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Monday, January 3, 2005
A Quiz about ME!
Yah, I made an online quiz that ya'll can take. It's all about me, DragonMasterKatie! ^^ Some of the questions may be kinda hard unless you really know me... but, still give it a try! ^^ I'm sure lots of ya'll are good at guessing, right? ^_~
Take my Quiz on!
So yeah.... In other news, I have to go back to school tomorrow ;_; waaaaah! I don't wanna! >.<;; school is soooo evil......
Well, I dont really have much else to say. I may add to this post later... but... nothing much has happened ^^ So, see ya'll later!
(this image is from inuyasha311's site... I just luv it XD)
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! ^___^
Woo-hoo! It's 2005!!! *hangs up her new 2005 InuYasha calendar* ^^ *throws confetti* I hope everyone enjoyed 2004; I know 2005 is gonna be even better! ^_^ A lot of things happened for me last year... guess I'm gonna go down memory-lane with ya'll, and tell of my past year....
Well, let's see.... I entered my freshmen year in high school... (argh... must return to school Tuesday... >.<) My oldest sister moved out, and now lives in Alabama.... My cousin can now drive (o_o;; scaaary)... I became obsessed with the wonderful Foamy the Squirrel, at and, the very best part of 2004, I made lots of new friends! ^^ I want all of you to know how much I love each and every one of you: HUGS ALL AROUND!!!! *hugs* ^//^;;;
^^ Well yes... I predict that 2005 will hold great things for everyone! So, Happy New Year guys! I pray for everyone to have a spaztastic 2005!!! ^__^
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
Video Game Update ^_~;;
Yah, my sister and I went to the mall yesterday to check out the sales... (nothing too great - -) So, while she went to look at clothes, I sneaked on over to the nearest Gamestop to look at their selection of RPG's...
Oh, and I suppose I should have said this in my last post... The video game systems that I have right now are an old, yet still working Sega Genesis, a Playstation (ps 1), Gamecube, and just about every version of the Gameboy lol... No PS2... no Xbox... (they're too expensive lol) But I'm only looking for a game to play on my Gameboy Advance, since my sister won't let go of MY Gamecube because she's playing MY LOTR game >.<;;
So yeah, here are some GBA titles that striked my interests...
1.) Final Fantasy 1 & 2, Dawn of Souls
2.) Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
3.) Shining Soul (1 or 2)
4.) Phantasy Star Collection
Any info ya'll can give me on these titles? Which game should I buy.... hmmm.... 
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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Anyone who has played many RPG's, read this post!!
Yeah, this'll be a rather short post... but.... I need the advice of my fellow RPG fans!!!
Ya see, I've acquired a good bit of money from Christmas presents and such, and I want to buy a new video game. Only problem is, I have no idea whatsoever on what to buy!!!
My sister has basically stolen the Gamecube from me, and plays that LOTR: The Third Age game for hours at a time. But, this will give me a chance to play my new GBA SP system for hours at a time as well!
But, I want to buy a new RPG game for it... I've already beaten both Golden Sun games hundreds of times... I've pretty much beaten Fire Emblem... Sword of Mana was sorta boring... I've also beaten LUNAR: Legends many times over! I don't really want to play my Pokemon games... so.... Any suggestions of games I should pick up? ^^;;
Huh, guess this post was long after all. *sigh* Guess I have to give up some more cookies, eh? fine... *hands out cookies* 
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Hewwo ya'll! ^^
How's it going? Did everyone have a spaztastic holiday weekend? I know my Christmas was great ^^ I got a new GBA SP, Flame version! *hugs it* yay! ^__^ I also got a Sesshomaru figure! haha, I have Fluffy!! XD The other things I got include LOTR: The Third Age game for Gamecube, money ^.^, shirts, YuGiOh the movie, and a new dvd player ^^ I had a very Merry Christmas ^___^
Anyways, my cousin spent the night last night. Yesterday, we went to see that Lemony Snicket film, very good movie, then we came home and played video games and ate pizza. ^^ After that, we watched Moulin Rouge. I LOVE that movie, though I always cry at the end...
Hmm... I'm waiting for my sister to get up, so she can make us the smoothies she promised (because I had to buy her movie ticket yesterday >> those things aren't cheap, ya know! >.<)
But yeah... A long message about nothing ^^ Yay. Here's another cookie for those of you still reading *hands out cookies* ^_^ Have a spaztastic day!
