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sitting on a branch of a tree • quietly watching the stars and moon
Member Since
quiet protector of all that is innocent
Real Name
DragonStorm (duh!) • TenTen (not really but I like it) • Tao (lotta pplz call me that) • Empress ^^ (really like the sound of that) • Lienan Knight (copyrighted by me) • other aliases that you don't know of yet *winky*
Anime Fan Since
my first episode of DragonBall at 6:30 in the morning (yeah it was on that early where I'm located)
Favorite Anime
Shaman King • DBZ • Naruto • Digimon • Yu-Gi-Oh! • CardCaptors
to write a good fanfic...and finish it • three writing projects down, sixteen more projects to go (darn those plot bunnies!!!)
anime (of course!) • reading • writing (mostly fanficing) • drawing • hanging out with friends • listening to music • smiling
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
it lives!!!...
*does the happy dance* my phone arises again!!!...yay!!! would seem that the problem with my phone wasn't the phone itself but the i got me a new charger and my phone is up and running again!... *does more of the happy dance* ...
and the joy just keeps on coming...cuz guess what?'s story update day!!! if you would be so kind as to click here you will be able to read the next part of the story...if you missed the part before then just go to the home page and scroll down below the top entry...
so after we got a new charger for my stopped by this place to look at a car that she was thinking of getting for me...there's a big chance that she won't buy it though...oh well no biggie...a lot of cars were honking at me as they drove by when i was pacing back and forth waiting for my mom matter how many times it happens it still surprises me that cars would honk at me... *shakes head in disbelief* ...
so the house isn't cold today...cheers for that...but i'm having bad stomach for that...something out there doesn't want me to be happy for long... *pouts* ...
PS. oh, i spoke too soon... *shivers* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, May 16, 2005
*looks aroud for something to write with* uh... *finds lipstick and uses it to circle link* no read last update on story yet?...aww you make me cry... *tear* ...but no worries...just clicky up there and you'll be fine!...
so nothing much happened yesterday...just watched "Return of the King"...haven't watched those movies in a while...and i was finally able to cry at the end...cuz there was no one there to make fun of me when i did (namely my Big Bro)...twas reminded of how much i love that trilogy... *sighs contently* ...
*shivers* was also extremely cold yesterday...i had to spend the whole day in my sweats and my fact it's cold right hands are icicles... *shivers* ...this might be a good time to make some hot coco...NE one else want one too?...i'll go burn some books and make a fire... ^-^ ...
PS. *tummy grumbles* yeah i'll feed you too...wonder what's in the fridge...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, May 15, 2005
boredom and the results of it...
*bright flashing strobe lights around link* didn't read the story update yesterday?...aww you make me sad... *pouts* ...never fear! is up there!...clicky and enjoy!... ^-^
so my friend came over yesterday to drop off the pictures from the Gary Allan concert...most of those turned out awesome...all of them were pretty clear for a disposable camera...she only had single prints of the Chris Cagle concert so i no get to keepy them... *pouts* ...but they were clear and pretty good, those concerts were fun...
she stayed a bit to kill time...and it was fine at first...then we started to get bored...oh the fun one has when they get bored...she found my stash of dice (not really a stash but it sounds more stupid that way) and she just started rolling them...and so did i...and as i predicted we turned it into some kind of game...killed about two hours until she had to go home...
cheered me up and made me forget about all the crap that happened this week for a little while...can you imagine us sharing an apartment together?...all you'll hear is dice rolling from that game we made up or hands smacking hands from playing hand smack...then again you'll never know what other games we would make up when we got bored...
PS. boredom can be awesome sometimes don't you think?...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, May 14, 2005
um...hehe, i don't need to wait for my friend to tell me (read last post to understand what i'm talking about)...cuz i asked him about it when he didn't say NE those of you who told me to wait until he was ready to tell me...good advice but if i had waited for him to be ready i would've never been told...i know him well enough...if he didn't tell me when i asked "are you sure there's nothing else you need to tell me?" then he would've never said anything about it...
he said that it was a sensitive subject and he felt the whole situation of telling me would've been uncomfortable...maybe for him...he needs to learn how to stop worrying about how i would react and treat me like the friend i thought i was to don't keep something like this from a friend no matter what the situation...him doing what he did is like him spitting on our friendship or something...
and apparently my feelings about this are starting to show thru the mask that i put up...yesterday my mom asked if i was sick or something cuz i "looked so sad" normally my mom's not a very perceptive person when it comes to my emotions...but you know it's bad when she can tell i'm not having a good day...that's scary...
this is what happens when you try to stay best friends with your ex... *sighs* the fact that his new girl hates my guts for the pure fact that i was his ex...not a good enough reason for me to not liking NE one...but that's enough of that...i could go on and on about this but i'm sure you guys don't wanna hear about it...i apologize for complaining about it so much...moving on...
now here is what you really want...and update on the story...yeah you know it always brighten up my day to read comments on my story...good or bad as long as i know that pplz are reading please click here and read on...i hope that all who read it enjoy it very much...the story's almost finished so there's no that much left to read...happy reading!!!...
PS. again i apologize for biotching about my problems... *bows head in shame* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, May 13, 2005
so many emotions today...
