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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
the point?...
link up there if you missed the update yesterday...glad all of you are liking it so far...my first completed work and everyone seems to like it...oh, the happiness!... ^-^
but NE ways...it would seem that it was a little pointless for me to come to school today cuz all we're doing is taking teacher evaluations...which only takes about 5 minutes...
oh well...at least i get to go hang out with some friends after school...that should be fun...
by the way thanks for the comments on my wallpapers...i greatly appreciated it!...you guys make me smile... ^-^
PS. two essays down...six more to go... *sad face*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
feeling loved!!!...
you guys never fail me when i'm not feeling so well...and for that i'm feeling very thankful...no wonder i love you guys so much!!!...
so NE ways as a nice little reward for all your kindness and love... click here to read the next part of the story...last time i killed someone off...how much worse could it get?...read to find out...and as always happy reading everyone... ^-^ ...
can you believe it?...i only have a week left of school...and i know it's gonna be the week from hell...you know those nine essays that are due this week?...i've only managed to do one...and it's not even that good in my opinon...sucks i know...me thinks my brain took an early vacation...perfect timing huh?... *pouts* ...
PS. eight essays in two days?...can it be done?...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, April 25, 2005
my head hurts...
first of all i'm glad you guys liked the wallpaper...and those of you who haven't seen them go check them out...but aww...no comments (ok i got two)...
i seem to have lots of praises for my Ren wallpaper...but he's just so dern cute in that one i couldn't blame you guys...
now then...MY HEAD FEELS LIKE IT WAS RAMMED INTO A WALL...i knew i should've took that aspirin this morning...might've helped during class...
kept dozing off in the middle of the teacher's lecture which wasn't good cuz she was talking about what was gonna be on the final...but class is over so i don't have to worry about that...
PS. i think i'll go home now and take a nap...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, April 24, 2005
guess what?...wallpapers done and submitted...all five of them...yes, that's right, FIVE (four Naruto and one Shaman King)...photo editing programs are so awesome!...
like the profile says i don't know that much about Naruto but i'm starting to like it...and forgive me if you don't agree with the pairing that i portrayed in one of the wallpapers...i just thought that even the tough girl deserves a chance you know?...
NE ways enjoy and i hope you like...keep in mind it was my first time making wallpapers...oh!...and comment too please?...
PS. oh, by the way, read the story if you missed the update yesterday... ^-^
I love Ren & Hao.

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an author's decision...
*slaps metal pointer to link* if you missed the story update yesterday the link is up there as always...enjoy reading it!...
now i realize that some of you are a little peeved at me for writing what i did (it's hard to discuss it without ruining it for those who haven't read)...but it was my choice...to be honest i hadn't planned on doing that when i started writing...but it just ended up that way...tis how things go... *shrugs* ...
still no wallpaper yet my dears...DragonStorm's been a very busy girl...especially yesterday...Okaasan wanted me to go with her to buy some bags of soil and fertilizer...man those things are heavy...imagine two little asian women carrying 5 bags of that stuff...that wasn't fun...
got some takeout from the Viet Cafe and rolled home to eat...when we were done with dinner Okaasan says she wants to go to the mall...now i have nothing against that but it was a little late to be going to the mall (a little after 5 to be exact)...but we went NE ways...didn't stay long of course...only went into i think 3 stores...oh well, maybe next time...
PS. ugh!...i need coffee...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, April 23, 2005
well...no wallpaper yet...gotta do some minor changes and rearranging first...but i do have something that i'm sure will make up for it...if you click here then you will find the next part of my story!...enjoy all you who read...
meanwhile it's back to working on those wallpapers...yes i said "those wallpapers"...i'm making this into a nice little multi-project...isn't that great?...
PS. i know i shouldn't be bias to one color when making the backgrounds...but blue looks so nice with everything!!!...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, April 22, 2005
wind and rain...
*shivers* i'm cold and i'm wet...playing in the rain is one thing...but it's no fun when there's a lot of wind... *shivers some more*
other than that it's been a nice day...it was fun walking in the rain when i was going to school (i walk to school in case you guys didn't know)...but when i got out of class it was so windy and it was still sprinkling like it was before so it just made me cold...so i think ima stay in the nice warm school for a bit and see if the wind doesn't let up a bit...
meanwhile i think i have an idea about a wallpaper...now those of you who've been my buddy for a while know that i usually just draw...so it's gotta be special if i'm thinking of making a wallpaper...it shall be my first one if i ever get around to it...so we'll see where that goes this weekend...
PS. wind, go away!!!...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, April 21, 2005
hot day...
as always the lovely link can be found above *points up* in case you missed the update yesterday...i hope that all you guys who are reading it are enjoying it... ^-^
well i'm still having problems with the comment box on my computer at home...but luckily i'm at school right now so i'll be commenting to all of you who've updated so far...
but guess what guys?...i finished the big research paper that i've been spending all week doing...now i just have a few little essays to do...after the research paper these should be a piece of cake...yay to me!...
PS. i so sweaty...where's the ice water when you need it?...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
share a story, share a story...
*looks at subject* that's what i get for watching PBS when there's nothing else on...
well i said that i would update the story and thank goodness i was able too...with all the school work i had to do this week i didn't have time to work on any of my personal writing projects until last nite...and it wasn't for long...
but NE ways...here would be the link to the update i promised all of you...i hope you enjoy!...happy reading!...
PS. it's a dreary outside...maybe i'll play in the rain later...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
girls kick butt!...
well it's official...my computer at home is a piece of crap... *grumbles to self* ...stupid computers...they're all against me!!!...first i couldn't even sign in to MyOtaku...then later on when i tried again i was able to sign in...but i couldn't comment for crap...i think the computer's dying... *pouts*
one of the good things about school computers...but i shall not be going to school for much longer...i have about two to three weeks lefto of school...so hopefully the problem shall be fixed quickly...in the meantime... *looks down* ...
 | You scored as TenTen. You’re TenTen, a weapon specialist.
You’re pretty and sweet, but one shouldn’t take you just as a ditzy girl. Having mastered different weapons you’re quite dangerous. You fight for equality – after all, girls can be excellent ninjas too. Your goal is to be strong and respected.
TenTen | | 81% | Kakashi | | 75% | Neji | | 69% | Rock Lee | | 63% | Hinata | | 63% | Shikamaru | | 63% | Iruka | | 63% | Genma | | 50% | Sasuke | | 50% | Naruto | | 44% |
Which Naruto ninja are you most like? created with QuizFarm.com |
PS. a story update tomorrow...hopefully...
I love Ren & Hao.

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