a while... it wasn't anything we did lol THANK GOD! So we unpack, the power comes back on soon after, and everything's going great... We go out to eat, get some ice-cream lol, and everything is doing fine. My sister and her boyfriend (and her dog, Mercedes; Sadie is her nickname) drive up a few hours later, and we talk about random things blah-de-blah-de-blah.... and the end of the first day is okay. lol.
On the second day we realized this wasn't the place for us. lol. My dad loved it, though, because the condo was right on a golf course- he and Derik, the boyfriend lol, went to play some golf, with my sister driving the cart lol. My mom and I, however, had nothing to do. At all. -.-;; See, to get to the beach in Sandestin, you'd have to drive across the street from the condo, then down some other streets, turn at this one place lol, and well, it was just a big hassle. AND there wasn't a pool anywhere! T__T;; Needless to say, I wasn't even able to TOUCH the water on this trip... We go to Florida, and we don't even go swimming... damn. -.-;; *sigh* So yeah, I'm still pale as a ghost. Bleh.
Then came the rain. And wind. That darn tropical storm. We couldn't do anything else, so we went home on Saturday. -_-;; Though we did go to Books-A-Million in Sandestin one time lol... where I picked up the first volume of Immortal Rain.. *_* ooooh greatness.... I love this manga already... I must must must must MUST buy the next one VERY SOON. o_O; lol ^_^;;
So yeah. That's how my weekend went. ^_^;; *twitch* I do hope everyone else had a better time this weekend than I did. -_-;;
I GOT SOME AWESOME PICTURES THOUGH!! lol I'll post the link to my picturetrail site later when I upload all my photos, ok? Have a spaztastic day, everyone! And sorry for the long post. -.-;; lol. But you knew that was coming. ^_~
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
You didn't see anything..... o.o
Hey guys, just a quick post for ya'll today, all right? ^_~ I promise, I'm trying to keep these shorter lol!
So... went and saw the movie Madagascar today with my mom lol.... It was cute, but not nearly as funny as I had hoped.... I loved the penguins and the monkeys xD oh man, they were spaztastic... The power went off in the middle of the movie, though, because of the random lightning storm that started suddenly; probably because it's been rather hot over here in Georgia (lol why am I not surprised?) So anyway, the power only went off for like five minutes, then came right back on, so it was no big deal... My mom and I had been having crappy luck all day, so it wasn't a big shock to us that it would happen lol xD So now, if anything else goes wrong today, we'll just laugh it off... lol I would tell in detail what all happened today... but that would take WWWAAAAYYYY (way) too long lol xD
Okay, well, I don't really have much time left now because we're about to go back out and go shopping.... We're leaving to go to Florida tomorrow! ^__^ vacation time! Only bad thing is that my sister and her dog are coming along... I don't really like either (as you all know already if you read my post on Sunday lol...) But we'll try to survive the weekend with her lol... So yeah, I won't be able to get online until Sunday so..... know that I love ya all! ^_^ *hugs* Have a spaztastic rest of the week, all right? ^__^ See you all when we get back!!! ^^ I'll try to get a new drawing finished in Florida for ya'll lol.... (A MERMAID PIC!! ^_^ fun fun) Okay then, buh bye everyone! ^_^
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Hey there my peoples! lol Not much to talk about today (yay not another long post! lol xD) Though, if you're just tuning in, please read the post on Sunday to know what's been happening the world of Katie, all right? AND DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT, okay? ^_~ I love to hear from all of ya'll!
Okay then, on to business! I finished a new picture last night and uploaded it onto the site: Click me.... you know you want to ^_~. lol So yeah, click the link like it says to lol and you'll go straight to it. It's a PIRATE PICTURE!!! oooh, didn't see that one coming, did we? ^_~ Yes, it's the wonderful 1st Mate Kate! I actually drew it a while ago, but I finally colored it last night. I wasn't really going to finish it, but for some reason I felt I had to... and I'm glad I did! I'm really happy with how it came out! ^___^ Once again, it was colored with colored pencils and such... Not very different from my normal style or anything, but still... there's something about it I just really really like... lol... Maybe it's just the fact that's a pirate... who knows ^_~ Anyway, please please PLEASE check it out and tell me what you think, okay??
Okay well that's all the time we have for today, folks! Tune in next time for more spaztastic randomness with Katie! ^_^ *hugs* Bye people! I love ya all! ^_~ 
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Monday, June 6, 2005
here's my second post today!! lol
Okay... first, you should read the post below this.... and then that'll tell you to read the post below that one lol xDD yes, this is my second post today, because I forgot to say something....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KITSUNE TSUKI!!! *throws confetti* ^__^ lol the big four-o! woot! ^.^ Everyone, go and visit KitsuneTsuki 's site and wish her a happy birthday, okay? ^^ Hope you've had a spaztastic day!!
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blargh.... I'm bored.... -_-;;
lol hey guys... uhm... I really don't have anything else to talk about right now... please read the post from yesterday to know what's been happening with me lately ^_^ (and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment if you love me!! I never get comments anymore T_T)
So yeah... I found this survey on my friend's blog, so I think I'll do it.. it's long but what the hey lol enjoy...
