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Monday, September 19, 2005
take the first step...
DS Time - 5:09 AM
so listen to this...i set my alarm to go off at 4:00...funny thing is i was so out of it that i didn't even hear the alarm...so here i am...wide awake an hour later than planned...mayhaps i should take this slowly...try waking up half an hour earlier and work my way up to an hour...and maybe i should just rethink my future and stop being so lazy...
something's up with me...i know i need to get things done...but i just don't care enough to do it...i don't know...the motivation's just not there...it was there at the beginning of school...but it's disappeared somewhere...and i was doing so well in the beginning...i don't know...but i really need to figure this all out...cuz i can't be doing all this last minute shiet anymore...it's not fair to me and it's not fair to my teachers who deserve to see me best...let's hope this works...
well..."The Two Towers" was on last nite...so was "Pearl Harbor"...that was amusing flipping in between channels like that...i think i concentrated mostly on "Pearl Harbor" since i knew i could watch "The Two Towers" any time i wanted...the beauty of having the DVD is that it is at your disposal 24/7...i love the part when Aragorn says "it is an army bred for a single purpose: to destroy the world of men"...awesome line...
PS. how do you write a rhetorical analysis?... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, September 18, 2005
DS Time - 7:08 AM
ah...feels good to get some extra hours of sleep...then again i stayed up a little later than usual...only an hour though so not much...every hour counts though...especially when i plan on waking up even earlier so that i can spend somr more time on the computer in the morning...most of the time i just can't seem to find time in the afternoon NE more to get on...
so i hope this new plan of mine works...and i hope i don't just start falling asleep in all of my classes...might have to drink more coffee cuz of that...it's weird...i could always do this kind of stuff when i was in high school...i guess students need more sleep during college...
well i spent yesterday afternoon watching "Meet the Fockers" with mom...she seemed to enjoy it...hilarious...i love it when they put bloopers into the DVD...
worked on re-writing that story...didn't have to do much to re-write...just had to change a couple of things around so that it didn't follow the anime so much...hopefully i did a good job of that cuz i'd hate to be accused of not having an original idea... *crosses fingers* ...here's hoping...
PS. i should be working on school work instead of my stories...where are my priorities?... *big hug & a kiss on the cheek* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, September 17, 2005
aw man...
DS Time - 5:52
huh...no post yesterday...well i was a tad bit busy trying to finish a paper for class...talk about last minute...and that paper was a piece of crap...you would think by now i'd learn not to procrastinate as much...
but i actually participated in one campus activity though on THursday...i ate the Connotation lunch...then again they pretty much gave us no choice seeing as how they closed the cafeteria and food stands...that was no nice of them...but the food that they did provide was nice...and it gave me a chance to finally get my student ID re-encoded...not that i'll actually use the thing but it's still nice all the same...
got to hang out with MamaBear while i was at it too...like a said a while back...things are so much better when your friends are there...no Sketch though...shame too...MamaBear was sad cuz she hadn't seen him all year...
but other than that, there's really nothing much to say...i think i might have to re-write one of my stories...again...well if i can find the time to actually work on it...we'll see...and i still have a truck load of writing projects to finish too...dern me for thinking i could take on this much while going to college...
PS. *sleepy hugs all around*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, September 15, 2005
stupid paper...
DS Time - 6:50 AM
no i didn't just wake up...i woke up at 5:30 (i wanted a little more sleep) and have been working on a paper for my English 225 class...i decided to take a lil break...seeing as how i won't be leaving for school until around 9:30...so i've got plenty of time...
so yesterday was nothing special...just school and home...things are getting too routine...sure i might of hated it when certain family members came to visit me for four days...but at least it was something different than my usual routine...life shouldn't be the same schedule every day you know?...
and in response to no one's question...yes, i do...been living here my whole life...i go to the UMKC campus actually...so nice to meet someone from around my area... ^-^ ...
well NE ways i told you that i'd tell you a little more about my family's visit...and since i can't rmember what i told you in the previous post i apologize now if i repeat anything...
well in all honestly we didn't do much aside from shopping and eating...there's really not much for a guy in crutches to do in the KC area...especially when they were only here for three nites... *shrugs* ...meh...
i did meet a guy that my cousin knew...name was Tony...he was cute...but alas he had a girlfriend...it's like what my cousin told me..."guys are like parking spaces: all the good ones are taken and the only one left are the handicaps"...i thought it was funny...
