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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
i hate computers...
i couldn't comment yesterday and it looks like i can't today either...i'm really starting to get annoyed with my computer...sometimes i just wanna take a sledgehammer to it...it'd be a nice way to take out all my aggression...
on the plus side i think i'll start posting my story soon...don't worry i'll provide the link as always...i think i'll update it once every week unless there is a great demand for the next chapter...i haven't actually divided the story into chapters yet but i'll just wing it...
PS. have a nice day everyone! ^-^
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, March 7, 2005
...sometimes i think i live in a cage...
that was a wonderful dream...well the beginning of it was...i was walking around the neighborhood...and there were no pved streets or gravel roads...just the grass beneath my feet leading the way home (came up with that all by myself)...i felt so free...i guess that's what i get for watching "Their Eyes Were Watching God" right before bed...
then everything changed...it was nite time...and Okaasan was taking me somewhere...someone's house...a particular person's house...why she was doing that i have no clue...i won't bore u with the details...but we all ended up playing some weird game of b-ball in the middle of the night...Jenny, Kenneth, Donna, and someone else was in the dream...then of course there was the person who's house we went too...tis when i woke up...interesting no?...
well yesterday was fun...another movie day...but just for me...i did get to watch "dodgeball" with Okaasan...she thought that was funny...but she had to go talk to someone so she didn't watch the other movies with me...watched "October Sky" too...all about the Rocket Boys...i was watching "Sea Biscut" when Big Bro came home...he joined me in watching "The Terminal"...all in all good day...
well, currently my computer is acting like a spoiled brat...so i can't do my rounds of comments on ur sites today...apologies my friends!...i'll try again later...
PS. i just wanna be free...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, March 6, 2005
fun, fun, fun...
methinks i have the stomach flu again...cuz it's hurting like a biotch right now... *sighs* ...there's always something wrong with me isn't there?...
finally got me a hair cut...i just have to say one thing about it: it's about damn time...that thing was getting in the way of everything...by the way my hair was long...down to my butt crack (to be blunt about it)...and now it's only a few inches past my shoulders...ah, less weight on my poor head!...
had a movie day with the family too(technically it was just with mom but big brother joined in at some point in the day)...watched "Johnny English" which was hilarious...and we were watching "Troy" when she got a phone call (that's when Big Bro joined!)...so she missed the middle part of the movie...but at least she caught the end of it...no biggie...she said she didn't like fighting movies NE ways...and we've been meaning to have a movie day for a few weeks now...
PS. now if only I had my coffee. *mug of coffee appears* ah, there we go. ^-^
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, March 5, 2005
early morning rambles...
guess what?...Jessica Alba's coming out with a new movie where she plays a stripper...she'll make a nice stripper don't u think?...
so i had a dream last nite...it was about some kind of school...i guess it was high school cuz Sketch was there (and that sexy boy had his shirt off)...but i was always late to this one class...so one day i decided to skip it and just go home...well on my way home a tornado formed right in front of me...and then it mysteriously & suddenly disappeared...
towards the end of the dream my classmates were singing this song with the most lovely melody...i wake up to find out that the melody was from one of my mom's azn soap operas that she was watching early in the morning...go figure...
if you read this
you must post a memory of me
it can be anything you want
it can be good or bad
just so long as it happened
then post this to your xanga
and see what people remember about you
PS. hm...what to do now?...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, March 4, 2005
the sun is shining...
ah, KC weather...so unpredictable...but then again there's a lot of things that can be unpredictable...like today...i finally saw mama Donna...got to talk to her for a good 15 minutes til she had to go to class...twas nice...
and the knee seems to be acting up again...and it's friend the headache decided to join in on the party...now that i mention it my stomach's not too happy either...oh the pain...aspirin here i come!!!...
but here's some good news...editing report: guess what?...100% done with editing...YAY!!!...all i have to say is FINALLY!...took me long enough huh?...now if only i could seperate them into chapters... *sighs* ...if it's not one thing it's another...close one door open another...o well...shouldn't be that hard to divide things up...right?...
if you read this
you must post a memory of me
it can be anything you want
it can be good or bad
just so long as it happened
then post this to your site
and see what people remember about you
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, March 3, 2005
today feels like a good day...
hm...didn't post yesterday...came home a little late (about 5, not that late) and just didn't feel like it... *shrugs* ...
so there was a fire in the parking garage at school yesterday morning...the fire trucks were there with the ladder and everything cuz they couldn't fit into the parking building...with all those cars jammed together u would think the school would make it accessable to the proper help...i guess not...
i convinced Ryoko-san to skip her Ecology class again yesterday too...and she thought she was a bad influence on me...i guess the tables have turned...getting her dad to worry about her a little was an added bonus...see Ryoko, he does care about u... ^-^
NE ways we spent the day talking about anything and everything under the sun like last time (sans pizza cuz we po')...always end up losing track of time when we do that though...tis probably why i didn't leave campus til around 4:15-4:30...o well...
hanging out today too...why?...cuz she has freetime from 9:40-1:30 (between her conference & lab practical) and i have freetime from 11:30-2:30 (between my conference and next class)...that gives us...at good 2 hours to chillax (i'm starting to like that word), hang out, and be...best friends...
editing report: on page 48 out of 53...meaning i'm 91% done...yeah i know it's been a while since i edited the story but at least i'm trying...
PS. let's chillax!
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
...i have a headache...
makes me think that it was a good thing i decided to stay home from school today...my head is painfully throbbing...
well no Shaman King eppies...instead i watched "Troy"...gotta love men in metal skirts...so nice me watch it twice... ^-^
tried to do some editing last nite...but i gave up on that...had other things to do...plus i guess the whole movie watching took some of my time...nothing wrong with that...
PS. time for lil old me to take some aspirin...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, February 28, 2005
no sweat...
well it seems i got another comment on one of my other fanarts about my drawing...really these pplz can't seem to get the concept of "constructive comments"...but oh well...like they always say: those who can't, critique... ^-^
had nothing to do...so i watched "The Terminal" with Tom Hanks...good movie...
i forgot to mention the new banner i put of my 2 fave anime guys...Tao Ren & Asakura Hao...what could be better than that?...
other than that, nothing much to say...i think i'll take a shower and then watched some episodes of Shaman King that i taped...
PS. it's so nice when u don't stress over the little stuff...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, February 27, 2005
how rude...
thanks for the comments on my fanart pplz...but i got one in particular that pissed me off...they actually said that i couldn't draw...whatever happened to giving constructive comments?...oh well...u can't please them all...
well aside from that nothing much to report...did a little bit of editing...worked a little bit on my scrapbook too...then i realized that i should've spent that time doing my schoolwork...gotta work on my time management skills...
PS. *click, click, click* goes the keyboard...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, February 26, 2005
not for everyone...
so i drove for the first time in three months...or at least tried...pathetic how a person my age still doesn't know how to drive...i have a strong belief that driving isn't meant for everyone...and i think i'm one of those pplz...it just weirds me out...while all my friends were talking about how cool it was i was thinking of how freaked out i would be... *sighs* ...
on a lighter note...i scanned the picture i drew in class (the one not in my sketchbook) along with a picture that i did remember to draw in my sketchbook...so take a look at them and tell me what u think...keep in mind i did a terrible job on the feet...
PS. ...what?...
I love Ren & Hao.

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