1. name: Katie
2.birthdate: May 25, 1990
3.age: 15
4.eye color: brown color: eh different shades of brown… basically light brown
6.personality: hmm…. … … SPAZTASTIC! xD
7.describe yourself: tall, crazy lol, obsessed with anime, manga, cheese, Phantom, and pirates… lol… and usually nice and fun to be around… o.o at least that’s what I think…
8. Nervous Habits? Like rubbing my hands together absentmindedly , or playing with my hair
9. Are you double jointed? nah
10. Can you roll your tongue? nope
11. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? Lol nah… man, I can’t do a lot, can I? lol
12. Can you blow spit bubbles? Lol heck yeah!
13. Can you cross your eyes? yeah
14. Tattoos? nope
15. Piercings and where? No piercings… I want earrings though, so I need to get my ears pierced soon… hmm…
16. Screename: AIM: ShinySwordz25 MSN:
1.type your name with your eyes closed. katie
2.type your name with your elbow. katie … oh wow! I really did it! O.o;
3.with your toe. kat ie lol
4.with your non-dominant hand only...turned around. katue… lol I almost got it a book and turn to page 8. what is the 7th word from the bottom? Frightened… lol random
6. reach out with both arms. what do you touch first? computer monitor
7.look and listen to the TV or Radio. whats on? Fox News live… I don’t watch it really… it’s just on lol….
8. If your NOT home alone sing this verse really loud and tell us if annyone says anything to you, "OOOH, shes sexy! work it work it owwww. la la la LAH" …. I’m home alone T_T how sad
--DO YOU--
1. eat spam or potted meat? O.o uh no… not either…
2. type with one hand only? Only if there’s a Gameboy in one hand lol
3. wear the same piece of jewelry everyday? My pewter dragon necklace… I love it and I don’t know why ^_^
4. twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Usually cut it, but I’ve been known to twirl it too lol
5. usually approach your crush or keep it low? o/////o;; k-keep it low… I’m too shy lol >///< no one shall ever know!
6. have a mole anywhere on your face? Nah
7. write with your right hand or left? right
8. cut up all of your meat, then eat, or cut each at one time? one at each time
9. carry more than 10 dollars with you on an average day? Depends on how much money I have overall… usually around $15- 20 if I can help it lol
10. have blue eyes? nope
11. have a swimming pool. Technically no, but our neighbors gave us the keys to their pool, so yes ^^
12. sing really well? .///. I don’t think so, but I’ve been told I do…. >///< crazy people…
13. stay at the computer more than an hour at a time on average? LOL HECK YES! xDDD I basically live here…. Lol and that’s pretty sad…
14. wear thongs everyday? Oh god no
15. like rock music? Well duh! Of course ^_^ yay, rock music… lol
1. rock or rap? rock
2. chinese or mexican? Mexican… but I do love fortune cookies lol…
3. coke or pepsi? coke ^__^ ah the power of coke lol
4. straight or curly? in hair? Straight hair is fun if it’s long lol like mine…. But curly hair is fun too lol…. So I dunno
5. guy friends or girl friends? I have quite a few close friends of both sexes, so it’s hard to say… but probably guy friends ^_^
6. chick-fil-a or zaxby's? zaxby’s, probably
7. ludacris or 50 cent? Uhh… neither? I don’t like rap … >.< bleh rap…
8. guitar or drums? Guitar ^_^ very cool lol
9. chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
10. hot dog or corn dog? hot dog
11. mustard or ketchup? ketchup
12. beach or mountains? beach
13. beef or chicken? chicken
14. me or you? I would say ‘me’ … but… then I’d feel bad, so… ‘you!’ lol
15. boxers or briefs? ....hmm… boxers lol xD
16. panties or thongs? ....hmm… well I think I answered this in a way earlier…
1. clothes? Huge blue t-shirt and black cloth pants… my basic sleep-wear
2. taste? Mmm ice cold coca-cola! ^_^
3.smell? pearberry lotion ^^ lol
5. hair style? Down… and messy… I look horrible this morning lol
6. music? The Phantom of the Opera! xD lol yes, Joey, I have the CD to this… lol xD
7. perfume/cologne? None right now…
8. nail color? Uhh unpainted lol
9. hated song on the radio? Oh man, you do NOT want me to start on that… it would take all day to list them all…
10.crush? my crush could be reading this!! >//< I’m not telling!!!
1. Where do you shop: Hot Topic… New York and Company …others… lol
2. What do you usually wear: for summer: short-sleeved t-shirt and capris or shorts… actually, I probably wear my jeans more often than my shorts lol…. Oh and sandals
3. What kind of shoes do you wear: sandals or my converse shoes
4. Do you wear a watch: lol yeah, all the time… but I never use it
5. Color you never wear: I try to avoid pink >_o;; bleh
6. Color you wear at least once a week: black… most of the time lol
7. Something you wear everyday: uhh.. clothes o_O lol
8. Do you wear make up everyday: nope… never.
9. Make up essential: uhh read the one above…
10. Most cherished piece of clothing: uhh my black shirts from Hot Topic with funny pictures on them xD like my “Squirreley Wrath!” And “Byte Me” shirts xD
11.You wouldn't be caught dead wearing: I agree with Amanda…. Socks and sandals… eww >_o;;
12. Do you wear belts: nah
13. Do you wear hats: haha all the time! I love my hats lol
14. How many pairs of shoes do you have: hmm… quite a few actually lol… though I only wear like two pairs of them lol
uhm so yeah... that was fun lol...
have a spaztastic day!
