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sitting on a branch of a tree • quietly watching the stars and moon
Member Since
quiet protector of all that is innocent
Real Name
DragonStorm (duh!) • TenTen (not really but I like it) • Tao (lotta pplz call me that) • Empress ^^ (really like the sound of that) • Lienan Knight (copyrighted by me) • other aliases that you don't know of yet *winky*
Anime Fan Since
my first episode of DragonBall at 6:30 in the morning (yeah it was on that early where I'm located)
Favorite Anime
Shaman King • DBZ • Naruto • Digimon • Yu-Gi-Oh! • CardCaptors
to write a good fanfic...and finish it • three writing projects down, sixteen more projects to go (darn those plot bunnies!!!)
anime (of course!) • reading • writing (mostly fanficing) • drawing • hanging out with friends • listening to music • smiling
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Sunday, June 19, 2005 eyes...
you ever read so much one day that your eyes hurt really bad the next?...tis what's happening to me right now... *rubs eyes* didn't help much...must remember to hold book at different distances...i keep forgetting that the eyes can't stay at the same focus for long periods of time...
see i started a really good book yesterday and spent a good three hours reading usually with my attention span i would never had spent all that time reading the book without something else to distract me...but that was a pretty dern good book...only half way thru it though so i guess we all know what i'll be doing today...
hey guess what? birthday's exactly two weeks from today...for some reason i'm excited this year...never used to countdown until the day...well maybe when there was 3 days left...but whatever...i have a good feeling about this year thought...don't know why... *shrugs* ...
well my car Elijah Joe is scheduled to go to the car hospital this point i hope that he dies just to put him (as well as us) out of our hasn't even attempted to drive him since last week...i love that car, there's no doubt about it...but he's turning out to be a really expensive investment...
PS. *pouts*'ll take a miracle to fix Elijah Joe... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, June 18, 2005
ugh...i've come to the conclusion that for the moment...i don't like granted there was a time where i just loved them...back when i was 7...but right now...i just don't have the patience...
see i was doing a favor for one of my mom's friends and trying to install YahooMessenger for them...but there was something wrong with their internet connection...NetZero just wouldn't let me on...something like that is frustrating as i'm sure you guys know...and the while time their three kids were just jumping and arguing and crying...twas aggrivating to say the least...
in the end there was nothing i could do so we left for home...when i got in the car mom asked me if the noise was distracting...and i had to be truthful...i told her that i was this close to turning around and smacking one of them...didn't matter who...course that's just an exaggeration...i could never put my hands on someone else's kids...but it was very tempting to say the least...
so hey...i finally got around to making a button...mostly cuz i found a picture that i really liked...couldn't quite get the sizing down though so i apologize for bad and all that good stuff...
and in case you missed it yesterday...i posted the first chapter to my new can be found up the top of the post under the name "Aftermath"...the name sucks but that's all i could come up with...the other names were just...bleck...
um...still itching like crazy...lotion did nothing to help me in my time of need...just made me more sweaty when mom turned off the AC...i'm hoping that all this itching goes away soon or my legs are gonna be nothing but scratch marks...
PS. *scratch scratch* ...why me?... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, June 17, 2005
thank you muchly...
wow...13 comments for yesterday's post...never had that much before...aww, i feel so loved... ^-^ ...but really my eyes were like O.O! when i saw the number of comments...usually it's only around 6 or 7...thanks guys!...
so...yeah...we'll see how the first chapter of "Aftermath" goes...not as good as "Remembering the Past"...but i really liked the end...i was smiling the whole time i was editing that part...NE wasy it's only a page & a half so not that much is explained about the situations...well clicky here and you'll find out what i mean...hope you find some interest in it...i hate that you have to base your first impression on the first chapter...the good stuff doesn't happen until the middle of the story in my opinion...
so yeah, like i said yesterday...i screwed up in the's actually 16 more days from today...i was jumping the gun there so to bad...
well the snake lady thing is on hold for now...the skin's not peeling...but it itches like hell...someone make it's driving me crazy!!!...maybe some lotion would help...
