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sitting on a branch of a tree • quietly watching the stars and moon
Member Since
quiet protector of all that is innocent
Real Name
DragonStorm (duh!) • TenTen (not really but I like it) • Tao (lotta pplz call me that) • Empress ^^ (really like the sound of that) • Lienan Knight (copyrighted by me) • other aliases that you don't know of yet *winky*
Anime Fan Since
my first episode of DragonBall at 6:30 in the morning (yeah it was on that early where I'm located)
Favorite Anime
Shaman King • DBZ • Naruto • Digimon • Yu-Gi-Oh! • CardCaptors
to write a good fanfic...and finish it • three writing projects down, sixteen more projects to go (darn those plot bunnies!!!)
anime (of course!) • reading • writing (mostly fanficing) • drawing • hanging out with friends • listening to music • smiling
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Friday, May 27, 2005
busy day...
so what did you think of the story update yesterday?...what was that? didn't read it?... *pouts* ...then please do...i really want feedback on it...the link is up there so enjoy...
so i got to drive my new car yesterday to Home Depot...after a stop at MicDonald's for some dinner...ran into a pair of really biotchy sistahs at Mickey D's...started cussing me out and yelling profanities at me for no reason...maybe cuz they thought i couldn't understand them...tis what happens sometimes when you're asian...
did my best to ignore them while i did my thing...i wanted to just turn around and give 'em the finger...but i didn't feel like getting into road rage before i got my license...and you wonder why i don't like pplz much (most MyOtaku members know i love you guys!!!)...
man i had a weird dream last was like i was in some sci-fi movie or something...i was in a small town...but apparently it had an extremely large and fancy-like theater (reminded me more like a mega-mall with like 50 floors)...and everyone was running away from this monster/serial killer (the bad guy was never really revealed...we just kept running around the place)...weird...
well i have a busy day's taking me around the city for a bit while the exterminators come and do their thing...she was invited to a BBQ and she decided to take me along with her...we might be going shopping too...another mother/daughter day...let's hope that this one ends on a pleasant note...we're leaving early so hopefully i'll be able to comment on your sites this afternoon...if not then i sincerely apologize...gomen nasai (i hope i spelled that's been a while since i tried typing what little Japanese i know)...
PS. my arm feels weird...NE ways... *hugs* ...i love hugs so much!!!... ^-^
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, May 26, 2005
my hands...they shake...
alright...let's get to the point...those of you who read the last part of my story have been anticipating this without further is the link that will change everything...i hope that you all enjoy this part of the story expecially...a little suggestion: you might wanna have a tissue at hand...but that's just my thinking...
ok...moving on...Big Bro left for Cali yesterday...he's staying there with a friend for a little while so basially i'll be at the house all by my lonesome for a week or so...and man does it feel family's starting to get on my nerves...too much together time if you asked me...
so i'm not so cold today...might be cuz the blinds are open and the sun's shining right on hair looks like it's glowing...coolness...yay for natural highlights...
and thanks to all of you for the comforting comments from yesterday's post...and the hugs too (you know i love em)...they were much appreciated...arigatou...
 | You scored as Peter Pan. Your alter ego is Peter Pan. You are a child at heart. Anything you believe is possible, and you never want to grow up.
Peter Pan | | 69% | Sleeping Beauty | | 63% | Goofy | | 56% | Ariel | | 50% | Cinderella | | 50% | The Beast | | 50% | Donald Duck | | 44% | Cruella De Ville | | 44% | Pinocchio | | 44% | Snow White | | 31% |
Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego? created with |
coolness!...woot woot for never growing up!!!... ^-^
PS. *holds out hands to readers* can i get a hug good-bye? likes hugs bunches... *smiles with dimples*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
wanna read the next part of the story?...well too bad...i won't be updating it until tomorrow...ain't i just a stinker? the meantime if you haven't read the update from two days ago the link is up there...enjoy!... friend's graduation was yesterday...wasn't even would think he'd known i wanted to see him walk across the stage... *sighs* ...but like i said to MamaBear last nite when i was talking to her on AIM..."i need to stop letting him get to me"'s heartbreaking and stressful...i'm getting tired of it...