PS. back to working on that paper...4 pages down, two more to go... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
ugh...so tired...
DS Time - 5:21 AM
dude...i wanna go back to sleep so freakin' bad...but alas i must go to school...and fight my sleep deprived consciousness...i think i only got a total of 7 hour sof sleep these last few days...tis the price i had to pay for having relatives over i suppose...
speaking of which...they're finally gone as of yesterday afternoon...and good ridence to them too...my aunt from Cali in particular...i think she's spent too much time in the California sun...apparently our middle-class home isn't good enough for her high maintainance azz...but whatever...
i wouldn't mind if my cousin stayed a little longer...she was fun...but she starts school next week so she had to go back home and get ready...she seemed to enjoy the BBQ that KC had to offer...she complained a little about how fat she had become during her stay here...a week back in Cali and she'll be back to her old weight...who knows when the next time she'll be in Missouri so she might as well let loose...
they did something very scandalous and in my opinion stupid (well, maybe that's too strong of a word)...they went to visit my school without me...what sense does that make?...i mean logically wouldn't you want someone who knows the school to show you around?...but they only went to the administration office and the International student place...cuz apparently my cousin from VietNam is gonna eventually study in America...she still has a couple of years left though...so it won't be for a while...
well that's pretty much all i can tell you right now...if i remember i'll explain what else we did while our relatives were here...for now i gotta get ready for school...
PS. I WANT MORE SLEEP DAMN IT!!!... *pouts & hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, September 10, 2005
my apologies...
DS Time - 5:12 AM
i'm sorry that i didn't update yesterday you guys...in all honestly i couldn't...when i woke up my brother was already on...and that was a big shocker cuz you know what time i usually get up... *looks above for clue* ...but i figured i could update when i got to school...well at least that was the plan...but the deities had other plans for me...
because just as i was studying for class and about to go to the computer lab (i get to school about an hour before the comeputer labs are open so i spend that time studying and what not) here comes Sketch on his white horse...ok so it wasn't a white horse but you get the idea...it was an unexpected but all together welcoming surprise...
we talked until i had to go to class...well until i really had to go to the computer lab to type up something and then go straight to class...i was almost late too...thank kami for putting the classroom across the hall from the computer lab...it makes my life so much easier...
yes, that's my excuse...and i'm sticking to it...hehe...but i will have to take a leave of absence for a few days...relatives are coming to visit today from California and some of them shall be staying in the computer room...most likely i just won't update tomorrow...
monday i have school and so could probably update in the computer lab (i think i spend more time there than in class)...and no i couldn't take time off from school to show my family around town...i've got an essay due next Friday and of course my lazy azz hasn't started on it yet...i'm such a procrastinator...it's a very bad habit i know but i can't help it...
PS. i'll miss you guys!... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, September 8, 2005
a little addition...
DS Time - 5:19 AM
so guess what?...we've got a new member of the family...it's not what you think...mom just got me a little pet beta fish...actually i'm not sure if she got it for me or for herself...all i know is that i'll be the one to end up taking care of it like i did with all the other fishes she got before...i hope this one doesn't die...you can't help but get attatched to the lil guys...
well my French teacher finally arrived in class yesterday...see for the past two weeks of school we've had a substitute French teacher...cuz the real one was in France getting her papers in order...and yesterday was her first day...she seems nice...but she seems really anal on the pronunciation...but then again what foreign language teacher isn't?...
but all's well that ends well...i guess... *sighs* ...meanwhile i'm getting tired of mom telling me i'm fat...or in her words "you have a big stomach"...you girls have any idea how frustrating it is hearing that kind of shiet from your own mom?...i'm on the verge of an eatting disorder as it is...well i was until she laid off on her little comments...i blame my aunt for this...mom never really started to say anything until we came to California and my aunt said something about it...
unintentional or not it hurts me whenever my mom says stuff like that to me...why can't she see that?...it's not making me feel better and it's only gonna cause unnecessary problems for me in the future...thin is not always healthy and i'm tired of pplz craming that kind of image down my freakin' throat...
