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Surviving high school thus far @_@
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3rd Grade
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InuYasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Trigun, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, Chobits, Loveless, etc! ^_^
To FINALLY finish one of the many stories I've started to write!
Anime, Manga, Drawing, Writing, Video Games
Drawing! Go check my pics out!
| DragonMasterKatie
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Sunday, February 20, 2005
la la la....
Hey ya'll! I know, what has happened to me? Posting three days in a row?! Has she finally lost it?! ^_~ lol well whatever, guess I just have more to talk about this weekend than normal...
Ok first off, I would really appreciate it if more of ya'll could look at my latest drawings... All of my recent drawings have a really good rating, but with only about 3 people voting on them >>;; So, it would really help me out if I had as many people as possible go and check out my drawings and vote please! I mean, I can't improve without knowing what you all like and don't like! ^_^ Thanks in advance!
Did ya'll watch Full Metal Alchemist last night? Sooooo great! FMA is quickly becoming one of my all-time favorite shows ever... lol I mean, I'm even listening to "Ready Steady Go!" by L'arc en Ciel right now (ya know, the opening song to FMA) ^_^ Anyway, InuYasha was good last night as well! I love all episodes with Koga... and Ayame is such a cute character! "Kagome... your name sounds just like mine!!" lol
Well let's see, what else was I gonna say.... ah yes, NO SCHOOL TOMORROW! Woo-hoo! ^___^ Meaning I can stay up late tonight to watch Adult Swim! yay! I love Family Guy and Home Movies... haven't been able to watch either show forever! ^^
Ok well, I was thinking of making a new drawing... but of what? Hey, could ya'll tell me which pic I should draw? Just use the little comment option to tell me, please! ^_^
1.) Edward Elric
2.) Koga, Ayame, and Kagome
3.) Edward from Cowboy Bebop
lol yeah, well, I'll be seeing ya'll later! ^_^ buh-bye for now!
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
New Drawings!
Okay, well, these drawings are new to the site, but... I drew them almost a year and a half ago! Rath and Rune from the manga Dragon Knights have been added to my collection of drawings on myO... so... Please go and check them out! Also PLEASE comment!! ^_^
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Updating twice in one week?! MADNESS! lol ^^;;
Hmm, I'm getting the impression that I should update more frequently ^^;; soo... I'll try to do better in the future! ^_^ Speaking of updating, I'm gonna be messing around with the site colors and such, so if ya come here and everything looks kinda crazy, that's why ^_^;;
Yay! I'm glad you guys like my latest pic! ^^ Maybe I'll do some more Vampire Game drawings, eh? Oh, I also found a notebook of some pretty cool looking drawings under my bed... I'll be trying to upload some of these pics later on ^_^ Yeah, so, be expecting some drawings based on the manga Dragon Knights! ^^
Last night my sister and I rented some movies from Blockbuster.... And now I've FINALLY seen Cowboy Bebop- The Movie! omg, it was AWESOME!!! The storyline was great, and everything played out so well! If you haven't seen this movie yet, GO NOW AND BUY/RENT IT!!! ^___^ ..... and have I mentioned how much I adore Steven Jay Blum?! ^^
InuYasha: ut-oh... she's getting out the rope again...
Ed Elric: Steven, here's some good advice.... RUN!!
^^;; lol ok now, I've talked enough for now... gotta go mess around with the layout now, until Yu-Gi-Oh comes on.... See you later, space cowboy! ^_^ 
edit: hmm... nevermind lol about the messing around with the layout idea.... I just love my colors too much! XD Though I will change the music video....
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Friday, February 18, 2005
^_^ Hello my peoples, how has everyone been doing? Sorry I haven't updated in a while... I meant to earlier in the week, but I kept getting sidetracked.... but now I'm FINALLY updating and everyone's happy, right?... RIGHT?
Inuyasha: Yes yes of course!!
Ed Elric: Anything you say! Just put down the flamethrower... o_O;;
lol ok now, moving on... *puts down the flamethrower* ^^;; Well, let's see... ah, yes! I've added a new drawing to my collection here at myO... It's Ishtar from Vampire Game! I'm sooo happy with how it turned out! ^^ I was just kinda doodling in biology... then it turned into this! So that's why it's on notebook paper ^^;; But everyone MUST go and check it out... Please? ^_~
Started to clean my room this week... lol it's gonna take a while ^^;; but at least now I can see the carpet underneath all of the junk lol Plus I found a bunch of old comics and silly drawings... AND MONEY! woo-hoo, like 40 cents, but still...
I have in my hands at this very moment my brand new InuYasha plushie!! ^-^ *huggles* I just love it SOOOOOO much!! Thank you Hot Topic and my $10 gift card lol
So yeah.... not much else to talk about really.... so... guess it's time for me to say ta-ta for now, and post my random picture of the day lol ^^;; lol see ya'll later!
