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sitting on a branch of a tree • quietly watching the stars and moon
Member Since
quiet protector of all that is innocent
Real Name
DragonStorm (duh!) • TenTen (not really but I like it) • Tao (lotta pplz call me that) • Empress ^^ (really like the sound of that) • Lienan Knight (copyrighted by me) • other aliases that you don't know of yet *winky*
Anime Fan Since
my first episode of DragonBall at 6:30 in the morning (yeah it was on that early where I'm located)
Favorite Anime
Shaman King • DBZ • Naruto • Digimon • Yu-Gi-Oh! • CardCaptors
to write a good fanfic...and finish it • three writing projects down, sixteen more projects to go (darn those plot bunnies!!!)
anime (of course!) • reading • writing (mostly fanficing) • drawing • hanging out with friends • listening to music • smiling
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Friday, July 15, 2005
rockin' to Hot Apple Pie...
no i didn't bring Hot Apple Pie with me...that was the name of the band me and my friend went to see last is for that reason that i couldn't check that many sites yesterday...that and i had a virus attacking my computer...dumbazz virus... *glares* ...
NE ways we left early for the concert and ended up not having to pay for parking...note to self; go earlier more often...being there early gave us the chance to see this ant do nothing but scurry around in a tight circle that was entertaining...first he went fast like he was in the Ant Nascar series...then he'd slow it down cuz i guess he got ants get dizzy?...hehe, see how simple it is to amuse me?...
the concert was fun though...front row center baby!!!...the opening act was this group called Bomshel...they were cool...chicks who play the violin rock (yes i mean you too Ryoko)...and they had such good energy...the lead singer chick kept staring at me and MamaBear though...twas a bit creepy for a while there...i mean she and her parnter were great and i liked their songs...but please don't have eye sex with me...
the concert itself wasn't too wasn't as hoppin' as Chris Cagle and definately not as crowded as Gary Allan...and towards the end these group of drunk girls moved in next to MamaBear and were getting rowdy...she got a beer bottle to the head from that...
but all in all it was some guitar picks outta it and the lead singer smiled & winked at me during the last song...the benefit of not staring at the band member that's singing and waiting for the right moment... *winky* ...not to sound all fangirl-ish but that was the highlight of my nite...
that and the Nascar Ant...i'm sorry but that ant was freakin' hilarious!!!...
PS. "PMS...Prime Minister Something"...hehehehehe...don't ask...just me & my friends acting our shoe sizes again... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, July 14, 2005
like old times...
| fun was yesterday? to see my friend Washu who i hadn't seen since to hang out with my partner in crime Ryoko-san who i hadn't seen since school was just like old times before all the drama of high school and life got in the way...
Washu took me to the mall to get me a late birthday present...picked up Ryoko-san to make the trip more fun...gave Ryoko the change to give me the birthday present she had got for me 2 months in advance...i felt bad for Washu though cuz what i wanted costs so much...oh the guilt...note to self: get her something really expensive for Christmas...
afterwards we just hung out at the mall...not too long though cuz Washu had other plans...but that's fine...still got to see her...hopefully it won't be another 8 months before the next time i see her...
so i have a question for you guys?...what is GaiaOnline?...i've heard a lot of pplz mention it but i never really knew what it was...if you would be so kind as to explain it to my simple brain please?...NE one?...
well NE ways...i said that i would continue the story to day and i will...i can't believe we're on Chapter 13 went a little overboard with the chapter updates before i left huh?...hehe, my bad...kinda left it at a cliffhanger bad again...NE ways for those who have been waiting for it...clickums here to read what happens next in "Aftermath"...i hope that you enjoy the nice suprise... *winky* ...
PS. another country concert tonite...i'll tell you about it tomorrow... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
who knew spending only a week in California could screw up my internal clock so's still on Cali time...which means i'm about two hours late in every thing i do...
nothing much happened yesterday...just catching up on things that i missed while i was gone...fortunately nothing much happened so there wasn't much to catch up on...a lot of stories were submitted on i read an azz load of those last nite...that was fun...but it made me feel like a slacker cuz i know i had better things to do...
i'm mad though...i had set up my VCR to record last week's episode of Shaman King cuz i knew i'd miss it while i was in Cali...and i came home to find that someone turned off timer...none other than my brother cuz he was the only other person left in the house with my mom and me gone...i wanted to cry...YOU DO NOT MESS WITH MY SHAMAN KING!!!!!... *pouts* ... *sighs* ...
no plans for today but i have a feeling i might have some unexpected ones later on...i got an email from a friend asking if i was busy today so we could hang out...i haven't seen this girls since November so i'm excited to see her of my best friends and i don't even have a picture of her for my weird is that?...shame too...
well that's about it...aside from the fact that i have about three rolls of film that i need to develop...soon to be four if i take a camera to the concert tomorrow...yeah i'm going to another country concert...that should be great fun...
that reminds cousin Thao now has blackmail video of me trying to line dance...well i guess it's more blackmail for my cousin Christine cuz i don't care if i make a fool of myself...her on the other hand...i guess she does care...but she was smiling so i'm guessing she had fun even though she was embarrassed the enitre time...