*whips out sharpie* ...should i?...why not?... *circles link with sharpie* no read update yet? right up there... *smiles* ...
well first and foremost i'd like to say a somber Happy Birthday to my sister Ngoc Thu Nhan born and died May 13, 1982...she would've been 23 today...a beautiful grown woman...even though i never knew her i still miss her...always watch over us sis... *tear* ...
well...moving on...yesterday was busy...and really filled with a lot of emotion...remember my friend who neglected to tell me something and i had to find out from a third party...yeah i went to see him yesterday...and i gave him every chance to tell came to a point where i kept asking him "are you sure there's nothing else you need to tell me?"...and of course he failed to say anything about it...he DIDN'T have the guts to say it to my have no idea how much that hurt me... *sad face* ...
you should've seen his face when i called him out on it was one of those "oh shiet she's gonna kick my ass" kind of faces...i would've laughed if i weren't so hurt by him...he's supposed to be my best guy friend and he can't tell me something as simple as that?...i had to find out from someone else who has no business finding out before me?... *tears* ...
*sniffle* ...NE ways it was nice visiting my old high school...found out that i was missed more than i thought i feels good to be missed...means someone actually cares about you...and lately i haven't been feeling a lot of love...well, aside from you guys of course... *winky* ...
now on to the'll be happy to hear that there was only one incident with a drunk person...but it wasn't that bad...he just didn't know the meaning of personal space for a moment...dude was all up in my azz for a while there...but the concert was a blast...Chris Cagle has a lot of energy which is awesome...i had a lot of fun...even got a few waves and a hat tip from Chris Cagle...i still find it funny that i was the only asian girl at a country concert...ima be known throughout the country artists as "The Lil Asian Girl in the Crowd"...hehe...
afterwards when the concert was and my friend went outside to find out that it was what did we do?...we ran out and played in the rain before getting in the truck...that was awesome...
PS. aside from the little thing with my friend... *tear* was a good day...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, May 12, 2005
weird dream...
*lazer pointer circles link* missed the update yesterday?...aww that's so sad... *sad face* ...well the link is up there if you want to catch up...enjoy!...
so NE ways, i had a weird dream...this bird thought that i was it's mama i guess...and it kept flying into my arms every time i tried to shoo it away...there was another part of the dream...but i can't remember...i guess the bird thing was too strange for me to forget...go was a cute lil thing though... ^-^
so guess what?...i'm going to another country concert tonite...and it's gonna be at the same bar it was the last time i went... -_-' ...this should be interesting...maybe it won't be so bad this time since it's a's hoping...lil me back in that bar...oh geez...pray for my safety guys...
i'm gonna be going to visit my old high school today too...cuz as much as i said i hated that wasn't so bad...had a lot of memories there... *daydreams* ...oh!...sorry...lost me for a minute there...
by the way, new banner/name thingie in the header...tis what happens when i get bored and start messing around with the photo editing program... *sighs contently* ...i could just stare at those eyes forever... ^-^
*shivers* stupid AC...well at least my hands aren't icicles...yet...ah the magic of lotion...too bad it's not keeping the goosebumps from forming on my arms... *shivers*
PS. hot coco in the spring...who would've thought?... *winky*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
*tummy grumbles*
i guess i should eat something before my stomach starts eating itself...
so...not much to report...Big Bro turned on the air conditioner last nite so it's nice and cool here...just waiting for it to become freezing...big bro has a tendency to turn on the AC a little too fingers are already ice cold...
NE ways...i know one way to beat the summer heat (and the AC cold) update on the story!!!...please click here and you will be transported to the world of that sounded always happy reading... ^-^
PS. i wonder what my tummy wants for breakfast...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
*sad face*
*flashing neon lights* link is still up there if you missed the story update on Sunday... ^-^
if it's not one thing it's another...the good news is that the stomach ache is gone...the bad news is that it was replaced by neck and's like i said a while body is just falling apart...either that or i'm just having a bad week...
but Okaasan made it a little better yesterday...she made pizza...and cut it with scissors again...makes me laugh everytime i think of that...we watched "Friday Night Lights" that my Oniichan rented...not so bad but i don't think Okaasan understood the main premise of the movie...she still watched it though despite the fact that she doesn't understand football...i say good for her!...
well i think i'll go take some aspirin for this headache before it gets NE for the neck pain...NE one wanna give my neck a massage?...i'll love you forever...well i'd love you NE ways but still...
PS. i can take it...bring on the pain!!!... *bumps foot on desk* ...ouch... *pouts*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, May 9, 2005
ugh! tummy...
i think i ate some bad pasta yesterday...cuz my stomach feels like it's been run over by a semi... *pouts* ...
well if you missed my update on the story yesterday...shame on you!...hehe, just kidding...the link is still up there so just click and enjoy...
yesterday was fun despite the painful outcome of it...Oniichan took us to this italian restaraunt called Zio's for mother's day...had to wait an hour to get a table...that's not fun when you're wearing three inch heels...but i guess i felt weird being almost as tall as my Oniichan...
the meal itself was's Chicken Alfredo wasn't as good as i thought it was...but my dish was very nice...though i think i've had enough pasta for a while...i found that i don't like italian food all that much...oh and learn...
PS. *rubs tummy* make the pain go away... *pouts* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, May 8, 2005
meh...been sneezing all in the world do i get sick sitting on my butt all day?...nevermind...
yesterday was amusing...i was flipping the channel back and forth between NASCAR and "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"...good movie...i had forgotten most of the stuff that was in that movie...and i still don't know who won the race at Darlington, SC...NE one know?...
saw previews for the new movie coming out in November "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"...looks to be promising...i wouldn't know cuz i'm one of the few pplz who hasn't read a single book of the series...been meaning to though...can't really help it when you're broke and don't have the time to read NE more...but can't wait to see the movie when it comes out!...
well NE ways...time to bring out party favor number four...if you would be so kind as to click here you'll find an update to the and enjoy!...
PS. *sniff* where's my tissue?...
I love Ren & Hao.

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