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sitting on a branch of a tree • quietly watching the stars and moon
Member Since
quiet protector of all that is innocent
Real Name
DragonStorm (duh!) • TenTen (not really but I like it) • Tao (lotta pplz call me that) • Empress ^^ (really like the sound of that) • Lienan Knight (copyrighted by me) • other aliases that you don't know of yet *winky*
Anime Fan Since
my first episode of DragonBall at 6:30 in the morning (yeah it was on that early where I'm located)
Favorite Anime
Shaman King • DBZ • Naruto • Digimon • Yu-Gi-Oh! • CardCaptors
to write a good fanfic...and finish it • three writing projects down, sixteen more projects to go (darn those plot bunnies!!!)
anime (of course!) • reading • writing (mostly fanficing) • drawing • hanging out with friends • listening to music • smiling
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
break time...
*Christmas lights around link light up* aww...isn't that pretty?...but yeah if you missed the last update just clicky up there...enjoy!...
*takes sip of coffee* ah, bestest least in the morning...couldn't get up without it... *looks around* ...well it looks like pplz are still clunked out from the party last nite...good for them...they'll be well rested when the party continues tonite!... ^-^
so Okaasan made me drive to the asian market yesterday...that almost gave me a heartattack...i'm telling you guys i just hate driving...but once i get my license maybe she'll get off my back about it...
but i shouldn't be saying anything cuz my Okaasan got injured yesterday... *pouts* ...her wee lil pinkie got sliced by shards from a glass candy jar that broke...must've been bleeding for at least 5 minutes...
two's pretty deep and hurts too much to put some Neosporin on it...the other one's not so deep...i can tell already that they're gonna leave scars...i was worried...for a while we didn't think that it would stop bleeding... *sad face* ...but i think she's ok now...
PS. we still haven't played Twister, have we?...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, May 6, 2005
good spirits...
*skates circles around link* missed the story update yesterday?...don't worry...just click up there and you can read...hope you like...enjoy!...
and thanks to all of you who liked my new wallpaper...comments of NE kind make me happy... *big grin* ...
attention ladies and gentlemen...the book burning will begin in a few moments...i repeat the book burning will begin in a few who wants to go burn some school books with me?...i know i see a hand out there somewhere... ^-^
so mom made me eat noodles with chopsticks...just to see if i could do it cuz she's never seen me do it...sure i'm an Asian girl...but i'm an American-raised Asian girl...i'd rather use a spoon or much easier...
but i used chopsticks just to please her...and proved that i could do it... *smiles* ...but now that i have, i'm starting to like using chopsticks...though the ones she gave me to use were kinda long for my tiny hands... *shrugs* ...
watched the movie "Sweet Home Alabama" on ABC last nite too...good movie...then it was off to watch my "ER"... *sighs* would think with all the doctor shows i watch that i'd become one... *shakes head* ...i don't think so...
PS. *skates around the room* woo-hoo!..."sweet home alabama, where the skies are blue!!!"
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, May 5, 2005
party favors...
ugh! head hurts...and my tummy for that matter... *sighs* ...too much partying? that gonna stop me?...probably WITH THE PARTY!!!... *jolt of pain in stomach* ...ouch!...
and what's a party without party favors? click here for party favor number one...that's right, it's an update on the story so read and enjoy!...
as for party favors number two and on the wallpaper link at the bottom...yeah i've got two new wallpapers check them out and party on!!!...comments welcomed and loved!!!...
*skates around with a pillow tied to her fanny* so let's see...we've got music...we've got brownies...we've got an appearing and disappearing punch bowl...we've got a fresh lobster snapping at pplz...we've got tacos... *slips and falls on pillow covered bum* ...and you thought i wore this to look dumb... *winky* ...are we missing NE thing else?...
PS. it's fun being silly... ^-^
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
party hardy...
*strings glow sticks around link* yeah you know the on...
yeah the party's still going...why?...cuz i survived my first year of college...and i'm not going back for another 3 months!...oh yeah!...and who doesn't like a good party that lasts for a few days?...i sure do... ^-^
*skates around on roller blades* and Akayo Kanachi...don't run away...that didn't mess up the party...if anything it just gave us something to remember it by...laugh it off buddy!...we all do things that embarrass us... *slips and falls on her bumm & starts rolling like a tortilla* ...ouch!... *rubs bruised bum* ...see what i mean?...
but i have to ask...where did the punch bowl come from?...none of the guests brought it and i don't think i did either... O.O? a mystery...the Mystery of the Appearing Punch Bowl... *looks around* ...hey!...where did it go?...Appearing and Disappearing Punch Bowl!!!...
ok so we got music and you guys know that doesn't make a party...come on pplz get into the it a end of school party for all of us (even though i know that all of us aren't out of school yet)...let loose pplz!...a game of Twister will start momentarily so limber up!... *winky*
PS. thank you for indulging into my delusions...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
oh happy day!...
*points up* missed the story update yesterday?...follow the link up there and you'll be caught up!... ^-^ ...
*sings* my finals are finals are done... *does happy dance* more school for a good three months!!!... can i get a "WOO-HOO!!!"...oh yeah!...
and that paper that i wrote in a week when i was supposed to spend all semester working on? an A on that bad boy! much do i rock?...
who wants to celebrate with me?..."I DO, I DO"...then let's get this party started!!!...and let's do it right!...YYYEEEAAAHHH!!!...
first thing i did to celebrate?...printed off 99 pages of manga on the school's printer...can i get a "HELL YEAH!!!"...serves them right for giving me a million papers to do in a short amount of time...would print out one more to make it an even 100 but i don't have NE thing else to print out... *thinks* ...oh well... *shrugs* ...
