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| DragonMasterKatie
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
Ever had the urge to put on a chicken suit and run after a plane screaming "I have macaroni!" ?.... nah, me either. But that would be pretty funny.
Hey everyone! ^_^ It's ME once again, back to wreak havoc and whatnot....
Anyone else watch American Idol last night? oh man, I cannot STAND Fantastia's voice!! >.<;; It just drives me up a wall! And most of the song wasn't even singing! It was her screaming her lungs out into the microphone! THAT'S supposed to be music? >_>;;; geez, and this is coming from a person who listens to mainly screaming rock songs lol.. but anyway..... (*vote Constantine, Bo, and Anthony!!*) ^_^;;
Earlier, when I was commenting on someone's site, I noticed something that just made me smile.... Have ya'll noticed that when you comment on a post, under your name is a little title? Well, I noticed mine says 'Senior Artist' .... lol! hehe I must say, I like the ring of it lol ^_~ didn't realize I was a SENIOR artist! Man, now I really must improve on my art to make the title seem authentic... lol....
In response to that, I uploaded a new drawing yesterday!!! ^___^ It's from the manga Vampire Game once again! ^^ It's from book 6, where Duzell (who was going around as 'Du') finds out that Illsaide doesn't love him yet... lol he's so heartbroken over it, too! though I guess that's what makes it soo funny... lol.... the great Vampire King is sad that the handsome knight Illsaide isn't in love with him... XD man, I love this manga.... if you haven't started reading it yet, then... WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! GO TO THE BOOKSTORE RIGHT THIS MINUTE!!!...... *Cookies for everyone who starts reading VG!!*
Anyone else ever had the urge to just take a hammer and smash it through the computer monitor? I almost did yesterday (and I'll probably have the urge to again today) ..... See, last Saturday, my dear, dear DSL connection went crazy after this annoying storm.... and it hasn't connected since T.T and, of course, my dad hasn't even called anyone about it.... T.T dammit!! and right on Spring Break! Geez! I'm so mad I'm cursing now!! damn you, Neo! .... (lol... the last line makes sense if you've seen the Foamy the Squirrel cartoons at the cartoon about the Matrix.. lol)
I'm going to be uploading another drawing later.... if my computer will let me.... so, stayed tuned! ^_^ Have a spaztastic day all! ^___^ *hugs for everyone!*
**no DSL ..... no random picture of the day -.-;; that's just the way things are**
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Hey, quick-random post....
Hey again guys ^_^ Yes, posting twice in one day, crazy! lol well anyway this is gonna be short...
So yeah, I've recently created an account at (mainly to leave not-nice comments for that @$$ who stole ElvesAteMyRamen's artwork.... such a disgrace to artists everywhere...) My username is the same as at here, DragonMasterKatie, and most of the artwork you've already seen.... but yeah, if you want to see my art twice, here it is lol.... also, I figured I needed to say that in case someone starts to think that I stole art from myO and put it on fanart central or vice-versa...
anyways, ta-ta for now ^_^
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Lookie lookie! I am still alive!! lol
Hey guys, sorry for not posting sooner!!! T.T my computer's been... eh, a little more than annoying lately.... but never fear! For now I'm here! ^__^
Oh wow!! I can't believe it!!! I'M SOOO HAPPY!!! ^______^ I won third place in the Prince Yuki fan club contest!!!! WOO-HOO!! *runs after Yuki so she can hug him* hehe.... if Yuki wasn't worried before, he is now! lol (*comment makes more since if you've checked out my drawing*) Go and check out ElvesAteMyRamen 's site for more information about the contest....
So anyway, I'm out of school this week for spring break!!! heck yeah! Only problem is that I really should be working on my science fair project... but I always do those projects at the last minute, so... whatever... lmao
My buddy Jenny stayed over here last night. We stayed up until nearly five in the morning watching the entire Fruits Basket series ^_^ She's never seen the anime before, only read the manga, so she was very happy ^^ We also had some time for video games and for dinner at IHOP... lol I love me some pancakes, let me tell ya lol. oh yeah! I made Jenny start an account on here, but she hasn't had time to add anything to it yet... when she does get it started, though, her name is PlaysWithFire ... lol, she's a pyro all right ^_^
Well, when we finally get my camera developed, I'll post up a pic of my new InuYasha messenger bag ^__^;;; that's IF I ever get it developed....
Procrastination: Hard work pays off in the end, but laziness always pays off now ^_^ sooo true.
Have a spaztastic day! ^___^ *hugs to all!* lol Seto!
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now...
Hello all!! Yes, I'm back... back again. Katie's back... tell a friend... woah, that was weird, I don't even like that song lmao... anyways...Well this week's been pretty good... I'll talk about everything anime-related first, then about my normal life lol
This week, my friend Jenny bought the first four Fruits Basket manga books! Then, after a bit of getting down on my knees and begging, she let me borrow them!! ^__^ I just can't get enough of this series... it's soo... sooo... SPAZTASTIC!!!! XD
I also ordered a messenger bag on the internet... on that has a cute pic of InuYasha on it!! ^__^ I can't wait for it to come... I really needed a new bag, 'cause the one I have now... o.o;; I'm not sure how I managed to fit all of that crap into it... I mean, it's bulging at the sides lol
Okay, anime-stuff aside now....