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
So so so sorry, FF10 Tidus!! ^___~;;; Please forgive me..... ^^;;; Yah, I meant to wish my buddy a Happy Birthday today!! So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! XD
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Hey ya'll, I don't really have too much to say today... yah... ^^;;
My sister made cookies last night for no reason whatsoever! This just shows you that my whole family is spaztic ^_~
I uploaded a new drawing today!!! Be sure to check it out!!! I really, really like this one, I hope all of you do as well ^^ I haven't sent in a drawing done with colored pencils in a while, huh? I was tired of MSPaint...
So yeah! ^^;;; Like I said, a short post. I might add some more info later on, but that's all I have to say for now. See ya'll later then! ^_^ hmm.. I think I posted this comic a while back... but oh well ^^ there are about 3 or 4 other ones that follow this one...
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Hey, homies! XDDD
Yeah, how's everyone doing? I'm just spaztastic, as usual; I LOVE Christmas Break!!! ^_____^ Besides having to go out and face the endless Christmas-shopper-crowds at the mall, my break so far has been just spiffay! XD Yah, I've done basically nothing except play on my comp *hugs her Dell comp* =3, play video games for hours on end, and eat lots of pizza!! Mmmm, Pizza... lol
In Pokemon-related news, *hehe, so what if I still like Pokemon?! PIKACHUUUUU! XD* I won a contest from! Well, it's one of the first prize packages, NOT the grand prize, but still! I won something! o.o It's two new decks of cards, the Jessie and James decks for the Team Rocket Returns theme, and two new booster packs from the same theme. Very spiffay ^^
Yah, we decorated our Christmas tree last night. It's very pretty ^___^ I love decorating for Christmas... except my sister gets on the roof to hang up the lights outside, of course ^^;;
Well, here ya go FF10 Tidus. I updated. Happy now? ^_~;; lol Anyway, incase I don't update again before Saturday, here's a very merry Merry Christmas to all of ya'lls! ... hmm... "ya'lls"... is that a word? hmm... oh well, it is NOW! haha ^__^ DONUTS FOR EVERYBODY! XD
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
La la la. . .
Hey guys, what's shakin', bacon? n2m going on over here, besides the fact that I HAVE ONLY ONE MORE DAY UNTIL CHRISTMAS BREAK!! woot-woot! ^_~;; Also, NO MORE FINAL EXAMS!!! YAY!!! Everyone is SO happy to have them all over finally, and maybe now we can get a chance to catch up on all of the sleep we lost while staying up to unheard of hours "studying" *wink wink*
I want everyone to keep my good friend Joey in their prayers, please. He's going through some tough times right now, and he needs all of the help he can get!
Ok then, in some lighter news, I finally convinced (more like threatened hehe) my friend to create his own myotaku profile! His name is FF10 Tidus , and you all must go and visit him RIGHT NOW! ^__^;; He's an awesome artist, so hopefully he'll upload some pics sooner or later... I might have to 'convince' him again in order for him to do it, though... mwahaha >D
Let's see... I just spent like eight dollars on CANDY BARS! I had to buy like 13 candy bars to give to my buddies tomorrow at school... They better like 'em! lol
Well, I guess I'll give all of you a candy bar, too! ^_^ *hands out random candy* yum... sugar. See ya'll later!
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Friday, December 10, 2004
Hey ya'll! Boy, this week has been soooo long and horrible... Well, maybe not quite 'horrible,' but 'really bad' at any rate. We've had all of these finals and end-of-course-tests to do, not to mention the millions of projects due.... Yesh, I have both a Mythology AND an Algebra project due monday! meh...
But anyways, only one more week until Christmas vacation! woot woot! ^__^ I'll try to draw some Christmas-themed drawings after all of these horrid finals are done lol
In other news, I wanna give a shout-out to meh buddy, Sexy Man! XD He's one of my friends who's in like every one of my classes, and his new nickname is Sexy Man for random reasons. Here's his 'theme song,' and it is meant to be sang like the SpiderMan theme song. No, the lyrics won't make sense to most people, but they're hilarious nonetheless lol
"Sexy Man, Sexy Man,
Everyone loves the Sexy Man
Sitting there, Licking frogs,
Jon Bovi doesn't like the Sexy Man
Look out! Here comes Sexy Man!"
(and yes, it's 'Jon Bovi' and not 'Bon Jovi' on purpose lol) XD
Well, I'll leave you all with a quick sketch I made in 4th block. Enjoy! ^___^ "Look out! Here comes Sexy Man!"
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