NE it...NE one have a lighter note i can use to change the subject? crap... *hangs head* ...
 | You scored as Crying Eye. You are the crying eye. You are very sad and look on the negative side of things. Crying seems to be a natural state.
Crying Eye | | 70% | Starry Eye | | 50% | Hurt Eye | | 40% | Angry Eye | | 30% | Dramatic Eye | | 30% | Sexy Eye | | 10% |
What eye are you (Beautiful Pics) created with | appropriate for my mood...don't worry...i'll be my upbeat self in no time...i could use a hug though...i love hugs...hehe...right now i'm just cold cuz the AC's on again... *holds hands out to you* ...NE one wanna keep me warm?...
PS. *snuggles up to whoever wants to keep me warm* ^-^
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
*rocks to techno music*
hehe...i'm so asian... *still rocking to techno music* did you read the story update yesterday? didn't?...well that's no good...the link is up there if you wanna read it...enjoy!...
as for those of you who did read...what did you think?...NE one freak out like i did when i was writing it?...or am i just a big sissy?...
so yesterday was nice...all was quiet and i actually got to chillax for a bit...then i realized that i had several mosquito bites that were driving me crazy...not fun...
but i guess a little story writing and editing did well to distract me for a while...writing six different stories at the same time will do that to you...if you think that's a lot of writing projects for one person to do at one time then i agree with you...blame my ADD-like attention span and extremely big imagination for that one...then again i wouldn't have it NE other way...
 | You scored as Lonely. You have a lonely soul. You are strong, and confident, and you are quite independent; though you have grown to mistrust people and seek sanctuary within yourself and activities like music, reading and art.
Lonely | | 67% | Strong | | 54% | Artsy | | 54% | Attention whore | | 46% | Apathetic | | 33% |
What does your soul look like? created with |
*sings* ..."lonely, i'm so lonely, i have no body to call my own"...hehe...i'm having way too much fun this early in the morning...and i'm still cold... *wraps blanket tightly around her*
PS. *rock to more techno to try to keep warm*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, May 23, 2005
man it's cold in the house...dern my Big Bro and his love of the AC!...i am SO gonna cough on his drink if i get sick from this...hehe...not like it would be the first time i've done it...yeah, i know...i'm an evil lil asian girl...
so get my mind off of the freezing temps in my house...story update!...if you would be so kind as to click right here so that you may read on...i predict about two "chapters" are left before it shall be done...the next one being the hardest one i had to write...and yet it was one of the first parts i wrote...all along i knew how i wanted to end the story...i was just afraid to write it...but NE ways enjoy!...hope you don't freak out like i did...
so still no Home Depot or Sam's Club...maybe she gave up on she's going downtown to pick up a license plate for the saddens me that i can't have my special plate until i have the money to get it myself... *pouts* ...but i guess i can wait...patiences is a virtue... ^-^
PS. *sits at computer wrapped in a blanket* *shiver*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, May 22, 2005
*jumps with joy*
*draws heart around link* haven't read the story update from two days ago?...but it's so nice...and again i say it's close to the end... *pouts* ...sad to see it end...but all things must come to it eventually...
did some yard work yesterday...there were a lot of tree branches in the back yard and mom was having a friend pick them up and take them to some place to despose of them properly...Oniichan went with her to make sure they found the place...watched "The Fellowship of the Ring" while they were gone...yeah i watched the third part last week only to watch the first part this week...i'm weird like that... ^-^
so guess what you guys?...i have a & Oniichan went to go look at it Thursday and they brought it home yesterday after taking the tree branches to that one place...dark green four door 95 Honda Accord...i've been giddy ever since... *sighs contently* very first car...more motivation to get that damn license...
i'll have to wait to get a custom wants me to wait until i get better at driving...and until i have my own money to get the plate...i hope the plate i want isn't taken when i am able to get it...i shall be sad if it is...
so with all that was going on no go to Home Depot or Sam's i'm guessing mom's gonna have me drive there today...oh joy (not)...but with NE luck maybe i can convince my mom to let me take my new car... *crosses fingers*'s hoping!!!...
