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| DragonMasterKatie
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
tis a happy day in the world of Katie...
Hello once again, my dear friends! ^__^ Katie's back, and with more random news to inform you all of and such! Hmm, yes yes, another outrageously long post -.- my bad... =3 but if you love me you'll read and then comment, right? ^_^ ah, but of course, of course!
So here I am, sitting by my computer, thinking of what to type, waiting for my Pop-Tarts to finish heating up, when- oh wait. That was fast. *runs to toaster* Correction, here I am, now eating the previously mentioned Pop-Tarts- yummy ^_^ - filled with much to tell you ^^ As some of you may know, I had my 15th birthday party on Saturday- a pirate themed party- and it went over great! I invited like 12 or 13 people, and only two of them couldn't come ^_^ Though what was really funny was that there were nine girls and only two guys lol... (hehe I love you Sean and Jarrett!) After everyone had come, we ran over to the pool, and played around for like three hours lol... My cousin brought two of these super-soaker balls, which we proceeded to kill eachother with... those things hurt when they hit you *rubs head in remembrance*.... but it was all in good fun ^_^ During those three hours, we ordered some pizza which everyone enjoyed- namely me lol- and then shortly after, it was back into the pool for us. It was a tad cool, and the weather threatened us with ominous rain clouds, but luckily it never rained on our parade ^.^ Also, I made some hilarious videos on my new camera, and if I can figure out how to upload them onto the internet, maybe I'll show ya'll sometime ^^ hehe... well yes, after the swimming came the drying off lol where we devoured the birthday cake- a corny Peter Pan and Captain Hook one lol- and ice cream! ^_^ Then of course came my favorite part... the presents. ^_^
Most people gave me money- and let's just say, I'm not complaining! I added up all the cash, and I really racked up: $170!! woot ^^ Not to mention the $20 gift card for Circuit City from Sean! That's close to $200! ^^ So you can tell that I'm happy ^_^;; As for my other presents... My aunt gave me two bottles of lotion from Bath and Body Works, along with the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban DVD. Then, my friend Jenny gave me a Dragon Knights manga, as well as two boxes of Goldfish crackers! xD I LOVE GOLDFISH CRACKERS!! They're my favorite cheesy snack! (and if you know me personally... I really really love cheese lol...) lol so yeah, I've been enjoying those this weekend... But the presents didn't stop there! My buddy Allison gave me this adorable penguin plushie <3 along with a cute mini calculator and grape Sweet-tart flavored lip balm hehe.... and my wonderful friend Amanda gave me a spaztastic hippo plushie ^^ as well as a Stress-Buster Box, containing a small book on how to deal with stress, along with an inflatable baseball bat lol... as WELL as a book called "Boys are Stupid- Throw Rocks at Them" AND another book.... ^________^ THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!! *the dramatic music plays* ^__^ man, you guys rock.... >//< I love my friends so much! *hugs to all*
^__^ Yes... well, yesterday I started to spend my birthday money. I got a keychain of Edward Elric at Hot Topic ^^ very cute, I'll show a picture later... and... TWO NEW VIDEO GAMES!!! ^_____^ yay! I've needed a new game for a long time lol... and now I have TWO new ones! One is Baten Kaitos for Gamecube- BRILLIANT graphics; I've spent three hours already today playing it- AND the brand new Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones game for gba... ah, another perfect game in the FE series of course... I'll probably do some fan art later, I'm simply in love with some of the characters already...
So yes ^_^ I'm probably gonna stop typing now... lol... Go and play Fire Emblem probably. ^_^ *hugs* See you all later! Have a Spaztastic Day!
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
Feel the Love >///< You guys are so spaztastic...
Hey there, everyone! ^___^ Yesterday was a day of Total Spaztastic Awesomeness!!! (if you're just now tuning in, twas my 15th birthday yesterday ^^ read the post below this one for more insight into that...) Everyone left nice comments, I got emails from friends far away, and more! >///< man, you guys are so sweet! I feel so loved!
