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sitting on a branch of a tree • quietly watching the stars and moon
Member Since
quiet protector of all that is innocent
Real Name
DragonStorm (duh!) • TenTen (not really but I like it) • Tao (lotta pplz call me that) • Empress ^^ (really like the sound of that) • Lienan Knight (copyrighted by me) • other aliases that you don't know of yet *winky*
Anime Fan Since
my first episode of DragonBall at 6:30 in the morning (yeah it was on that early where I'm located)
Favorite Anime
Shaman King • DBZ • Naruto • Digimon • Yu-Gi-Oh! • CardCaptors
to write a good fanfic...and finish it • three writing projects down, sixteen more projects to go (darn those plot bunnies!!!)
anime (of course!) • reading • writing (mostly fanficing) • drawing • hanging out with friends • listening to music • smiling
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
my throat hurts...please don't tell me that i'm getting sick right before my trip to Cali...or better yet, not before my birthday... *sighs* ...figures something like this would happen to me...oh well...i'm gonna have fun even if it means i gotta walk around with a tissue box...note to self: keep box of tissues away when lighting fireworks...
well i've got six more days left til i leave for Cali so until then there shall be MyOtaku time...and best of all until that time there'll be story updates!...yay!!!... *cheers* ...would you like for me to update the story nonstop until then to make up for the time i'll be gone?...
NE ways...on with the current update...without further ado...clickums here to enjoy the antics of one half-elven girl and her friends while they continue to protect the land of Middle-earth from further evil... ^-^ ...
so i saw the premiere of the mini-series "Empire" last night...Julius Caesar was murdered and named Octavius his heir...i can't express enough how much i love period films... *sighs contently* ...twas heaven...sadly i shall be away next week when the mini-series continues...and knowing my aunt she'll be taking us out to a party full of grown-ups that i don't know while i'm stuck in the corner wishing i had a TV to watch "Empire"...but we'll see...
aww...i miss you guys already...and i don't leave until next week... *pouts* ...yall keep an eye on my site while i'm gone ok?...make sure no one does NE thing to it...sorta like page babysitters?...word around MyOtaku is that there's a be safe my friends...
PS. bruise is doing better...thanks for your concern... *hugs* ...
PPS. *shivers* brother has the AC on too high again...must find hoodie... *hugs to keep warm*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
| 5 more days until my birthday...and one more week until i take my trip to Cali for two weeks...sadly i shall have no computer access... *pouts* ...which means no MyOtaku and no story updates... *cries* ... T.T ...
*sighs* ...tis the sacrifice i have to make to have some Cali fun with relatives...i'll be in the San Diego & Palmdale area so NE of you Cali natives out there...keep an eye out for an out of place asian girl...i'll be the one wearing pants in the hot weather...
so i made another's of my background picture actually...just a bit down sized...three will be my limit i think...tis my favorite number after all... ^-^
the bruise is doing well...kinda looks like a bull's eye right now...light pink in the middle with a purple ring around it...weird way to heal but least it looks like it's healing pretty fast...and for those of you who were wondering...the bruise was two inches wide and an inch high...
PS. *pouts* ...make the bruise go away faster... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, June 27, 2005
*pops back*...
oh that feels better... ^-^ ...
NE ways...if you missed the story update of chapter 4 just click the "Aftermath" link up there... *points up* ...and follow the chapter arrows at the bottom of the "Artist's Comments"'s so much fun to link chapters together...
so my brothers came back from canoing...sounds like they had fun...wish some of my friends would go canoing with me...but they're all busy with work and summer school...and i just feel left actually considered asking my brothers if i could come with them...what's the fun in hanging out with my brother's friends?...oh well...they had fun and that's all that matters...
so how screwed up does this sound?...i typed up 30 pages of a story i was working on...and then just decided to re-write the entire thing...why?...because it was following the anime too much...still is actually but not so much's hard to have an original idea when you like what the anime has set up already...fanfics are hard to write... *pouts* ...
well i guess i'll be off to Osco's in a little wants me to develop this roll of film and i've been putting it off since i got back from the road trip...kinda threatened me if i didn't do it today...that wasn't very nice...the only reason she's so antsy about me developing these is cuz there's pictures of her in the roll of film...otherwise she wouldn't give a flying rat's azz when i get them developed...that's parents for you...
and she immediately assumes that something's wrong with the camera or roll of film...says that usually i go get the film developed as soon as i would she know?...all she sees is when i give the pictures to a month after i develop them...i hate it when she tries to make it sound like she knows me better than she does...