PS. have fun no matter doesn't matter what others think as long as you love yourself... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
early home coming...
no i'm not reporting from just decided to come back a little drama made it not fun NE more for she paid some more money for an earlier flight back to good old KC...decided to make a stop in Milwakee (sp?) so the trip would be cheaper...
left Cali at around 11:30 AM and didn't get home to KC until 9:00 PM...that is too long to be on a plane or waiting at the airport...i was so wired when i got's just a 2 hour difference from here to LA but my sleeping is still a little's on Cali time right now...
well i had fun in Cali...cousins took me around...found out that if you wanna do something in Palmdale you have to drive for hours to get there...cuz Palmdale is a small town surrounded by mountain-like hills...and there's really nothing there to have fun...
they took me to the peer at Santa Monica...that was nice...would've been better if my cousin knew how to stop and enjoy the scenery...that boy needs to loosen the knot in his pants or something...
went to Knott's Berry Farm with my other cousins...had a blast riding on all of the roller the front too...went back and rode in the back of a couple of them...found out that the ride's more narly back there...the front is just for viewing purposes and pleasures...
then all the family drama went down to make my mom book the early flight home...something about my aunt...i'm not sure what exactly it was that triggered the spontaneous urge to go home...all i know is that it was very rude of her to not take time off to show us around...
we told her 2 months in advance that we were coming over...the least she could do was to ask for a few days off of work...then she pulls some shiet by saying "i can't clean the house with you here" and telling me "i was gonna take you shopping today but i can't now cuz you're going home"...
whatever...tis for that reason that mom wanted to leave i guess...all i know is mom's not going to visit my aunt ever either for that matter...if i ever go back to Cali it'll be to hang out with the cousins...
but it's great to be back...i missed you guys so much...i won't be going to sites today though...i'm still really sleepy from jet lag...i've come to the conclusion that i hate flying on an airplane...
PS. *hugs* ...missed you guys!!!...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
last minute...
i've got about 3 hours til i have to leave so i guess i'll make this quick...
last nite was so much fun...friend came over and found out what it was like to hang with the asians for the 4th...her life was threatened twice before she had to go home (cuz she had work early the next morning and cuz my friends were scaring the shiet outta her with the asian jackass shiet) year she said she was gonna come over and bring some of her friends with her so we could close down the while street...
man they did some crazy shiet last nite...i'll tell you all about it when i get back (and have the interesting pictures to go with the stories) haven't lived thru the 4th of July until you gone thru with the crazy asians...
but let's not forget the real reason for the holiday...the day America gained it's independence from British a salute to all the troops and the sacrifices they make to keep us all safe... *salutes*...
ok i think that's it...i'm off for real this know i couldn't resist visiting one last time before i left!!!... *hugs everyone*...I'LL MISS YOU!!!...see you guys when i get back!!!...
PS. used up a whole roll of film just from last nite...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, July 4, 2005
4th of July...
this was supposed to be a happy occassion to celebrate the anniversary the day the US gainted it's independence from British rule...but i got on this morning to find one of my good friend's (on MyOtaku) account gone...after he sent me a PM saying "hi" for all of you who question whether there is a hacker here...i can tell you that there is...and i think they're targeting all the sites with high rankings...cuz i don't think Akayo Kanachi would just delete his site in the middle of his story without telling us...
*sighs* ...whoever's doing this...i don't know...STOP DOING IT!!!...and for that my site is probably gonna be put on the list to be deleted... -_-' ...i don't understand why someone would do this...
well...meh, i don't even feel like posting the story anymore after that...that was depressing... *sighs* ...just click here and...whatever...i threw in some extra just follow the arrows like i always say...
so yeah...yesterday was my birthday...only like three pplz outside my family didn't even say "happy birthday" to me...rained all day too...hehe, the Rain Goddess (long story short my friend & i decided that i was the rain goddess cuz it seems to follow me everywhere i go...if you want me to elaborate just tell me and i'll explain in full detail when i get back) gets a rain tribute on her birthday...coolness...
well this will be my last post until i get back from my two week trip to Cali...we leave tomorrow and mom wants to make sure we take the time to check every thing...ima miss you all!!!... *hugs tight* ...keep an eye on things for me here ok?...i'll see you guys when i get back...