Well, here's what happened after I posted yesterday.... (hehe mainly concerning my presents! ^^ woot woot lol)
A few hours after posting, my sister woke up and gave me the gift she bought for me- THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA on DVD!!!!! ^_______^ YAY! Now I can watch it over and over and over and over and OVER again! xD lol Well, maybe not THAT often, but you get the idea lol. Then, my dad took us out to lunch to one of my favorite restaurants, Deorio's! It's a small place downtown with the BEST pizza anywhere... yum... I think I have some leftovers in the fridge now that I think about it... mmm (incase you didn't know, I absolutely LOVE pizza... ^.^ lol)
After lunch, we went back home where I found a bit of money in the mail for me! ^^ My aunt gave me $15- she always gives us as much money equal to our age, so, I got $14 last year, and $13 before that... you get the idea. Also, my grandmother came by to give me a gift, which was even MORE money! $20! yay! After that, I got online to read some of your awesome comments here at myO ^_^ Then, my friend Susan who moved away last year emailed me a cute little message hehe...
But, I think the sweetest person on my birthday was my dear friend original J who did soooo much to make my day extra special! ^____^ Not only did he dedicate an entire post on his myO site to me, but he also sent me a cute e-card, started an awesome drawing which he regrettably didn't finished in time (although it looks SOOOOO FANTASTIC now!! ^.^), and he plans to send me a gift in the mail! >///< aww! I don't deserve such a wonderful friend!! You're really just so awesome! and spaztastic! and ... and... I've run out of words to describe you, since you're so great >////////< Everyone, you must must MUST go and visit original J's site if you haven't already.... You're missing out on meeting a sweet, charming, great guy!! ^__________^ *hugs*
And the awesome presents and love for Katie didn't stop there! ^.^ After my parents got off from work, they brought out the 'big and expensive' gift ^^ (lol... they came into my room singing happy birthday, with my mom holding the box behind her) It was a brand new Digital Video Camera!!!! ^________^ I was like, oh-my-freakin-god! I've wanted a video camera for... lord only knows how long! And it's so cute lol! ^__^ *hugs camera* oooh I love it I love it I love it.... ^///^ Yes, it was a great day in the world of Katie... except for the fact that Carrie won American Idol last night >_<;; But I'm not too worried- I'm sure Bo will have a CD coming out soon as well lol all of the Idol contestants have CD's now it seems... lol....
Well, I guess I lied yesterday. I said I'd make these posts shorter. ^^;; lol my bad! I just got so into typing it, I suppose... lol Well, have a spaztastic day!! ^__^ Argh, matey! It be First Mate Kate! xD
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Argh... a Pirate's Life for Me
^___^ Ahoy there! 1st Mate Kate aka DragonMasterKatie aka Katie here…. Lol… I’m very happy today; can anyone guess why?
IT’S MY 15TH BIRTHDAY!! ^.^ *throws confetti* *pulls a cake out of nowhere* lol So yeah, today is just gonna be spaztastic… Presents and money lol, as well as having a blast with my crazy family and awesome friends! ^^ sounds great to me hehe
Ok… a warning now… this is gonna be a LOOOONG post lol….
So yeah… I just woke up like half an hour ago lol… man, I LOVE summer ^__^ Sleep in, and when you do wake up, you can just go straight to the computer… or to some video game system lol… actually, I need a new game… I’ve been playing my old Spyro the Dragon PS1 games this week XD ah, good times… good times.