PS. to Osco's i go...maybe i'll see something i like... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, June 26, 2005
well i'm thinking my bruise got a little know how in the beginning bruises don't look so bad...and then a few days later they show their true colors so to speak?...tis what happened to mine...i cringe everytime i look at it...

now don't that look narly?...yeah i don't think i'll be wearing mid-drift shirts NE time doesn't feel as bad as it's just gonna take a little longer for it to go the meantime i just have to hide it from my mom...knowing her she'd poke the damn thing...
NE ways drawing the attention away from the monster bruise that looks like the black plague...tis story update time!!!..chapter 4 coming right up!...clickums here to find out what Lienan and the others are up to...
PS. *pouts* ...someone make the bruise go away quicker!!!... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, June 25, 2005
*tummy growls*
why am i so hungry this early in the morning?...wonder what there is to eat... *looks thru fridge* ...
oh and i don't think the bruise will be going away NE time soon (see previous post for picture)...did you not see the black & blue-ness (not to mention purple) of it?...that bad boy's gonna be sticking around for a while...unlike the other men in my life... -_-' ... car Elijah Joe is back in the car hospital...i may have been cheap to buy him...but what we have to pay to get him fixed up...ugh...if i didn't love you so much Elijah Joe...
so guess what?...remember that sunburn i had after i got back from my road trip a while back...well it would seem that the skin finally decided to peel...oh goody (NOT!!!)...did turn it into a nice game though...see how big of a piece of skin you can peel off...tis the things you do when you are bored...
speaking ob bored...big bro's off on a canoe no more freezing in the house for the's going to her friend's place for dinner today i'll be home all by my lonesome tonite... *pouts* ...NE one wanna keep me company?...
by the way...i made another button for moi...tis of TenTen...cuz TenTen gets no love from the Naruto fans... *pouts* ...poor TenTen...
PS. well, i'm off to find food before my tummy starts eating itself... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, June 24, 2005
my mistake...
it seems that washing the car wasn't the only reason why my mom woke me up at 7 in the morning yesterday...she wanted me to take her somewhere...she didn't make it clear though so when we were done with the car i actually did try to go back to sleep...only to have her wake me up so that i could take her somewhere...said i needed the practice... -_-' ...that woman i swear...
after her little errand was done i had a triple threat going on...back pains, neck pains, and a headache to top it all the medicine cabinet it was when we got home...that was a stressful morning from hell...but tis over now and i am well rested for the time being... ^-^ ...
oh, by the way, if you missed the story update on "Aftermath" yesterday just click the link above and follow the arrows in the Artist's Comments box to the appropriate chapter...and i hope you enjoy your reading... *smiles with dimples* ...
now all you accident prone pplz please raise your hand... *raises hand* ...i'm telling you i'm just a magnent for accidents...i ran into the couch...i was running past the couch and i got a little too close to it...misjudged the distance i guess...and now i'm left with a black & blue (there's some purple in there too i think) bruise on my hip...that was a disturbing site when i saw it...didn't feel a thing either until i spotted that beauty in the mirror...i need to start being a little more careful i'm thinking...
hehe, took a picture of it too with my camera phone:

can't really see much of it...but doesn't it look gross? you can imagine from the's a doozy...don't you just wanna say "wow!" or "damn girl!"...yeah that's the result of me and my clumsiness...i'm talented that way... *shrugs*
PS. *shifts in seat* it hurts to sit down sometimes... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, June 23, 2005
wake-up call...
can't talk's 7 in the morning and mom's got me running an errand for her...i shall explain later...hopefully...if not then i'll explain tomorrow...
[[ edit ]]
i don't believe it...she woke me up to wash my 7 in the morning she wakes me up to wash my car...i thought i had something important to do...WTF???... *sighs* ...that's my mom... -_-' ...Elijah Joe did need a bath though so i guess some good came out of it...maybe now i can go back to sleep...nah, i'm awake already so i won't be falling back to sleep NE time soon...
well the back pains are...well back, hehe (unintentional pun, i swear)...i think i'm just getting the ripe old age of 19 years 11 months and 20 days...yeah that sucks...maybe i can last 10 more days and clock out at age 20...hehe, i'm joking of course...i don't plan to clock out for a long time...