PS. i'm ending this post here... *sighs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
a little bit of good luck...
DS Time - 5:15 AM
well yesterday's classes went as expected...i was dozing off in College Algebra again...honestly, i was trying to stay awake...but the teacher was going over material that i already knew and i had no real reason to pay attention...
at least American Literature managed to grab my attention for a while...the teacher showed a little bit of the movie Pocahantas (sp?) since we were studying about the English coming to the new world...and we were reading up about John Smith too...that was nice...NOTE TO SELF: buy that DVD...
on the plus side i did get to hang out with Sketch...not too sure what we talked about...i did find out that he watched Shaman King and he likes anime...so that's a plus...we talked about the series finale that was on last Saturday...
then a friend of his from campus came by and it was just the three of us for a bit...she left for class and about five to ten minutes later an old friend from the old high school came along...so not much alone time for me...but hey i'll take whatever time i'm given...
still getting that "friends only" vibe from him though so not setting my hopes too high...it's not like i have NE thing to offer him at the moment...i'm jobless and probably not his type...yeah i know: "stop being so depression"...just trying to stay in reality here...
PS. i don't think i'll ever get over that boy... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
back to business...
DS Time - 5:05 AM
well the three day weekend is over...which means it's back to school for me... *pouts* ...oh poo...well at least i read most of what i needed to read for today...i didn't think i'd be able to accomplish that...it was actually getting interesting for a bit...and then it got back to journal reading which was pretty boring...how do scholars get thru all this without poking their eyes out...
so i go to Math and American Literature today...i must prepare to fall asleep once again...cuz some of these pplz in my class are idiots...well some of the ones in my math class NE ways...but i guess i shouldn't be so hard on them...Algebra is hard to understand at first i guess...it's not their fault that i took Algebra in the 7th grade...
but today is Tuesday...so maybe i'll get to see Sketch today...if not then i shall be very sad...oh well...maybe it'll give me time to write more poetry or something...maybe draw some more too...the inspiration well has been a bit dry lately...though i did write and draw something last nite while i was listening to one of my mix CDs...i guess music can always inspire you...now if only i had a working CD player so that i can get some more inspiration...
PS. i guess i should go brush my teeth now... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, September 5, 2005
down to business...
DS Time - 5:18 AM
so there's only 5 more days until my uncle who's visiting from VietNam comes to good old KC...he's only gonna be staying for 3 nites and then he's off to North Carolina to spend two weeks with other family members...it's just as well that he doesn't stay long here...there's really not much for someone like him to do...the guy's been in crutches for most of his life...
but NE ways, we've been preparing for his arrival as well as my relatives from Cali...they're coming with him to make sure he does ok with the flights at stuff...which means we have to fit seven pplz in a three bedroom house...oh yeah...my cousin's coming too...so that makes eight pplz under one roof...three "kids" and five adults...
so me and mom went to Hypermart yesterday to buy some more twin size roll out mattresses...and they had pillows on sale so we got some of those too...the mattresses and pillows took up most of the cart...barely had room for much else...but i guess we made due...i'm a little nervous about them coming over though...i want them to have fun but there's really nothing they can do in KC that they can't do in Cali...i hope we think of something...
meanwhile Final Destination 2 was on last nite...i love a good scary movie don't you?...nothing says good time than an two hours of blood, guts, and gore...and my mom wonders why i shop at Hot Topic...
PS. time to get working on that outline...and read... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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