TONIGHT’S THE AMERICAN IDOL FINALE!! I voted for Bo, of course… I hate Country music, like Carrie’s, so yeah…. Ok, so Bo is sort of country… but he’s more Rock than that ^^ hehe… Man, I wish Constantine were still up there… or Anthony…*sigh* oh well… I mean, it’s ok that Constantine didn’t win since I’m playing his band’s CD right now lol… “Pray for the Soul of Betty” …. It’s a pretty good CD, my mom hates it lol… though she’s never been much of a rocker; she’d like it better if it was a CD of Constantine singing his Idol songs, like ‘Funny Valentine’ and ‘I Think I Love You”… XD lol
BTW …. Star Wars was FRIGGIN’ AWESOME!! I’m a Star wars geek now… and I don’t care XD lol…
AH! Last Saturday was my sister’s graduation! Man, it’s hard to believe… she’s going to college next year… wow… and only THREE more years until I graduate! (That is, if I can survive Columbus High school X_x;; crazy hard school…) Well anyway, everyone, let’s give our best wishes to my sister for college… and hopefully she’ll survive that lol ^^
I got a list of the classes I’m taking next year in the mail… ^^ Here they are, but I don’t know what order they’ll be in during school:
American Lit
U.S. History
Physical Science
Euclidean Geometry
Japanese 1
Introduction to Art
Computer Applications
XD lol… the hardest class there is Japanese… I don’t know how I got away with all those easy classes… My English teacher was trying to get me to sign up for AP Lit instead of American Lit, but I hate the AP Lit teacher with a passion >.<;; she’s mean… When my sister had that teacher, she made my sister cry! I don’t need any pressure like that o.o;;;
lol thanks for staying through this whole long message ^__^;; *hands out pieces of birthday cake to everyone* I’ll try to make these posts shorter in the future! Anyway, hugs and love to you all, and have a SPAZTASTIC day!! ^.^ 
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
Stranger than you dreamt it...
Well, looks like I survived yet another year of school ^_^ That's right- today was the last day of school!!! WOOT! It seems like only yesterday that I posted my 'High School?!' fan art on this site... ah yes, I'm very relieved now that it's finally over ^____^ YAAAAAY!! *throws confetti* PAR-TAY TIME!!! *sets out snack bowls of chips, cookies, and magic muffins... AND CHEESE!* ^^ Yay!
Ah... in third block, Creative Writing, Ms. Mitchell let my friends Amanda and Kristina bring their hair straightening irons… to use on our guy friend Jonathan!! XD lol He has that longish, wavy (not curly, like we were arguing about lol) skater-boy sort of hair, so it was fun to mess with it ^^ Only… it went a tad bit too far… another girl had the idea to… cut his hair. So, uhm, they did o_o;; He sort of agreed to it…. Sort of…. Although after he realized that they had cut off nearly an inch of his hair in the back, he tried to stop them; they sat on him to keep him from doing so… Luckily though, the girl who cut his hair was very good at that, so it ended up looking GREAT. ^_^ He didn’t really think so… but everyone else- even Ms. Mitchell- thought it looked good ^.^ So hopefully he doesn’t hate everyone else too much now….. I feel bad about it though, and I didn’t even help them cut his hair!!! T_T and it’s not like it looked bad at all!! He was just rather ticked off about it… but hey, I know I’d be, too….
Well, not much else has happened in the world of Katie lately…. AH! I’m going to see Star Wars tomorrow!! ^___^ I’m really excited about that… I can’t wait to see it!! My sister and her boyfriend were somehow able to go to the midnight showing last night- which I hated them for >.<;; - but they said it was really good (though of course! It’s STAR WARS, duh) lol My sister said she almost cried because it was so tragic and all… T_T *sniff* Anakin….
…. So…. Uhm… yeah. Lol. I don’t have much else to say… so…. I KNOW! I’ll tell ya’ll a joke! Lol okay, here goes:
There were these two muffins, right? They were cooking in an oven. One muffin says to the other, “AAHH! WE’RE IN AN OVEN!!” The other one says “HOLY SHIT! A TALKING MUFFIN!!”
Lol…. Okay…. I have a better one! ^___^ lol here goes:
How many anime characters does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One, but it takes six episodes to do it. LOL XD
Well, I hope everyone has a SPAZTASTIC day! I know I will lol ^_^ YAY IT’S OFFICIALLY SUMMER!!!
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Monday, May 16, 2005
The Phantom of the Opera is there... Inside my mind...