PS. i love you guys for putting up with me and my ways... ^-^
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, May 2, 2005
I hate finals...
well i'm here at school waiting to take my final in about 4 hours...why am i here so early?...cuz i have printing to do...if they're gonna give us so many pages a week to print out stuff and i've only have one day this week to do it then ima use those $15...
NE ways to take the tension off of finals i have a surprise for you all...yes it's an update on the story!!!... *cheers* clicky here to find it...and as always enjoy!...
by the way check out the wallpapers and fanart if you haven't already...many thanks to all those who have...i love you!!!... ^-^
PS. it's cold... *shivers* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, May 1, 2005
winding down and feeling the pain...
*jumps & points up* link still up there! if you missed the update the other day... ^-^
so despite all the drunk and anoying pplz...i wouldn't mind going back to that was actually fun when someone wasn't getting on my nerves or pissing off my friend that i went with (did you really think i'd go to a concert in a bar by myself?)...i'd go back and do it again...
but man was i sore wasn't as bad as i thought it would be but still...i don't think i'll be standing for long periods of time...and it looks like my tummy is joining in on the "fun"...isn't that great?...
but comments on my new wallpapers... *sad face* ...but i really like them...well the one with Yoh and Ren NE of my best works if i do say so myself...speaking of owrks...submitted a fanart so please check that out too... ^-^
OMG!!!...saw the "season finale" of Shaman King...i knew Lyserg was gonna throw his guardian away...but i didn't think he'd be so mean about it...poor Morphin (Chloe in American Dub)...all so he could have an archangel...poor Lyserg...clouded by hate... *tear* ...
PS. time to take some pain killers...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, April 30, 2005
Gary Allan...
*points up* updated yesterday so if you missed it just click up there...moving on...
my ears...they bleed!!!...ok, not really but they're bothering me...who would've thought a country concert would be so loud?...but it was fun so it's all good...Gary Allan's pretty good and i managed to make him do a double-take when he spotted me in a sea of "rednecks" as MamaBear puts it...too bad i didn't see him when he did a double-take...that would've been priceless...methinks i'm his favorite azn girl...not really but it's funny to think about...hehe...
the bad part about the concert (aside from the ringing ears and muffled hearing) was the fact that it was in a bar where a lot of drunk pplz got plastered like an hour before Gary even got on...that was not fun...especially when they kept pushing me out of the way to get in front (the two of us were in the third row...i guess cuz there weren't actually rows as there was standing room)...
everyone had to be taller than me and easily pushed me aside...for a few minutes i got stuck behind this tall guy...kinda like sitting behind a pillar during a play or unfair is that?'s not my fault that i was so short...
i accidentally got burnt by this lady's cigerette too cuz she was too drunk to pay attention to where the lit part poor pinkie! was that chick plastered!!!...and annoying...then there was the lady that wanted to deck MamaBear cuz she was having eye sex with Gary Allan...if you're confused by that statement, ask me and i'll explain...
and i've come to the realization that no matter how late i've stayed up and whether i have school or not...i'm still gonna wake up early in the morning...which sucks...cuz then it means that "sleeping in" is not part of my vocabulary...which isn't fair...but oh well...i think i'm still a little wired from the concert so it's all good...i got two guitar picks outta it...
and despite how busy i was getting ready for the concert i still had time to push out two more wallpapers so check those out when you get the chance...comments are welcomed and loved!!...i'm just a busy bee aren't i?...
PS. ack! hurts to sneeze... *sad face*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, April 29, 2005
it's about 7:00 in the morning...why am i up when there's no school?...that's a good body is stubborn and won't go back to sleep so here i am...isn't that great?... *glares* ...
NE ways... *sings* ...I'VE GOT NO MORE ESSAYS...I'VE GOT NO MORE ESSAYS... *does her happy dance* ...yeah i know...i'm dork...ignore my tired's a scary sight, trust me...
meanwhile, i think my cell phone's dying...for some reason when i hook it up to thecharger it won't charge the battery...Oniichan thinks it's cuz the battery's dead but i think something's wrong with the phone...dern it! every piece of electronic against me?!?!?!...
NE ways, if you got past all of that and are still reading this...then i praise you...a lesser person would've left already...and for that kind of patience you deserve a reward! if you would so kindly click here and claim your prize of one updated story...thank you very much and come again...oh, and happy reading!... ^-^
i'll try to get back on later and check on the updaters before i go to the concert tonite cuz no one's updated yet but me...cuz no one's awake but to the silence...kinda nice actually...i'll tell you how the concert went tomorrow...
PS. i act funny when i'm tired and hyper...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, April 28, 2005
so hectic...
well i have about one hour to finish on those essays...what do you think: six out of nine essays done within two days...pretty good?...let's see if i can crank out another one before it's time to turn it in shall we? the way i love you all for your support!... ^-^
on a lighter note, no school for me tomorrow!!!...yay!!!...
come Tuesday i will be done with all of this and i'll finally have time to work on my lovely story...because i shall be on SUMMER VACATION!!!... *jumps & cheers*
[[ edit ]]
papers turned in and done with...i did manage to crank out one i guess the score would be seven essays within two, no wonder my head hurts...
now there's only that Sociology take home final that i have to take care of...but that shouldn't be hard cuz it's only due Tuesday and it's only 10 short answers...a nice breather after all those mind blowing essays...
[[ end edit ]]
PS. ack! my brain! hurts!...
I love Ren & Hao.

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