PS. *scratches head* ...does NE one know if TenTen has a last name?...and if so could you tell me?... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, July 3, 2005
party on...
|'s my birthday!!!...happy birthday to me...yay-ness... *does a little dance* ...alright i think that's enough celebrating...i'm finally 20...well it's not official until 11:57 AM (right before noon)...but it's close enough...
to celebrate?...story update!!!...woot-woot!!!...alright for those of you who love the story clickums here and for those of you who don't love the story...turn around and do the chicken dance...
well i checked sites a little late yesterday cuz mom had me go with her to do some errands...but i had fun...first it was a family outting to go buy fireworks for the 4th...didn't really have much fun cuz they kept telling me to pick stuff out...i don't really much care about picking out fireworks...cuz i always end up lighting them all up NE ways...
later on i went with mom to Sam's Club to buy those microwave dinners for my brother...we were supposed to go right after buying the fireworks but she was too busy talking on the phone that she forgot...oops on her part...
that's pretty much it...happy birthday to me everyone... ^-^
PS. *extra big hug & a kiss for this special day*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, July 2, 2005
on the brain...
methinks i'm going insane...i had a dream last nite that i was TenTen from Naruto...i guess that's what i get for being an opbssessive TenTen fan... -_-' ...meh, i don't even remember what happened in the dream...all i know is that i was wearing the pink shirt and there were two buns on top of my head...go figure...
NE ways, forgetting all that and my insanity slowly slipping from's time for the "Aftermath" chapter update...i apologize for making yesterday's a little long...i just didn't want to end the chapter in the middle of a clickums here and forget about all the flashbacks in the last chapter...happy reading pplz!...
moving plans on buying fireworks today...and to go to Sam's Club to buy some frozen dinners from my brother when me & my mom leave for Cali...the boy can't live on take-out for two weeks after all...i'm sure by the time we get back he'll be itching for some home-cooked meals and want nothing to do with NE thing that involves using the mircowave...poor guy...
PS. *sighs* body's sore from sleeping in one position the whole bad... *shrugs* ...remember to give some love to my wallpapers!... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, July 1, 2005
meh...i need to pop my back...or someone to massage it...either one works... ^-^ ...NE takers? didn't think so...
NE ways i know what you really want so let me just get right to it...clickums here please?...keep you trays and seats in their full upright positions and enjoy the ride... *smiles with dimples*
made some wallpapers...two of them actually...both of them are Naruto...i'm about to submit them after i do this post...they're both of TenTen & Sasuke...why?...cuz i love that pairing and i don't care what NE one says!...we all have our favorite non-canon pairings in every anime...i'm just over indulging mine, hehe...NE ways check them out when you have the time...and feel free to comment please cuz i love reading them...
so i didn't get to that many sites yesterday cuz it was raining & doesn't like for us to get on the computer when it's storming like was cool to watch & listen to though... *sighs contently* ...i love the rain...
but it's not raining now so that means i can walk to the store and pick up my developed pictures...finally...ironically mom hasn't asked about them all week...figures when i finally get them developed she goes and forgets about them...
PS. two more days til my birthday!!!...two more days til i'm 20... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, June 30, 2005
NE of you guys heard of this manga called "Arcana"?...they've been advertising it on xanga for a while know and i was wondering if Ne of you guys could tell me about's gotten me curious...they said it was from the same author of "Model"...whatever that is... *shrugs* ...
well i said i'd update non-stop until i here's the next chapter of "Aftermath"...if you would just click here the nice link will gladly take you to chapter always read and enjoy!... ^-^
NE ways...for all of you that asked...the bruise is doing well now...hehe, it looks like a red/purple-ish doughnut...the middle of the bruise looks perfectly's actually funny to look at if you asked me...just goes to show that i'll find NE thing funny...
so guess what?...three more days until my birthday...oh the "yay-ness" of it party parties never turn out very fun...who needs a party when you have fireworks to set off? wonder i'm a pyro...which reminds me i need to get lighter fluid for my cool lighter...
mom found my lighter the other day and asked why i had it...she was like "you gonna use it to smoke?"...just because i have a lighter doesn't mean i smoke...just means that i'm a fire-loving pyro...who wants to smoke those cancer sticks (no disrespect to those who do smoke)?...smoking reminds me of my dad...and i'd rather not be like that man...
PS. *tummy grumbles* alright, alright, i'll feed you... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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