Hey my people!! How is everyone? Good I hope- I know I am! It’s the last week of school!!! *jumps for joy, throwing confetti* WOOT!!! ^___^ I’m sooo happy…. All we have to do this week is finals and such, but I’m not too worried about ‘em… I can’t wait for summer!!! XD
**Joey, don’t read this paragraph…. You won’t like it lol** I’ve recently become a ‘phan-girl.’ That’s a fangirl of … PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!! *DUN! Dun dun dun dun dun!* ^__^ I’m in love with Gerard Butler… lol…. Well, remember a while back when I told ya’ll about our ‘Poltergeist of the Swingset’ movie? It was my friend Anna’s idea to do a phantom-esque movie- she’s more obsessed with Phantom than I am! lol So, she’s the reason I’m a phan-girl now …. So for a while now, I’ll try to start each post with a random quote from Phantom ^^ I used the most well-known one for today.
My birthday is next Wednesday!!! ^___^ I’ll be turning 15- woot! That means I can get my learner’s license! (so stay off the road lol) I’m gonna have a pool-party on that following Saturday, and it’s gonna be PIRATE- THEMED!! ARGH! Lol ^^ I can’t wait! It’s gonna be soooo much fun… I’m gonna separate the guests into two ‘rival pirate crews’ so we can play games and such… After each game, the losing team has to choose one person to ‘walk the plank’ off the diving board XD lol yeah, kinda like on Survivor… It’s gonna be spaztastic! ^___^
Well…. I better hurry up and end this, because my friend Christy is impatient lol XD j/k, Christy! Ya know I love ya ^_~
Have a spaztastic day! ^_^ *hugs to everyone*

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Monday, May 9, 2005
Here's my fiddlestick; here's that shall make you dance!
*gasp* What is this? Is.. is… is she actually writing a new POST? CRAZY! ^_~ That’s right, Katie’s back, and so is more spaztastic awesomeness! ^_^
So let’s see… new things…. Hmm… oh! I went to Six Flags Over Georgia on Saturday… it was Aflac day, so my parents were able to get free tickets to the amusement park seeing as how they both work there…. (Work where? That place with the insurance. What insurance? AFLAC! ^.^ lol) So anyway, yeah, my face and arms are a little red from sunburn, but at least it’s not bad sunburn… I got this spiffy grey and black shirt with Wile E. Coyote on it, and above his pic it says “I’m NOT a stalker.” Lol… Yeah, I went around the park with my cousin Jerrika most of the time, and we, of course, stayed FAR away from all the roller coasters lol… I can’t stand roller coasters, they really freak me out. I could never go on something that goes upside down like that lol… Oh! And there was a Pirate show at the park! It was GREAT! It was meant for little kids and such, and my mom thought it was the stupidest thing ever… but I thought it was SPAZTASTIC! I love pirates! ^^ though everyone already knows that… (some know it better than others ^_~ Captain Joey for example…) So yeah, I had a really fun time ^^
I finally posted the photos from my zoo camera on a site: Yeah, not all of the pics came out like I had hoped, but they’re still fun ^_^
We got our yearbooks today! ^_^ I look horrible in my picture, but who cares… This one guy, a senior, is in the yearbook several times… and… well, he’s the guy my friend Amanda and I are all ‘fangirly’ about… I won’t tell you his name (though his initials are J. R. … lol.. JR, a cool name in itself, right? Lol) but he’s very very… nice. (it doesn’t feel right for me to say ‘hot’ for some reason… lol…) So I was very happy to get the yearbook, if just to see this tall, handsome guy with rather long dark brown hair and dark brown eyes… mmm…. … … lol okay, enough of that….
Have a spaztastic day! ^_^ *hugs*
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
Students, do not stop and stare at the light.