PS. *scratch scratch* -_-' ...ugh... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, June 16, 2005
most amusing...
wow...someone actually asked me what a BSB girl i feel really know you're old when pplz start questioning who the pplz are that you're talking clarify BSB=Backstreet BSB girl=Backstreet Boys fan that happens to be female...we have that cleared?...ok these days...hehe...
so i wrote this prose a while back that someone said sounded like something Tao Ren would write...after re-reading it i found that she was right...i guess i really am the Tao Empress...but don't take my word for Shaman King fans just clicky here and decide for yourself...
editing report: on page 62 out of 62 (yeah i shaved off that page that was added earlier) other words 100% what do you say?...3 to 4 pages good enough for one chapter?...wouldn't want it to be too long for your reading pleasure...
so i guess i'll start posting it soon...most likely by the end of next week...reminder, it's Lord of the Rings-centric...not sure how i'm gonna do this though cuz it'll be on a different site than the last one...promised some pplz that i'd post this particular story on this particular yeah...we'll see how it goes...might move the other one there too...easier to manage the chapters...that my thinking...course it would mean that i'd have no use for that xanga site NE more...i think the only reason i made it was so i could post the story...hmm...what to do, what to do?...
meanwhile, birthday in 16 days...for present ideas feel free to clicky on my wish list link at the's a long wish list filled with books and what not...can you say book nerd?...but whatever...i love books and proud of it!...if you're curious as to how these presents would get to me just click the link and everything should be explained...tis the magic of the wish list... ^-^
[[ edit ]]
my bad...i miscounted yesterday and it screwed me up for is 17 more days until my 20th birthday...silly me...i guess i wanted it to be here sooner than i thought...
[[ end edit ]]
PS. my sunburn is starting to peel...behold the snake lady...hehe... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
there's no use denying it...i'm a BSB girl...always have been and always will be i'm thinking...yeah i like a boy sue me...they're the only one i will always love...the reason i bring this up is cuz they were on TV yesterday to promote their new CD "Never Gone" coming out...and i was squealing like a 15 year old again during their's a bit sad when you think about it i know...but those are my boys...if i lose cool points for that...then so be it...
moving on...good news stomach pains today...can i get a "HELL YEAH"?... *does happy dance* ...hehe...oh and for those of you who asked...i named my car Elijah Joe...Joe for short...yes i'm a dork for naming my car that's acting a bit sickly...but it's my first car and it's beautiful (symbolically NE ways)...for now until the car hospital can't help it NE more it's my baby boy...and i will love him so...
editing report: doing pretty dern good...i'm on page 57 out of 63 (yeah another page was added) in the editing process...what's that make it now?...90% done?...oh yeah, who rocks?... *winky* ...about six more pages pplz...
meanwhile, while we're still in a counting is 17 more days til my birthday...i'll be turning the big i feel old... *shrugs* ...oh're as old as you feel...hehe, and i get to play with wonder pplz think i'm a pyro... ^-^
PS. *sings like a drunken sailor* "i've got a 12 inch dick and a dozen roses, and a pick-up truck. HUBBA HUBBA HUBBA HEY!"...hehe, don't ask...just smile & nod...maybe laugh if you think it's funny... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
i'm starting to think there's something wrong with me...these stomach pains just won't go away...what's up with that?...this is not cool...but yeah...let's not dwell on that...let's just hope i'm being paranoid (which i tend to be)...
NE i had a strange and yet cool dream...the police were after me... *gasp* ...why they were looking for me?...haven't a clue...but i kicked azz getting away from them...i doubt something like that would happen in real life though...i'm not that cunning to get away from the cops when they have the place surrounded...
so it would seem that something is wrong with my car...again...poor keeps making a weird noise when you step down on the brakes...i hope it doesn't have to make another trip to the car hospital...that would suck...and just when i decided a name for it (yes i named my car, so sue me)...
well on the plus sunburn isn't that bad NE more...just itches every now and fact it's itching now...must not scratch, must not scratch...this is like the chicken pox all over again...hehe...
but aww...i was guys actually care!...and thank you for your well wishes about my lovely sunburn...i think they helped...everything's not as pink as it was yesterday...and when it's gone i shall have a nice tan in it's place (though granted it'll be an uneven one)... ^-^
PS. editing 54 out of 62...basically 87% done...i need to stop slacking off... *hugs reader good-bye* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, June 13, 2005
i'm back!
did you miss me?...i know at least one person, that road trip was fun...what wasn't fun was getting a sunburn... *pouts* ...i hurt all over...but i guess that's what i get for trying to tan without using sunblock...shame on me...course it didn't help that my friend's dog kept smaking my sunburn with his tail...and at one point the dog kicked me...can you say ouch?...under normal circumstances it would've stung...but we're talking about a sunburn here...i was in the bruise to prove it...