Thursday was friggin' awesome!!! At school, we had a weird schedule where we had to go back to our old classes from last semester, so that teachers could sign off on classes for our pre-registration forms (don't ask for the minor details, kay?) So that means that every class was cut in half, meaning we did basically little to no work in each class! ^___^ Everyone got to talk to old friends again, act crazy, whatever, and it was great! ^_^ Chatting with Sexy Man and Bunny Slayer Sean again... that's the life, I tell ya lol
Ok, even lunch that day was exciting! (hmm, I say exciting, but I think I really mean... err... interesting lol) Ok... uhm... the best way to show what happened in like this (note that this isn't quite word-for-word):
Characters- friends; Amanda, Kristina, Travis, and then myself
Setting- School lunchroom table
Amanda: hey Travis, will you go and ask this guy what his name is? (note that this nameless guy is extremely hot.... Amanda has very good taste lol)
Travis: why should I?!
Amanda: if you do, then Katie'll go out with you.
Katie: o_o;; uh-w-what?! ... did I miss something? *wasn't quite paying attention*
Travis: uh, I dunno...
Katie: lol me either...
* a couple of seconds later*
Travis: Katie, I'm sorry, but... I need my space.
Katie: what?! WHAT?! well FINE! BE that way! *throws water bottle at his head* *misses* *but it still hurts him mwahahaha*
Travis: ah geez! ex-girlfriend's are rough! x_X;;;
lol and that's what happened. ^_^ Travis, my one-minute boyfriend lmao....
It was a joke at first, but then Amanda told Sexy Man about it, who started spreading it around a bit....
Well, enough rambling from me! See you all later! ^_^
(for some reason, the website is acting even slower than usual, so that's why there's no new picture here right now...)
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
Aw man, I ran into my taco...
lol hey guys, how is everyone? .. hmm, bet you're wondering where my random title for this post came from, eh? ^_^ lol my sister said that earlier today. She was holding her bag of food from Taco Bell, and as she was getting out of her car, she bumped the bag against the car and said that quote.... it was funnier if you were actually there and heard the way she said it lol ....XD it was priceless....
Anyway, I've completed my fanart piece for the Yuki Fanclub contest!!! I just finished uploading it onto the site, so check it out when you get the chance! ^__^ The piece features a group of random fangirls, with three of them holding up a large banner that says "We *heart* Yuki!" In the corner, it has a nice pic of Yuki saying "Uhm... Should I be worried?" lol It was completely done in color pencils, and considering that these were your everyday Crayola pencils, I'm very happy with the results.... This was my first time drawing Yuki Sohma (or any other Fruits Basket character really), so I'm soooo glad it turned out looking all right ^_^ Please check it out, and PLEASE comment!!! ^_^ thank you in advance....
I spend most of today playing Lord of the Rings: the Third Age ^_^ I'm finally on disc two *throws confetti* after that, I played on Evil Mode for a while heh heh... it was crazy fun playing as the Balrog ... heh, guess I'm a pyromaniac on the inside ^_~
I realized today that May is gonna be the greatest month ever.... May 1st is my friend Amanda's birthday, and the new Pokemon Emerald game comes out that day as well ^^ Then, on May 19th, the new Star Wars movie, Episode Three: The Revenge of the Sith, comes to theaters!!! (yes, I'm a Star Wars geek lol) The next day, May 20th, is the last day of school!!! That's always good lol .... May 23rd is the day the game Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones is coming out, and THEN comes May 25th, the best day of the year besides Christmas: My birthday! ^_^ So, I can't wait for May.... May = yay....
Well, I need to make sure I have recording tape for Full Metal Alchemist and InuYasha tonight.... wouldn't miss 'em for the world! ^__^ See you all later, and remember to check out my new Yuki fanart!!! 
Yes, I know I've posted this pic before... but it's such a great pic, don't cha think? ^_~ Yuuuuuki..... *drool*
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
What up, my homies!
Lol hey all! Everyone having a great week? Hope so ^_^
and... I'm now officially obsessed with Fruits Basket!!! omg, I just LOVE it!!! XD I finished watching the whole series Saturday night after InuYasha... and... on the last few episodes, I was crying so hard! T_T One reason for crying was because it was emotional, and a second reason is that I want more!!!
I can't decide on who my favorite character is in Fruits Basket... Of course I'm a Prince Yuki fangirl, but I'm also in love with Kyo and Hatsuharu... and Shigure is hilarious XD Ah, so many wonderful guys!! Tohru is just far too lucky!!!! >.<;;
Well, I really don't have much to talk about today I suppose... Besides, I need to get to work on my Yuki Fan Club contest entry ^__^ I'm gonna win first prize! I promise!!!
XD Hatsuharu!!!
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
I think I'm in love....