Hello all!!! ^.^ Hope everyone is having a totally spaztastic weekend and all that jazz…
I got my prize from winning 3rd in the Prince Yuki fanclub contest today in the mail! It’s an adorable Bankotsu keychain (ya know, from InuYasha) and an awesome button of Yuki!!! ^____^ Thank you Lindsey! (And the quick sketch of Yuki was sooo cute ^^)
I spent about four hours earlier watching Star Wars… I watched Return of the Jedi with my dad, along with parts of the bonus material on the extra dvd… it had this awesome preview for Episode 3, so I’m even more excited about when it hits theaters… though don’t expect me to be at the theater in cosplay or anything like that lol …. But has anyone else noticed how hot Hayden Christensen is?! ^///^;; lol don’t mine the fan girl over here…
We’re making another movie for creative writing this week; I think this one will actually come out all right this time ^^;;; It’s called “The Adventures of S.P.Y.” The main character’s initials are S P Y… uhm we haven’t come up with his name exactly yet though lol but yeah, it’s a start… Luckily, my dad has a CD with all of the James Bond songs on it, so the music for the movie is right here in one handy collection ^^ yay lol
Sooo…. I put my camera in to be developed earlier!^.^ It should be done tomorrow, so I’ll post all of those spiffy pics in my next post ^^ I promise!!! ^__^;; so yeah… I must be going for now… see you all later then! ^^
Have a spaztastic day! ^^ and be sure to visit Original J’s site and check out his new LOSER brand of clothes XD lol
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
Fun in a bun in the sun on the run from a nun with a gun...
^.^ Hey guys! How has everyone’s weekend been? Mine’s been all right, pretty hectic @_@;; lol This is gonna be a looong post, so I’m warning you now lol
Ooh! I posted the first part of the Vampire Game fanfic I’m writing onto on Thursday night… (Here’s the link to my name on the site: ) My story is about Duzell’s past life, and how he falls in love with a human girl… Can’t promise that I’ll update the story regularly, however… (though if enough people poked me and begged me to update it, I might do it sooner lol *hint hint*) So yeah, enough talk of that…
My group in Creative Writing went to the park today to finish filming a movie we’re making… It’s called “The Poltergeist of the Swing set,” which was inspired by Phantom of the Opera… Anna, one of the girls in our group, is OBSESSED with both the movie and the books about Phantom, so that’s why.. I’ve never seen the movie/read the books, but I’ve been meaning to… It looks pretty good, I guess (seeing as how Anna has seen the movie ELEVEN TIMES in theaters!!! @__@;;) So anyway, I ended up being the main character, the Poltergeist, so I had to wear this spiffy black and red cape and a white Phantom mask (ya know, the half-face thing) at the park in PUBLIC. -.-;; I was the only one in our group who had to dress up lol … I felt kinda bad about scaring the little kids at the park in my mask lol… Well, I’ll tell ya’ll how our movie went tomorrow, after we present it to the class… *ish worried* ._.;;
*yawn* I’m so tired… This week, we have to watch over this adorable little kitten that belongs to one of my mom’s friends at work while she goes to New York City with some friends and stuff… He’s as cute as a button (uhm, are buttons really cute, I wonder? O.o) but he’s SOOO energetic! Especially at night, when I’m trying to sleep… see, we ended up having to keep him in my room, so he keeps me up ALL night…. -.-;; While he’s running around crazy, I’m there, sheets pulled over my head, yelling in a tired voice, “LEONE! NAP TIME!! NOW!!!”…. oh Leone, you’re crazy lol… silly little kitty
So yeah… long post lol… and uhm… I still haven’t gotten my camera developed lol… maybe next week lol…

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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
... oh J, you crack me up XD lol Congrats to original_j for placing first in Rayeakagomechan's contest ^.^ Spaztastic, dude ^_~
Well anyway, the field trip went well yesterday ^.^ The ride didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would; I spent most of the time trying to explain the story of Vampire Game to some friends.... lol Duzell confused them very much ^_^;;; Like, how he's a reincarnated vampire king, who comes back as a kitty cat, who can transform to look like someone else, and if that person he changes into is a woman, he stil has the body of a man.... XD lol ah, the sexual confusion is just toooooo funny in the manga.... Dude, it's just wonderful.... usually I totally abhor guy x guy or girl x girl pairings in anime (in life as well >_>), but it's too funny in VG!