NE in all of this early morning wake-up call i forgot about the story...chapter 3's up today!!!'s a short one today for...editing reasons...hopefully the next one will be longer...NE ways so for your viewing pleasures...clickums here and enjoy!...if you look around that site you'll find a few pictures of me... ^-^
[[ end edit ]]
PS. *glares* i should still be asleep... *sleepy hugs*
PPS. "Bruce Springstein, Madonna, way before Nirvana there was U2 and Blondie, music still on MTV, her two kids in high school they tell her that she's uncool, but she's still preoccupied with 1985."
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
learn something new...
today's complaint?...the stiffness that was in my back yesterday has centered itself in my neck...tis a revolt i swear! body's slowly going on strike...but NE ways i apologize if it sounds like i complain too much about my aches and least the stomach pains are gone... *knocks on wood just in case* ...and i think the stiffness in my back and neck are cuz of all the reading i've been doing...well the position i lay and sit in when i'm reading NE ways...i guess it's a good thing i finished the book i was reading last nite...
did you know that there was an actual person named Nicolas Flamel?...he's not just an obsure character from the Harry Potter books...he was a French alchemist (Full Metal Alchemist comes to mind every time i see that word -_-') from the 14th century and is really accociated with finding something called the "Philosopher's Stone" as well as supposedly being able to turn various metals into gold...whether he actually made gold is the debate among the historians...i found that interesting...
never would have found that out had he not been mentioned in the book i was reading..."Map of Bones" by James Rollin...real good mystery about conspiracies surrounding the Catholic Church with medieval undertones...and a treasure hunt too...what could be better?...tis a must read trust me...couldn't put the book down in the past week...
well enough with the advertizing...if only i could've gotten paid for that...i wonder if there's a job out there that pays me to read books...well not just NE books...good awesome would that be?...who needs to go to college when all i do is read books all day?...though i can see how boring that could quickly become... *shrugs* was a thought...
speaking of reading...thanks to all of you reading my story and supporting it...even when i'm having bad thoughts about it...they always say that you're your worse critic...and i am fierce when it comes to my own work...which reminds me...i need to go over a story i'm working on and cut out a lot of things...
ugh!...Big Bro turned up the AC too high again... *shivers* ...if it weren't for the fact that he had layers of fat to get thru i'd turn it down...i'm not trying to be mean or NE thing cuz it's true...Big Bro has grown a little horizontal these past few years...reminds me of a teddy bear...and it's effecting my comfort zone temperature wise...i'm a 5'3" 120lb asian girl...i don't have much natural body insilation...
PS. *sighs* ...where did i put my hoodie?... *hugs to you all*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
| pain...i guess i slept weird last nite or ever have a stiff back when you wake up?...tis what's happening to me...and anyway i sit in this chair hurts my back...ugh!...massage therapist NE one?...
*looks to the left* well at least my goal of finishing my writing projects has...lessened...only six more to go... *sighs* ...only she says...mayhaps i shall put some of these projects on hold...take care of the more important ones...that would only leave...four...meh that didn't help that's gonna focus my scattered brain to the four that's left...
speaking of which...story link up there under "Aftermath"... *points up* ...just follow the arrows in the "Artist's Comments" box to the next chapter...i just love linking... ^-^ ...feel free to re-read "Remembering the Past" needs some loving as well...
PS. what i wouldn't give for a vibrating chair right now... *hugs & kisses*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, June 20, 2005
well...not really getting much feedback on the story...but i guess i'll post another chapter...the sooner i get this over with the sooner i can post other things...then again i need to have other things to post don't i?...NE ways if you're interested...the next chapter of my story can be found here so clicky and enjoy...still not much going on i said it doesn't get good in my opinion until the middle...but that's me...
so mom's taking Elijah Joe to the car hospital today...i'm a little nervous...last time the guys she took it to took advantage of her and over priced...lousy Viet guys...can't even trust your peeps to do you honestly...but hopefully she'll know better this time...she had two guys (friends) take a look at the car yesterday telling her what was wrong with it so she could tell the mechanic...
*shivers* ugh, someone (my brother) turned up the AC too high again... *shivers* ...and it's cold... *go finds pants to put on* ...that's a little better... *finds blanket & wraps it around her like a burrito* ...and that's a lot better... ^-^ ...
PS. will someone keep me warm?... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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