so camping out for tickets at the state fair was more fun than i some really pictures of pplz getting drunk...oh the hilarity of wasn't fun when they were keeping us up until 3 in the morning with their partying...but like the saying goes "if you can't beat 'em join 'em"...and no i didn't drink...i just joined the party and watched them make fools of themselves in their drunken state...
then there were these group of teens that just had to ruin it for the rest of us...blasting their music and making a big racket at 5 in the consideration for others...that's ok though...they got their dues when the guy was passing out tickets...only half of them got one cuz they didn't get in their car when they were told too...that should show them not to act like they're God's gift to the world...
but yeah...all's well that ends well...we were only supposed to be out therefrom Friday to Saturday...but when we got there Thursday pplz were already in we got an extra nite of waiting in line...rained for a whole day too so we were stuck in the truck for a while...that was fine & my friend got to catch up on some sleep that we had lost the nite before cuz of those kids and it all worked out...
but right now me tummy's hurting from the italian food we had before we left...methinks i won't be eating italian for a while...well except for stomach can tolerate pizza...
PS. it's so great to be back!... *hugs reader tight* ...i'm in so much pain from the sunburn but who cares!?!?... *hugs reader tightly again* ...I MISSED YOU GUYS!!!...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, June 9, 2005
road trip!...
well ima be gone for a few days you guys...i'm going on a road trip with a friend...she thought that i needed some time way from the house and away from my right she was...
but i won't be able to get on MyO while i'm gone...unless i can find myself a computer with interenet access... *crosses fingers* ...ima miss you guys so much!!!...i'll be back Sunday it won't be long... ^-^ ...
meanwhile...there was a huge thunderstorm last nite...the power kept blinking off and on when i was trying to read my book...i was actually getting mad cuz i was at a good part in the book and i couldn't read NE of it...twas funny actually...
and my fanart is still down there in the fanart section...i'd really like some feedback whether they be good or bad...constructice criticism pplz...if you think i suck then at least tell me why i suck...don't want another incident like last time... -_-' that was interesting...short temper on my part...
but other than all that...there's nothing much to report...i did get to work on my scrapbook for a little bit...i think the last time i even paid any attention to that thing was a few months ago...but i finally found time to put in those concert pictures...lazy me and all that...
well i guess that's it...i'll tell you all about the trip when i get back...that is unless i do find a that case then i'll be telling you about it a lot sooner... *winky* ...
PS. aww... *big hug good-bye* ...i miss you already!!!... *pouts* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
everything feels icky...
i woke up with a stomach ache again... *sighs* ...a girl gets tired of thsi pretty quick...not only that but i had a stuffy nose too...that problem has since gone away...not sure why i had it in the first place...good news is that i'm not cold NE more...cuz me be sittin' in the sun... ^-^ ...bad news is the stomach ache still remains...where's some Tums when you need it?...
so i submitted a fanart that i've been meaning to submit for a little while now...never could remember to do and my scattered brain...NE ways go check it out when you have time...
hehe...upon submitting the fan art i've come to realize one thing...i have two prefered color paletes...shades of black & shades of blue...go figure from the looks of this place... *shrugs* ...don't change what you know is good...
well i think i've made a small dent in my writing projects...i really need to stop slacking off when i'm typing all of them up...i seem to keep getting distracted when i'm sitting here on the computer working on them...dern me and my short attention span...must focus!!!...but i guess the point is that i actually did some writing as opposed to nothing these past few days...
PS. *yawn* time for my coffee... *hugs reader* ...catch you later...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
good times...
didn't do much yesterday...couldn't really do much when we lost power for about two hours for some odd reason...tis one of those unexplainable things...all i know is that i got some reading was hard though cuz my neck was just nothing but on giant pain...
and it waould seem that it's moved to my back...i'm just getting old i guess...hehe, not even twenty and everything's breaking down...i'll be expecting that hip replacement soon (j/k)... *winky* ...
so i got to chat it up with some old friends who i haven't seen since Graduation May cuz she's going to school in Hawaii...and the other...well just cuz i didn't like her back then (she had the tendency to act like other pplz instead of herself) was nice...nothing but nonsense and slap-happy randomness...but still fun...ah, the good old days...
PS. there goes the AC... *looks at arm* ...and here come the goosebumps...time to whip out my's so nice and warm... ^-^
I love Ren & Hao.

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