Anyway, I was talking about the trip, now, wasn't I? Damn, I gotta quit rambling. and damn, I gotta quit cursing. When we got to the zoo, I found my good friends Emmali and Sean, so our group was a nice size, and pretty crazy if I do say so myself. So, it was Emmali, Sean, Josh (FF10 Tidus), and me, running around the zoo all crazy like. When the camera gets developed, I'll scan pictures ^.^ lol it's the same camera that I used to take a pic of my InuYasha bag, so I can't wait for ya'll to see all the photos! ^__^ Our favorite animals at the zoo were the pandas... lol but really only because Sean was so obsessed with them XD lol ah man, he cracks me up as much as J.... I mean, one time, a bug landed on his arm, so he screamed in surprise; lol! It was a high-pitched girly scream... we'll poke fun at him for it for a long time, or at least I will. It was freakin' hilarious. XD
The DSL man came yesterday as well! ^____^ But, my computer is still acting up; turns out a whole lot of spyware and crap was on our comp, so we're working on getting rid of it all, and updating our virus-ware, firewalls, and whatnot.... I hope my computer gets well soon! T__T *hugs monitor*... good thing it's not contagious. lmao.
Science fair projects are due Friday! I better get to work @__@. damn. So, I better get going. See ya'll later, and have a spaztastic day! ^__^
**uhm... I'm running on a tight schedule right now... so.... I PROMISE I'll post up some random pics next time!! ^__^;;; hey, when my cam gets back to me, I'll treat ya'll with TONS of pics!**
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
... hello all... *sniffle* it's... it's.. the last day off from school... and that really sucks -.-;; especially since I did absolutely NOTHING this week.... at least, absolutely nothing school related; I was supposed to work on my science fair project and such.. and well... I didn't get too far with that... and it's due next Friday!!! *high-pitched scream; pulls out hair from stress* damn procrastination! ... but it's true: Laziness DOES always pay off now! ^.^;;
So now I'm happy lol... After 20 hours of gametime, I FINALLY beat Lord of the Rings: the Third Age!! *throws confetti* I told you all a while back how my sister had stolen the game from me, right? well, I beat the game before her! MWAHAHAHAHA!! Take THAT, Rachel!! *pokes her sister* Ah man, if you're a LOTR fan, you HAVE to play this game! It's friggin' awesome! ^___^ I mean, in the final battle of the game **and I don't really think this would be any kind of spoiler -.-** you fight the huge freaking Eye of Sauron! You fight the EYE! ....and it'll kick your butt if your not prepared, let me tell you >_>;; Man, being beaten by an eye.... that's.... o_O weird. lol.
Well, school tomorrow isn't going to be so bad.... we're going on a field trip! ^.^ The whole freshman class is going to Atlanta to go to the zoo! lol Very random I thought. What fun! Only problem is... well.. it takes about two hours to reach Atlanta (so that'll be four hours in total traveling time- about the length of any LOTR movie lol)... and we're not allowed to bring electronics! T___T that's no CD players and NO Gameboys!! NOOOO! I can't go two minutes let allow two hours without my gameboy! ...... and, if we bring a cell phone, we can only break them out if it's an emergency -.-;; how gay is that?! Man my school is strict.... what I am going to do on the bus now? Maybe I could try doing some more drawings, but... on a crowded bus on more-than-likely bumpy roads? -__-;; ah well..... at least I'll be able to see cute fuzzy animals later on lol
So.... I'm done ranting now -.- Did I sound like I was ranting too badly? I'm sorry, I hate posting messages like that.... but... I mean, sometimes ya just gotta, right? Hopefully there will be happier posts in the future ^_^
Have a Spaztastic day! (see, the post is already happier! lol)
**still no DSL connection..... still no picture -.- it would take too long for me to open the photobucket website lol**
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