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Sunday, June 5, 2005
I survived... but barely -_-;;
ooh... this has been a LOOOONG weekend.... but long in a bad way >_<;; (Warning: This paragraph is just one big ranting session... Skip it to move to happier things... ) Two words to describe my annoyance: OLDER SISTER. ... Actually, oldEST sister to be exact; my other older sister is actually nice most of the time -.-; So anyway, yeah, my oldest sister, Brittany, came down from Alabama to visit, because yesterday was my mom's birthday. Now, we've never really been 'best friends,' okie dokie? She's so annoying! GAH! She's LOUD - so... very... loud...- and is always picking on me and telling me what I do... trying to correct my way of life, trying to change the way I am... and I'm perfectly happy with how I am! She is definitely a stereotypical older sister -.-;;; Another thing that just drove me up the wall was her dog... she always brings her dog along when she comes to visit... and I can't stand that little beast >_<;; It smells horrible... it leaves presents for you EVERYWHERE.... and then expects you to let it sleep on your bed- I don't think so! -.-;; I'm much more of a cat person.... *Sigh* .... After all of this, can you even fathom how joyous and ecstatic I was when she left about an hour or two ago?! As she drove out of the driveway, I said this: "She's going... going... going... SHE'S OUTTA HERE!" ^__^;;;; Score for the hometeam, baby! ... I know... -.- I'm being a little harsh... but Brittany drives me to my breaking point.... darn... now I feel bad for ranting >_< GAH! "You can make scream internally!!"
HAPPY THOUGHTS NOW! ^__^ lol... Video games.. ahh... gotta love 'em.... I'm on mission 13 on Fire Emblem now... very addictive game lol. My favorite character right now is my thief, Colm ^^ lol I always love my thieves, assassins, and swordmasters.... dunno why, they're just cool ^.^ I'm really happy because a great deal of my characters have leveled up class-wise ^_^ yay- I'm unstoppable!! *evil laugh*.... *cough*... so uhm... yes.... now moving on to Baten Kaitos! ^_^ I've played about eight or nine hours on it now (actually a bit longer because of some annoying boss-battles... ah well lol) It's a pretty good game, I'm still loving the graphics *_* pretty.... lol... it has a turn-based battle system, but it's spiced up by the fact that it's a card-game system as well... not like Yu-Gi-Oh! or anything like that- you battle with weapons and spells, not monsters- plus it's a lot easier to pick up on than Y-G-O lol... TIME FOR A COMMERCIAL! Buy these games today!! ^_~
Did ya'll watch InuYasha last night?! OMG! I LOVED that episode! lol Jakotsu is HILARIOUS!! One quote he said literally made me fall off my bed, laughing.... Here it is, though I'm not sure how exact it is to what he said: *speaking to Miroku* "InuYasha's pretty cute, but you're rather sexy yourself, monk." LMAO!! xDD InuYasha and Miroku's expressions after that were PRICELESS!! xDDD ah man... lol... that was great...
Anyone else had the pleasure to try the Brownie Batter Blizzard at Dairy Queen?! OMG... so delicious.... we went to DQ last night after dinner, and I LOVED that Blizzard... so so SOOOO good! *drools* =P lol ... when we were talking the car, telling my dad what to order at the drive-thru, we kept messing up on saying 'Brownie Batter Blizzard'... lol xD say THAT five times fast! The funniest thing we came up with was "Brownie Bladder Buzzard".... and then there was the "Brownie BADGER Blizzard"... Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM MUSHROOM! lmao!! xD (go to to learn what I'm talking about... I'm not completely insane!! LOL)
Well... I think I'll go now lol... probably shop online some more lol I LOVE EBAY! xD So.... *hugs* See you all later! Have A Spaztastic Day!! ^__^
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
La la la...
howdy all! This will actually be a quick post lol unlike my previous ones... which you should read up on if you haven't already...
Okay then... onto business. ^_^ I recently uploaded a brand new drawing!! It was inspired by the 70's song "Blame it on the Boogie." Hence the name of the artwork. lol. I really like this one because.. well, I don't know why. It just looks pretty cool, I think. Drawn in pencil; colored by colored pencil; the text was done on mousepaint... The girl's supposed to be dancing lol but I'm not quite sure if her pose looks... okay o_O; I'm not a dancer myself lol so I basically made up that pose from the top of my head... lol... Please check my drawing out and COMMENT!! ^__^ please please please please PLEASE! lol ^^;;
Love to you all! ^__^ *hugs* Have a spaztastic day!!
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