Guess what came in the mail yesterday!!!..... CORRECT!!! MY FRUITS BASKET DVD!!! All 26 episodes, YAY! I've already watched the entire first disc, and 2 or 3 episodes on disc two.... I LOVE THIS ANIME!!! I just adore all of the characters! Kyo, Yuki, Hatsuharu, Shigure, etc! ^_____^ (say, Lindsey, is it too late to join the Prince Yuki Fan Club? ^_~)
Ah, sorry about the last post... I never came back to put up a picture!!! *gasp* I'm so sorry! I'll just have to put up two today ^_^
My parents are still in Vegas... and my sister and I haven't had that big party yet lol... Guess we're not really party animals ^^;; lol ah well, I've got my dvd so it's all good. Anyway, my parents are having an awesome time lol, they went to their Barry Manilow concert last night, and my mom was screaming louder than the Prince Yuki fangirls on Fruits Basket ^_~ or so I guess
Well, my sis and I are probably gonna go shopping today... for what, I have no idea lol but whatever... so.... yeah, not much else to say now, so I guess I'll go ^_^ Have a spaztastic weekend, everyone!

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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Ssshh.... be very very quiet....
lol hey ya'll, I'm typing this very hurriedly so there are sure to be thousands of typos.... I'm the computer lab at school, and we're not really allowed to be websites such as this one heh heh... so I'm typing this when my teacher's back is turned... heh ^^;; sneaky
so anyway... my parents are leaving to go to Las Vegas tomorrow! They’re going to a Barry Manilow concert! Lol My mom is so excited, she’s been playing his cd’s and singing the songs all week… My dad bought the tickets at Christmas and surprised my mom ^_^ how sweet… lol and wouldn’t you know it? This is their anniversary weekend! 1-2-3 awww…. ^_~;;
So… my parents are leaving my sister and I alone in the house this weekend ^^ heh heh PARTY AT KATIE’S HOUSE!!! XD lol I would do that if I was more of a risk taker, but typing this post behind my teacher’s back is about as risky as it gets - -;; lol ah well…
Only ten more minutes of school left… So close and yet so far lol … Well… I better go… I might post more later… or not. I dunno. Lol. Well okay, I’ll at least add a picture later, promise! ^___^ see you all later, and have a spaztastic day!
Tune in later today for another random picture lol
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
lol Hey my people!! ^_____^ *is dancing around the house*
InuYasha: o_o;; oh dear.
Edward: O_.;; run away. while you still can.
Hm? W-what? Why are you looking at me like that?! ^^;; lol I'm just soooooooo happy!! XD I just ordered the Fruits Basket boxset off!! (because I couldn't win the one on eBay lol) It should come within the next week or so, but I don't think I can wait that long!! This anime just looks too great!! (thanks to ElvesAteMyRamen for talking about this anime/manga on her site... I might not have even heard of it unless she said something about it!!!) ^___^
The old tv that was in our living room blew out last week... So my dad had to buy a new one ^^ *hugs the new tv* It's HUGE. and SHINY. ^____^ I just love it so! I spent most of this weekend playing video games on it... and omg I didn't realize how horrible our old tv was until now! The screen is so much brighter, and the sound quality is excellent!! After a couple of hours of playing Soul Caliber II, LOTR: the Third Age, and others, my dad and I started a LOTR movie marathon! XD That was so much fun, but then I had to cut it short because I couldn't miss my Saturday night anime!
Edward: Aww, she favors us to LOTR!
InuYasha: Who doesn't? ^_^
lol So ANYWAY.... Yeah, not much else to say now, soooo.... Buh-bye for now! (and I'll probably be posting up lots of Fruits Basket pics for a while ^^) Kyo!!! ^__^
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Friday, February 25, 2005
'ello, puppet.... (remember? pirates of the caribbean)
Hey ya'll, what's shakin, bacon? Not too much going on over here, but at least it's friday!! woot-woot lol ^^;; Just got back from dinner... mmm, pizza.... ^_^ Now I'm watching some anime music videos from lol I'm addicted to downloading these.... I'm watching one that uses scenes from InuYasha with the song "Stupid" by Sarah McLachlan, really sweet...
Anywho lol.... I won the fifth book of the spaztastic manga Vampire Game on eBay Monday, and it came in the mail yesterday!! ^__^ I just LOVE Vampire Game! If you haven't read it yet... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?! Get yur butt over to the nearest book store ASAP!!! Or I'll send InuYasha after you...
InuYasha: hey! don't I have a say in the matter?!
Do you ever?!
InuYasha: .... - -;; feh.
So yeah lol... Well, I might not update as often on here as I used to, mainly because I recently made my on Xanga page... Go check it out if ya want more of me! My username is Katie_the_Spaztastic
Well let's see... what else to talk about... ah yes! I'm close to winning another auction on eBay for the boxset collection of Fruits Basket!! YES, boxset! WITH EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. I hope I win it; I've heard such great things about Fruits Basket, I wanna see it for myself (plus the character Hatsuharu is a HOTTIE *.*)
So yeah, not much else to talk about soooo.... ta-ta for now! And here's a wonderfully handsome pic of Hatsuharu... Moo. (lol; those who know the series know what I mean ^_~)
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