PS. time for my morning coffee (like i need more sugar)...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, May 21, 2005
*little butterflies flying around link* you no read story update yesterday?... *pouts* ...but there's only five pages left of it...we're getting to the hardest part i had to write...and believe me it was hard...i started thinking "OMG, OMG" in the middle of writing it...
so nothing eventful least i don't think so...nothing that i know's having me drive to Home Depot and Sam's Club today...that's about things are getting i guess...a quiz would be a nice filler...
 You like the sweet, shy type. What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
aww...i don't know how well a shy guy would work for me though...since i'm shy too...that is gonna be one quite dinner...i think i'll go with one a little more outgoing...but that's an adorable picture don't you think?...
PS. it's coffee day!... ^-^
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, May 20, 2005
first and foremost...i would like to say congradulations to has been exactly one year today that she signed my guestbook and added me as a friend...i commend you for staying with me this long...i'm one crazy asian girl and have scared away many of pplz...congrats again!...
and a Happy Birthday to Masao Shinamuri who turns 15 today...and to oblivian who turns 14, that makes me feel old...NE ways wish them a happy birthday you guys...
in keeping with the celebration (and apparently the linking too)'s time for a story update!!! if you click here you will find yourself in the next installment of me and enjoy as always!... ^-^
so mom had me drive Price Choppers and then to Walgreens...found i need to work on parking's a good thing that those places weren't packed and mom had be park away from the other cars...looks like i got some things to work on in the parking lot department...
and to tell you the truth i was a little scared to drive with mom today cuz she came home in a really foul mood...something happened at work i guess...but i did a good job so she didn't chew my head off like i thought she would...i think there was only one mistake and it involved a really hard left turn...not necessarily a U-turn...more like a V-turn...but i did good all the same...aren't you guys proud of me?...
OMG...season finale of "ER"...that was freakin' awesome...that's all i have to say...those interns kick azz...and the lil speech Noah Wyle's character "Dr. Carter" gave to the interns before he left for good...that was a moment to remember...i smile at the thought... ^-^
PS. hm...what sounds good for breakfast?...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, May 19, 2005
new stuff...
story update soon to the meantime click the link up there *points up* to catch up on stuff you's almost coming to an end pplz...
NE ways...i submitted some new Shaman King and one click the link provided down there at the bottom of the page...and check them out please...not really all that happy with the Shaman King one...but i was trying something a way it works i guess...hope you can read what it says...
so a friend came over the house for a little visit last nite...came right after work and stayed for about an was fun...though all we talked about was the show we were watching "Lost"...two hour season finale next week...
as for today...Dr. Carver's leaving on "ER"...missed the show last week cuz of the concert...knew i should've taped it...oh was well worth missing "ER" to go to that Chris Cagle concert...
so i didn't drive yesterday...just wasn't in the mood you know?...but of course my mom decides to biotch at me about it for an hour or two...had a headache by the time she was done...i know she means well and i love her to death...but mom is starting to get on my last nerves...there is such a thing as too much mother-daughter time...
PS. that too much to ask?
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
*looks up* no read story update yesterday?... *pouts* ...pweeze click on link up there and's vewy good... *smiles with dimples* (yes i have dimples)...
so mom had me drive to the asian market again...she said that i did better driving yesterday than i did Monday...yeah Monday was a bad driving day for me...but i guess i made up for it...i still hate driving but at least i'm getting better at it... *sighs* ...i need to work on left turns...
speaking of dice on the car...Oniichan said that it was a bad deal for the car we wanted so mom took back her $20 deposit on it...oh biggie to was a nice lil least i think so...but what do i know about cars?...i think Oniichan can find better ones though so i'll just leave that to him...
she has a cool outfit don't you think?...and is that a scar on her arm and face or is it just some tribal paint?...questions to ponder...
PS. yay, it's not cold!!!...but my back hurts...NE one wanna give me a massage?...i'd love you even more...
I love Ren & Hao.

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