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Friday, February 4, 2005
Yay for Fridays.... and pizza ^__^
Hey all! Hope everyone's week went well ^^ Mine was okay, I guess... except gym class is kicking my ass.... - -;; But I'd prefer not to go into detail of my embarrasing experience in PE this week ^^;;;
So, I guess I'll tell ya'll about our field trip Wednesday ^_^ We went to see "The Diary of Anne Frank" at the Springer Opera House. (some of you might know that place as being a reknown haunted place... sadly though, I didn't experience anything with ghosts.) But the play was very good! Sad ending, of course, but the actors were great ^^ After that, we went to this science center place to watch a sort of movie called "Mythology in the Stars." All it basically did was point out constellations in the stars, like the zodiac creatures and myth guys like Orion and whatnot... Pretty interesting, I guess, though some people fell asleep lol
I've been downloading hundreds of thousands of anime music videos recently... I really need to stop before I use up all of my computer's save space lol.... but some of these are oh-so-good! Lots of em have Linkin Park and Evanescence songs, which is quite spiffy ^^ Go to if ya wanna watch some ^_^
I am now officially OBSESSED with Full Metal Alchemist. I absolutely LOVE it!! *huggles Edward* ^//^ *ties him to a chair*
Ed: o_.;; what the hell?!
Me: ^///^ Mine.
lol ut-oh, here I go strapping people to chairs again lol.... ^_^
Okay then, I've rambled on enough for this post I think... see you all later! ^__^
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
I'm a smart one... lol
lol I guess I could help ya'll guys out and give the link to my drawing, eh? ^_~ lol here ya go, and enjoy! ^____^
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^__^ Hey guys! It's ME again! yay lol How is everyone doing? I'm pretty good... stayed home from school again cuz I was sick this morning, but now I feel fine ^^
Everyone MUST go check out my latest drawing!!! It's a present for my best buddy in the world, Original J! He's been enduring some bad luck recently, so I hope that this piccy will help brighten his day ^___^ The text in the background of the pic is some random stuff that no one but J will understand ^_~ lol I hope you like it!!!
Hm... well, I'm gonna leave ya'll for now... probably go and poke my cats or something, ya know... ^^;; lol so yeah. See ya'll later! 
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
XD lol Hey guys! What's up? Sorry I haven't updated in a while, school's been very demanding ><;; but now... IT'S SATURDAY!!! YAY!!! ^_____^
In my Creative Writing class this week, we had to write short stories. Mine's about an evil bunny king (Lord Lucius) who steals cookies! XD lol It's probably the stupidest story ever written, but I love it so much ^^;; I would post it, but it's like five pages long, so.... maybe some other time, if you guys really want to read it ^_~
I'm listening to the Jason Mraz CD, 'Waiting for my Rocket to Come.' It's really great, he has an awesome voice. lol In the song 'Too Much Food,' there's a great line that says "If you are what you eat, then in my case, I'll be sweet." ^^;;
Speaking of funny phrases, my Literature teacher said the funniest thing ever! He was making fun of slang and stuff, and came up with his own: "Don't be all up in my cornflakes!" XD lol the whole class was laughing hysterically, because it was so funny how my teacher said it ^__^;;
Well, I suppose I've rambled on enough for this post ^_~ I guess I must give out cookies again, as is the rule around here lol *hands out cookies* Maybe I'll bring donuts next time.... lol see ya'll later! ^^ 
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
Hey guys!!!
Hey ya'll, what's up? I hope everyone is having a spaztastic week ^^ I'm kinda in a hurry right now, so this post'll probably be pretty short....
OK, well, I added a new fan-art!! It's a character from the InuYasha/ Trigun Roleplay my friend Christy and I do. I colored Nessa here with colored pencils, and it took me .... o.o;; TOO long to do it lol
Well, I have ta go and do homework... plus, it's about to storm over here, so I should probably get off the computer lol ^^;; So yeah... see ya'll later!!
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Saturday, January 8, 2005
I survived my first week back to school!!
Yes, I MADE it through the week! It's a freakin' miracle, I tell ya lol. Yeah, my classes are PE/Orchestra first block alternating, Biology second, Creative Writing third block, and Literature last. Not too bad, NO ALGEBRA XD yay!! *throws confetti and gives everyone a cookie* ^_^
Anyway, be sure to watch Full Metal Alchemist tonight!! Adult Swim may have gotten rid of new InuYasha episodes for the time being, but at least they aired an awesome new anime like FMA. ^^ I wuv it so. hehe.
Well yeah.... n2m has happened soo... yeah. Not really anything else to talk about, how sad. - -;; but yeah.... it'll happen...
Soooo.... have a spaztastic weekend!! ^__^ I love this movie, it's sooo great ^^
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